Montgomery/ENV 200 1 ENV 200 Cities and the Environment Examination #2 - Review Sheet The exam is scheduled for Monday, February 28. The exam may consist of multiple choice, matching, fillin-the blank, and definitely some short answer and/or essay questions. The exam will cover the following lectures: Lectures Geology and the Urban Environment: Water Supply and Use Impacts of Urbanization on the Hydrologic Cycle Urban Water Quality Water Purification Definitions Hydrosphere, hydrological cycle, hydrology, evaporation, transpiration, condensation, precipitation, surface runoff, overland flow, streamflow, infiltration, stream, river, channel, valley, discharge (Q), streamlines, laminar flow, turbulent flow, load, bed load, suspended load, dissolved load, erosion, deposition, alluvium, floodplain, point bar, oxbow lake, watershed, divide, groundwater, zone of aeration, saturated zone, water table, porosity, permeability, percolation, recharge, discharge, aquifer, confined aquifer, unconfined aquifer, cone of depression, influent stream, effluent stream, flooding, stage, crest, upstream flood, downstream flood, maximum stage, maximum discharge, hydrograph, lag time, channelization, flood capacity, levee, stormsewer, detention basin, retention basin, pollution. pure water,water pollutant, water quality, biochemical oxygen demand, Coliform, eutrophication, eutrophic ecosystem, oligotrophic ecosystem, cultural eutrophication, point-source pollution, non-point source pollution, primary wastewater treatment, secondary wastewater treatment, advanced wastewater treatment Lecture - Geology and the Urban Environment: Water Supply and Use 1. Be able to draw and describe all of the processes in the hydrologic cycle. 2. Discuss the factors that control stream behavior 3. Discuss the types of stream channels 4. Discuss the various types of stream deposits 5. Discuss how groundwater moves 6. Discuss the controls on porosity 7. Discuss the seasonal changes that affect the height of the water table 8. Discuss how a cone of depression forms 9. Discuss the differences between confined and unconfined aquifers Lecture – Impacts of Urbanization on the Hydrologic Cycle 1. The volume of a stream channel is directly related to what one important factor? 2. Discuss the factors that govern flood severity 3. Discuss the factors that control or influence infiltration 4. Be able to compute discharge (Q) given cross-sectional area (CSA) and water velocity (V) 5. Discuss the relationship between infiltration capacity and time. Note: this was presented as a graph in the notes. 6. Discuss the hydrograph characteristics of both upstream and downstream floods 7. Be able to draw an idealized stream hydrograph and label all of its parts 8. List the two main types of urban modifications on the hydrologic cycle 9. Discuss in detail the various stormwater mitigation methods associated with creation of impervious surfaces (rooftops, pavement, etc.) 10. Discuss reasons for floodplain occupation 11. Discuss the goals of stormwater mitigation Montgomery/ENV 200 2 12. Discuss the environmental impacts of: a. dams b. channelization c. levees d. detention/retention basins e. created/restored wetlands 13. What are some methods for mitigating stormwater runoff from rooftops? 14. What are some methods for controlling/promoting on-site infiltration? 15. What are some methods for controlling stormwater runoff from roads and parking lots? 16. Discuss the stormsewer system, particularly the difference(s) between separated and combined sewer systems 17. Discuss the impacts of stormsewers on a hydrograph? 18. Discuss the relationship between peak rainfall, peak stream discharge (Q), and lag time. How does creation of impervious surface affect the storm hydrograph? Lecture – Urban Water Quality 1. Why is water pollution a relative term? 2. What are the sources of urban water pollutants 3. What are some signs of water pollution? 4. What are the various classes of water pollutants? 5. What factors control the amount of dissolved oxygen (DO) in streams? 6. What are some sources of oxygen-demanding wastes (ODW)? 7. What is the link between ODW, DO, and BOD? 8. What is the relationship between water temperature and DO? 9. How is BOD measured? 10. Draw and discuss the oxygen sag curve. This was given in the notes. 11. Discuss the environmental impacts of ODW 12. List some common plant nutrients 13. What factors control nutrient supply in watersheds? 14. What are the signs and sources of cultural eutrophication? 15. Discuss the environmental impacts of cultural eutrophication? 16. What are the sources of cultural eutrophication? 17. What are some sources and types of pathogens? 18. Where are Coliform bacteria naturally found? 20. How can pathogens be controlled? 21. What are some water-borne diseases transmitted by pathogens? 22. What are the factors that control the amount of soil erosion? 23. What are the environmental impacts of sediment in water? 24. What are sources of heat in waterways? 25. What are the environmental impacts of heat? How does a thermal blanket form? 26. Give examples of SOCs 27. Discuss how biological amplification occurs 28. What are the environmental impacts of SOCs? Lecture – Water Purification and Wastewater Treatment 1. Discuss the steps in the water purification process 2. Why are alum and chlorine added to drinking water during the purification process? 3. Discuss how a septic tank system works 4. Discuss how lagoons (stabilization ponds) work 5. Discuss processes in conventional sewage treatment. Be sure to discuss all of the steps in primary and secondary treatment (including trickling filters and activated sludge) 6. Discuss some advanced treatment (tertiary) processes 7. Discuss some of the ways that sludge can be disposed. 8. Discuss the federal water quality protection laws