Please use the following format for the course syllabi (2 pages maximum in Times New Roman 12 point font) 1. Course number and name 2. Credits and contact hours 3. Instructor’s or course coordinator’s name 4. Text book, title, author, and year a. other supplemental materials 5. Specific course information a. brief description of the content of the course (catalog description) b. prerequisites or co-requisites c. indicate whether a required, elective, or selected elective (as per Table 5-1) course in the program 6. Specific goals for the course a. specific outcomes of instruction, ex. The student will be able to explain the significance of current research about a particular topic. b. explicitly indicate which of the student outcomes listed in Criterion 3 or any other outcomes are addressed by the course. 7. Brief list of topics to be covered 1. Course number and name: CE 460 – Advanced Hydrology 2. Credits and contact hours: Credits: 3; Contact Hours: 3 50-minutes classes per week 3. Instructor’s or course coordinator’s name: Michael E. Barber, Spring, 2013 4. Text book: Hydrology and Floodplain Analysis 5th edition, Philip Bedient, Wayne Huber, and Baxter Vieux. Prentice Hall, 2012. 5. Specific course information a. Catalog Description: CE 460 – Advanced Hydrology 3. Course Prerequisite CE 351. Components of the hydrologic cycle; conceptual models; watershed characteristics; probability/statistics in data analysis; hydrographs; computer models; and design applications. Credit not grated for both CE 460 and 560. b. Prerequisite(s): CE 351 – Water Resources Engineering c. Elective 6. Specific goals for the course a. Outcomes of instruction 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. To enable students to understand the fundamental principles of surface water hydrology. To apply those principles to the solution of real-world problems in design. To introduce students to relevant software packages for surface water runoff. To develop an understanding of integrated water resources management. To enhance students’ ability to work both independently and in teams. b. Student outcomes addressed by this course: Outcome (1) A firm foundation and knowledge of mathematics, science & engineering principles and the ability to apply the knowledge (Outcome a) (3) An ability to design a component system, or process to meet desired needs and imposed constraints (Outcome c) (4) The ability to think logically, critically and creatively (Outcome d) (6) The ability to identify, formulate and solve civil Role of CE 460 Basic topics involving precipitation, infiltration, evaporation, and overland flow are taught building on introduction presented in CE 351 class (Water Resources Engineering). Students are required to complete homework for each of the topics described above. Homework and lectures designed to teach fundamentals of hydrology while promoting use of web-based data. Exams evaluate students’ knowledge regarding the practical application of the hydrologic cycle including computations involving all aspects of surface water runoff. Open-ended design projects require students to determine location and size of stormwater collection facilities, e.g. pipes, grates, detention ponds, erosion control structures. Homeworks are assigned to promote these concepts. Design project is very open-ended with teams coming up with different engineering problems (Outcome e) (7) The ability to use appropriate modern techniques, skills and tools, including computer applications, necessary for engineering practice (Outcome k) (8) An understanding of professional ethics & integrity and an engineer’s responsibilities to the profession and society (Outcome f) (9) Ability to communicate effectively in written, oral, and graphical forms (Outcome g) (10) Awareness and understanding of the impact of engineering on global & societal issues (Outcome h) (11) A knowledge of contemporary issues (Outcome j) (12) Recognition of the importance of life-long learning (Outcome i) viable solutions to the same problem. Students are asked to explain their assumptions with respect to which hydrograph technique, or runoff factor, or infiltration procedure they used. State-of-the-art computer programs such as HEC-HMS and WWHM are taught and used to complete runoff hydrograph and stream routing computations. Students are asked to develop spreadsheet models to perform certain calculations. Discussion and assignments related to examining the impact of coefficient selection in the sizing of bridges, canals, pipes and the problems associated with failure. The roles of contractor, developer, regulator, and engineer are discussed. A couple of assignments required written evaluation of reports. Group project requires a team of 3 to 4 students to work together to solve a design and turn in written report and give oral presentation. Numerous home works require data to be plotted and analyzed. Principle applications of hydrologic cycle applied to land development and flood control. Urban stormwater design discusses trade-offs of cost versus benefits both in terms of economic and environmental. Many stormwater problems are presented in context of protecting aquatic species as well as simple flood control. Examples using King County (Seattle) and Portland areas tied to salmon protection and stream restoration. Global climate change impacts in the Pacific Northwest are discussed with specific focus on Columbia River treaty implications to U.S. and Canada. Discussion of new research and journal articles included. References are made to professional short courses available that go beyond the amount of material that can be presented in a class are given. The need to keep professional registration current once obtained is also discussed. 7. Topics: 1. Hydrologic cycle and contemporary issues related to climate change 2. Precipitation, evaporation, infiltration calculations 3. Surface water runoff quantity and quality 4. Urban hydrology 5. Flow routing 6. Computer models for runoff prediction and stormwater management 7. Design applications for stormwater collection and retention Prepared by: Michael Barber, January 2013