First World War material:

The Leeds Local & Family History Library
2nd Floor
Leeds Central Library
Calverley Street
Tel/Fax: 0113 247 8290
First World War material:
General material:
1) Newspapers – Yorkshire Post, Yorkshire Evening Post, Leeds Mercury,
Yorkshire Evening News; a list of our main holdings can be found on our
website: The remainder of our collection is
catalogued in our card catalogue which can be consulted in the library.
Although we don’t have a complete index to our newspapers, we do have
partial index which is available to search online via
2) Photographs – Our collection of Leeds photographs can be view online:
3) Yorkshire and Leeds periodicals – we have a large collection of Leeds and
Yorkshire periodicals covering a wide verity of subject matter.
4) School magazines – We have a collection of school magazines covering the
war years, e.g. Leeds Grammar School
5) General ephemera relating to Leeds and Yorkshire cultural, social and
political events.
6) Playbills - we have a large collection of playbills for Leeds theatres, covering
the war years, and these are available to view online: We also have a collection that has not yet been
put online, which includes playbills from the war year for the Assembly Rooms
and Leeds Coliseum. This particular collection can be consulted in the Local
and Family History Library (class mark: QL7A).
7) Local government material – Leeds City Council Annual Accounts;
Education Committee proceedings; Council Proceedings (minutes of
committee meetings); Annual Reports of the different council committees and
the Reports of the Leeds Medical Office of Health (1911 -16 & 1918 onwards).
All of this material is in bound volumes on the open shelves in the Local &
Family History reading room.
8) Trade directories
9) Electoral registers - Absent Voters List for Leeds (as per the boundaries at
this time).
10) Ancestry website – This site gives access to WW1 service records, pension
records and medal cards. The Ancestry website can be accessed in all Leeds
Libraries, including the Local & Family History Library, with the use of a library
11) Maps – Large collection of Leeds and Yorkshire OS maps dating back to
1850s. We also have a collection of non OS map, e.g. Leeds Civic Survey
Maps, dated 1917.
12) Published histories – local histories covering different parts of Leeds plus
histories of local institutions, organisations, industries, transport,
entertainment, etc
13) Annual reports – annual reports belonging to local charitable organisations
and institutions in Leeds.
Special Collections:
1) Record of the National Ordnance Factories, Leeds 1915 – 18, Archibald, R.H.
(Compiler) – Class mark SRQ 623.4 AR22
2) Leeds Flag Day Committee – Committee matters (10 vols.) - Class mark:
SRQ 369 L517
3) Leeds War Memorial - Class mark: SRQ 940.46 NEW
4) A ‘Leeds Pal’: memoirs , A.V. Pearson – Class mark SR 940.481 P317
5) Summoned by duty: autobiography in verse, A.V. Person – Class mark: SR
812 91 P317
6) The Great European War, Gledhow Hall Hospital – Class mark: SRQ 940 476
7) Leeds in the Great War, W.H. Scott – Class mark: SR 940.3 SCO 86
8) Elsie Mary Watts, photographic album, etc.- SRQ 926.158 W349
9) History & Record of Barnbow Filling Factory, R.H. Gummer – Class mark:
SRQ 623.45 G953
10) Material of the 7th and 8th Battalions West Yorkshire Regiment 1914/18 War Class mark: SRQ 940 41 MAY
11) Leeds Pals newspaper cuttings – SRF(Reading Room), 2 volumes
Other material:
1) Leeds in the Great War 1914 – 18: A book of remembrance, W.H. Scott (Pub.
The Libraries and Arts Committee: 1923)
2) National Roll of Honour
3) “Soldiers died in the Great War” CD Rom
4) Calverley – Joint Memorial Service of Remembrance – order of service –
Class mark LP C139 (940)
5) Remembrance Festival Nov. 11th 1929 – Class mark: LQP 940.3 D143
6) Leeds Jewry & The Great War, Nigel Grizzard – Class mark: LP 296 G889
7) The Story of Barnbow, R.H. Gummer – Class mark: L623.45 G953
8) Leeds and the European War News cuttings – Class mark: LQ 940.3 L517
9) TNT Tales and a few food fancies, T.A. Lamb – Class mark: 823.91 L16L
10) Leeds City Council- War Savings Committee- Class mark: LP 940.3 L517
11) Leeds Flag day Committee – Class mark: L369 L517
12) Leeds at War, James M. Hagerty – Class mark: L940. 53 H122
13) Leeds Lady Mayoress Committee - Class mark: LP 940.3 L517
14) Leeds War Hospital Supply Depot - Class mark: LP 361.53 L517
15) Leeds Territorial Hospital Journal – Class mark: L 940 476 L517
16) Leeds War Memorial – Class mark: LQP 940.465 L517/LQ 940.465 L517
17) Leeds Pals, Laurie Milner – Class mark: LQ 356.11 W52
18) Album of photographs of 2nd Battalion, C.R.H. Pickard - Class mark: LF 940.3
19) Shell Magazine – Class mark: L623.45 SH43
20) West Yorkshire Regiment, Official war diaries - Class mark: MIC 356.11 W52
21) Impressions of a trip to France, A.W. Willey – Class mark P 940.481 W66L
22) Leeds Modern School – memorial of Old Boys – Class mark: L 940.467 L517
The Local & Family History Library is in the process of retrospectively cataloguing its
stock to go onto the library’s online catalogue:
Consequently, a large portion of our collection still remains catalogued in our various
card catalogues, and therefore it will be necessary to visit or contact the library at the
above contact details to discover the true breadth of our Leeds and Yorkshire