Instytut Chemii Zakład Chemii Analitycznej CYTOWANIA Science Citation Index Expanded 1996-2001 oprac. Aneta Drabek, Tomasz Zięba Biblioteka Uniwersytetu Śląskiego Katowice, 2002 1996 Mark list -- Web of Science v4.31 Record 1 of 50 Author(s): Habler O; Kleen M; Takenaka S; Leiderer R; Pusch R; Welte M; Zwissler B; Messmer K Title: Eight hours' inhalation of prostacyclin (PGI(2)) in healthy lambs: Effects on tracheal, bronchial, and alveolar morphology Source: INTENSIVE CARE MEDICINE 1996, Vol 22, Iss 11, pp 1232-1238 Language: English Document Type: Article No. cited references: 22 Addresses: Habler O, UNIV MUNICH,INST SURG RES,MARCHIONINISTR 15,D-81366 MUNICH,GERMANY UNIV MUNICH,INST ANESTHESIOL,MUNICH,GERMANY CTR ENVIRONM & MED RES,PROJEKT INHALAT,MUNICH,GERMANY JOHN E-1982-BR-J-EXP-PATHOL-V63-P401 Times Cited: 6 ------------------------------------------------Record 2 of 50 Author(s): Swislocka R; SikorskaTomicka H Title: Extraction-spectrophotometric determination of uric acid Source: CHEMIA ANALITYCZNA 1996, Vol 41, Iss 5, pp 793-800 Language: English Document Type: Article No. cited references: 16 Addresses: Swislocka R, BIALYSTOK TECH UNIV,DEPT CHEM,PL-15351 BIALYSTOK,POLAND BUHL F-1987-ACTA-POL-PHARM-V44-P532 BUHL F-1981-CHEM-ANAL-V26-P395 BUHL F-1987-CHEM-ANAL-WARSAW-V32-P1005 KANIA K-1990-1119-SIL-U-KAT-P7 Times Cited: 1 ------------------------------------------------Record 3 of 50 Author(s): Hincha DK; Crowe JH Title: The lytic activity of the bee venom peptide melittin is strongly reduced by the presence of negatively charged phospholipids or chloroplast galactolipids in the membranes of phosphatidylcholine large unilamellar vesicles Source: BIOCHIMICA ET BIOPHYSICA ACTA-BIOMEMBRANES 1996, Vol 1284, Iss 2, pp 162-170 Language: English Document Type: Article No. cited references: 47 Addresses: Hincha DK, FREE UNIV BERLIN,INST PFLANZENPHYSIOL & MIKROBIOL,KONIGIN LUISE STR 12-16,D-14195 BERLIN,GERMANY UNIV CALIF DAVIS,SECT MOL & CELLULAR BIOL,DAVIS,CA 95616 JOHN E-1991-BIOPHYS-J-V60-P319 Times Cited: 11 ------------------------------------------------Record 4 of 50 Author(s): Korpimaki E; Krebs CJ Title: Predation and population cycles of small mammals - A reassessment of the predation hypothesis Source: BIOSCIENCE 1996, Vol 46, Iss 10, pp 754-764 Language: English Document Type: Article No. cited references: 85 Addresses: Korpimaki E, UNIV TURKU,DEPT BIOL,FIN-20500 TURKU,FINLAND UNIV BRITISH COLUMBIA,DEPT ZOOL,VANCOUVER,BC V6T 1Z4,CANADA JOHN E-1995-J-ECOL-V83-P581 Times Cited: 59 ------------------------------------------------Record 5 of 50 Author(s): Kubicek CP Title: Developments in biotechnological research in Austria Source: CRITICAL REVIEWS IN BIOTECHNOLOGY 1996, Vol 16, Iss 3, pp 217-255 Language: English Document Type: Review No. cited references: 237 Addresses: Kubicek CP, UNIV TECHNOL VIENNA,SECT MICROBIAL BIOCHEM,INST BIOCHEM TECHNOL & MICROBIOL,A-1060 VIENNA,AUSTRIA JOHN E-1992-APPL-MICROBIOL-BIOT-V38-P214 Times Cited: 0 ------------------------------------------------Record 6 of 50 Author(s): Shimada S Title: Free-volume formation and relaxation in a poly(ethylene oxide) poly(methyl methacrylate) blend .1. Detection by the spin label method Source: POLYMER JOURNAL 1996, Vol 28, Iss 8, pp 647-654 Language: English Document Type: Article No. cited references: 15 Addresses: Shimada S, NAGOYA INST TECHNOL,SHOWA KU,GOKISO CHO,NAGOYA,AICHI 466,JAPAN JOHN E-1990-J-POLYM-SCI-POL-CHEM-V28-P385 Times Cited: 1 ------------------------------------------------Record 7 of 50 Author(s): Escudero A Title: Community patterns on exposed cliffs in a Mediterranean calcareous mountain Source: VEGETATIO 1996, Vol 125, Iss 1, pp 99-110 Language: English Document Type: Article No. cited references: 63 Addresses: Escudero A, UNIV POLITECN MADRID,EUIT AGR,DEPT BIOL VEGETAL,E-28040 MADRID,SPAIN JOHN E-1990-J-VEG-SCI-V1-P385 Times Cited: 1 ------------------------------------------------Record 8 of 50 Author(s): Manseau M; Huot J; Crete M Title: Effects of summer grazing by caribou on composition and productivity of vegetation: Community and landscape level Source: JOURNAL OF ECOLOGY 1996, Vol 84, Iss 4, pp 503-513 Language: English Document Type: Article No. cited references: 52 Addresses: Manseau M, UNIV LAVAL,CTR ETUD NORD,ST FOY,PQ G1K 7P4,CANADA UNIV LAVAL,DEPT BIOL,ST FOY,PQ G1K 7P4,CANADA MINIST ENVIRONM & FAUNE,SERV FAUNE TERR,QUEBEC CITY,PQ G1R 4Y1,CANADA JOHN E-1995-J-ECOL-V83-P581 Times Cited: 21 ------------------------------------------------Record 9 of 50 Author(s): Qi P; Muddukrishna SN; TorokBoth R; Rahn J; Chen A Title: Direct (99)mTc-labeling of antibodies by sodium dithionite reduction, and role of ascorbate as a stabilizer in cysteine challenge Source: NUCLEAR MEDICINE AND BIOLOGY 1996, Vol 23, Iss 6, pp 827-835 Language: English Document Type: Article No. cited references: 18 Addresses: Qi P, BIOMIRA INC,EDMONTON RES PK,2011-94 ST,EDMONTON,AB T6N 1H1,CANADA JOHN E-1994-J-NUCL-MED-V35-P876 Times Cited: 2 ------------------------------------------------Record 10 of 50 Author(s): Kester HCM; KustersVanSomeren MA; Muller Y; Visser J Title: Primary structure and characterization of an exopolygalacturonase from Aspergillus tubingensis Source: EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF BIOCHEMISTRY 1996, Vol 240, Iss 3, pp 738-746 Language: English Document Type: Article No. cited references: 49 Addresses: AGR UNIV WAGENINGEN,SECT MOL GENET IND MICROORGANIMS,NL-6703 HA WAGENINGEN,NETHERLANDS KITA A-1991-AGR-BIOL-CHEM-TOKYO-V55-P2327 Times Cited: 23 ------------------------------------------------Record 11 of 50 Author(s): Blondelle SE; Houghten RA; PerezPaya E Title: All D-amino acid hexapeptide inhibitors of melittin's cytolytic activity derived from synthetic combinatorial libraries Source: JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR RECOGNITION 1996, Vol 9, Iss 2, pp 163-168 Language: English Document Type: Article No. cited references: 45 Addresses: TORREY PINES INST MOL STUDIES,SAN DIEGO,CA 92121 UNIV VALENCIA,DEPT BIOQUIM & BIOL MOL,E-46100 BURJASSOT,VALENCIA,SPAIN JOHN E-1991-BIOPHYS-J-V60-P319 Times Cited: 4 ------------------------------------------------Record 12 of 50 Author(s): Gron T; Wolff J; Hehenkamp T; Barner K; OkonskaKozlowska I; Jendrzejewska I; Malicka E Title: Positron annihilation studies in single and polycrystals of Zn1-xCuxCr2Se4 spinel series Source: RADIATION EFFECTS AND DEFECTS IN SOLIDS 1996, Vol 139, Iss 2, pp 97-107 Language: English Document Type: Article No. cited references: 29 Addresses: Gron T, UNIV GOTTINGEN,INST PHYS 4,BUNSENSTR 13-15,D-37073 GOTTINGEN,GERMANY UNIV GOTTINGEN,INST MET PHYS,D-37073 GOTTINGEN,GERMANY SILESIAN UNIV,INST CHEM,PL-40006 KATOWICE,POLAND JURCZYK J-1993-CHEM-ANAL-WARSAW-V38-P519 Times Cited: 3 ------------------------------------------------Record 13 of 50 Author(s): Rudenko SV; Nipot EE Title: Protection by chlorpromazine, albumin and bivalent cations against haemolysis induced by melittin, [Ala-14]melittin and whole bee venom Source: BIOCHEMICAL JOURNAL 1996, Vol 317, pp 747-754 Language: English Document Type: Article No. cited references: 46 Addresses: Rudenko SV, NATL ACAD SCI UKRAINE,INST PROBLEMS CRYOBIOL & CRYOMED,PEREYASLAVSKAYA STR 23,UA-310015 KHARKOV,UKRAINE JOHN E-1992-BIOPHYS-J-V63-P1536 Times Cited: 2 ------------------------------------------------Record 14 of 50 Author(s): Knott VJ; Telner JI; Lapierre YD; Browne M; Horn ER Title: Quantitative EEG in the prediction of antidepressant response to imipramine Source: JOURNAL OF AFFECTIVE DISORDERS 1996, Vol 39, Iss 3, pp 175-184 Language: English Document Type: Article No. cited references: 43 Addresses: Knott VJ, UNIV OTTAWA,DEPT PSYCHIAT,1145 CARLING AVE,OTTAWA,ON K1Z 7K4,CANADA ROYAL OTTAWA HOSP,OTTAWA,ON K1Z 7K4,CANADA JOHN E-1987-EEG-HDB-V1 Times Cited: 8 ------------------------------------------------Record 15 of 50 Author(s): Radhakrishnan S; Venkatachalapathy PD Title: Effect of casting solvent on the crystallization in PEO/PMMA blends Source: POLYMER 1996, Vol 37, Iss 16, pp 3749-3752 Language: English Document Type: Article No. cited references: 18 Addresses: Radhakrishnan S, NATL CHEM LAB,PUNE 411008,MAHARASHTRA,INDIA JOHN E-1990-J-POLYM-SCI-POL-CHEM-V28-P385 Times Cited: 5 ------------------------------------------------Record 16 of 50 Author(s): Escobar NI; Morales A; Nunez G Title: Micromethod for quantification of SH groups generated after reduction of monoclonal antibodies Source: NUCLEAR MEDICINE AND BIOLOGY 1996, Vol 23, Iss 5, pp 641-644 Language: English Document Type: Article No. cited references: 23 Addresses: Escobar NI, CTR MOL IMMUNOL,POB 16040,HAVANA 11600,CUBA JOHN E-1994-J-NUCL-MED-V35-P876 Times Cited: 2 ------------------------------------------------Record 17 of 50 Author(s): RowanRobinson J; Ross A; Walton W; Rothnie J Title: Public access to environmental information: A means to what end? Source: JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL LAW 1996, Vol 8, Iss 1, pp 19-42 Language: English Document Type: Article No. cited references: 12 Addresses: RowanRobinson J, UNIV ABERDEEN,CTR ENVIRONM LAW & POLICY,ABERDEEN AB9 1FX,SCOTLAND JOHN E-1995-J-ENVIRON-LAW-V7-P11 Times Cited: 0 ------------------------------------------------Record 18 of 50 Author(s): Khawli LA; Glasky MS; Alauddin MM; Epstein AL Title: Improved tumor localization and radioimaging with chemically modified monoclonal antibodies Source: CANCER BIOTHERAPY AND RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS 1996, Vol 11, Iss 3, pp 203-215 Language: English Document Type: Article No. cited references: 45 Addresses: UNIV SO CALIF,SCH MED,DEPT PATHOL,LOS ANGELES,CA 90033 UNIV SO CALIF,SCH MED,DEPT RADIOL,LOS ANGELES,CA 90033 JOHN E-1994-J-NUCL-MED-V35-P876 Times Cited: 5 ------------------------------------------------Record 20 of 50 Author(s): Ozkan H; Ay N; Ozaksoy D; Ercal D; Erata Y; Durak H; Evyapan O; Toprak S Title: Congenital chylothorax Source: TURKISH JOURNAL OF PEDIATRICS 1996, Vol 38, Iss 1, pp 113-117 Language: English Document Type: Article No. cited references: 19 Addresses: Ozkan H, DOKUZ EYLUL UNIV,FAC MED,DEPT PEDIAT,IZMIR,TURKEY JOHN E-1974-MED-J-AUSTRALIA-V1-P102 Times Cited: 2 ------------------------------------------------Record 21 of 50 Author(s): Kotts CE; Su FM; Leddy C; Dodd T; Scates S; Shalaby MR; Wirth CM; Giltinan D; Schroff RW; Fritzberg AR; Shepard HM; Slamon DJ; Hutchins BM Title: (186)re-labeled antibodies to p185(HER2) as HER2-targeted radioimmunopharmaceutical agents: Comparison of physical and biological characteristics with I-125 and I-131-labeled counterparts Source: CANCER BIOTHERAPY AND RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS 1996, Vol 11, Iss 2, pp 133-144 Language: English Document Type: Article No. cited references: 43 Addresses: Kotts CE, GENENTECH INC,DEPT BIOANALYT TECHNOL,MAIL ZONE 65,460 POINT SAN BRUNO BLVD,S SAN FRANCISCO,CA 94080 GENENTECH INC,DEPT BIOSTAT,S SAN FRANCISCO,CA 94080 NEORX CORP,DEPT CLIN LABELING & TECH SERVICESM,SEATTLE,WA 98119 CANJI INC,DEPT ANALYT TECHNOL,SAN DIEGO,CA 92121 UNIV CALIF LOS ANGELES,DEPT MED,LOS ANGELES,CA 90024 JOHN E-1993-J-NUCL-MED-V34-P260 Times Cited: 3 ------------------------------------------------Record 22 of 50 Author(s): Erk N; Onur F Title: Simultaneous spectrophotometric determination of analgin and lidocaine hydrochloride in injection solutions Source: STP PHARMA SCIENCES 1996, Vol 6, Iss 3, pp 216-220 Language: English Document Type: Article No. cited references: 31 Addresses: ANKARA UNIV,FAC PHARM,DEPT ANALYT CHEM,TANDOGAN 06100,ANKARA,TURKEY BUHL F-1981-CHEM-ANAL-V26-P395 Times Cited: 0 ------------------------------------------------- Record 23 of 50 Author(s): Ochsner M Title: Simultaneous measurement of Ca2+ transients and changes in the cell volume and microviscosity of the plasma membrane in smooth muscle cells Evaluation of the effect of formoterol Source: BIOCHEMICAL PHARMACOLOGY 1996, Vol 52, Iss 1, pp 49-63 Language: English Document Type: Article No. cited references: 81 Addresses: Ochsner M, CIBA GEIGY LTD,DEPT PHYS,KUGELFANG 40,CH-4102 BINNINGEN,SWITZERLAND JOHN E-UNPUB-COMP-BIOPHYSIC Times Cited: 2 ------------------------------------------------Record 24 of 50 Author(s): Hill JP; Laughlin LJ; Gable RW; Young CG Title: Degree and influence of MoS center dot center dot S interactions in oxo-molybdenum(VI,V,IV) complexes Source: INORGANIC CHEMISTRY 1996, Vol 35, Iss 12, pp 3447-3448 Language: English Document Type: Article No. cited references: 21 Addresses: UNIV MELBOURNE,SCH CHEM,PARKVILLE,VIC 3052,AUSTRALIA JOHN E-1986-J-AM-CHEM-SOC-V108-P5015 Times Cited: 8 ------------------------------------------------Record 25 of 50 Author(s): Walker J; Walker S; Grace A Title: Topographic quantitative evoked responses to pattern-reversal visual stimuli in patients with siliconosis following breast implantation: Objective evidence for involvement of the central nervous system as a common complication Source: INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF OCCUPATIONAL MEDICINE IMMUNOLOGY AND TOXICOLOGY 1996, Vol 5, Iss 1, pp 25-28 Language: English Document Type: Article No. cited references: 7 Addresses: NEUROTHERAPY ASSOCIATES,DALLAS,TX 75230 JOHN E-1993-BRAIN-TOPOGRAPHY JOHN ER-1993-ELECTROENCEPHALOGRAP-P989 Times Cited: 2 ------------------------------------------------Record 26 of 50 Author(s): Wisniewski MZ Title: Co(II) coordination compounds of selected sulfonamides Source: POLISH JOURNAL OF CHEMISTRY 1996, Vol 70, Iss 5, pp 662-665 Language: English Document Type: Article No. cited references: 19 Addresses: Wisniewski MZ, PEDAGOG UNIV KIELCE,INST CHEM,UL CHECINSKA 5,PL-25020 KIELCE,POLAND JOHN E-1981-J-INORG-NUCL-CHEM-V43-P325 JOHN E-1990-KOMPLEKSY-MIESZANE-P79 JOHN E-1990-POLISH-J-CHEM-V64-P63 Times Cited: 0 ------------------------------------------------Record 27 of 50 Author(s): Yuan P; Fisher PJ; Prendergast FG; Kemple MD Title: Structure and dynamics of melittin in lysomyristoyl phosphatidylcholine micelles determined by nuclear magnetic resonance Source: BIOPHYSICAL JOURNAL 1996, Vol 70, Iss 5, pp 2223-2238 Language: English Document Type: Article No. cited references: 81 Addresses: INDIANA UNIV PURDUE UNIV,DEPT PHYS,INDIANAPOLIS,IN 46202 MAYO CLIN & MAYO FDN,DEPT PHARMACOL,ROCHESTER,MN 55905 JOHN E-1991-BIOPHYS-J-V60-P319 JOHN E-1988-BIOPHYS-J-V54-P817 Times Cited: 17 ------------------------------------------------Record 28 of 50 Author(s): Yabuuchi K; Nishiyori A; Minami M; Satoh M Title: Biphasic effects of intracerebroventricular interleukin-1 beta on mechanical nociception in the rat Source: EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF PHARMACOLOGY 1996, Vol 300, Iss 1-2, pp 59-65 Language: English Document Type: Article No. cited references: 22 Addresses: KYOTO UNIV,FAC PHARMACEUT SCI,DEPT PHARMACOL,KYOTO 60601,JAPAN KYOTO UNIV,FAC PHARMACEUT SCI,DEPT MOLEC PHARMACOL,KYOTO 60601,JAPAN KITA A-1992-EUR-J-PHARMACOL-V237-P317 Times Cited: 21 ------------------------------------------------Record 29 of 50 Author(s): Li J; Duggaraju R; Maish DR; Thakur ML Title: Effect of interferon-alpha-2b on the enhancement of tumour uptake of Tc-99(m)-labelled monoclonal antibodies Source: NUCLEAR MEDICINE COMMUNICATIONS 1996, Vol 17, Iss 4, pp 346-352 Language: English Document Type: Article No. cited references: 37 Addresses: THOMAS JEFFERSON UNIV HOSP,DIV NUCL MED,DEPT RADIOL,PHILADELPHIA,PA 19107 JOHN E-1994-J-NUCL-MED-V35-P876 Times Cited: 7 ------------------------------------------------Record 30 of 50 Author(s): Ballevre L; Thonney M; Guignard JP Title: Role of nitric oxide in the hypoxemia-induced renal dysfunction of the newborn rabbit Source: PEDIATRIC RESEARCH 1996, Vol 39, Iss 4, pp 725-730 Language: English Document Type: Article No. cited references: 57 Addresses: Ballevre L, CHU VAUDOIS,SERV PEDIAT,PEDIAT NEPHROL LAB,CH-1011 LAUSANNE,SWITZERLAND JOHN E-1980-INT-J-PED-NEPHROL-V1-P167 JOHNS RA-1989-CIRC-RES-V65-P1508 Times Cited: 13 ------------------------------------------------Record 31 of 50 Author(s): Yuan H; Antholine WE; Subczynski WK; Green MA Title: Release of CuPTSM from human serum albumin after addition of fatty acids Source: JOURNAL OF INORGANIC BIOCHEMISTRY 1996, Vol 61, Iss 4, pp 251-259 Language: English Document Type: Article No. cited references: 23 Addresses: MED COLL WISCONSIN,BIOPHYS RES INST,MILWAUKEE,WI 53226 JAGIELLONIAN UNIV,INST MOLEC BIOL,DEPT BIOPHYS,KRAKOW,POLAND PURDUE UNIV,SCH PHARM,DEPT MED CHEM & PHARMACOL,W LAFAYETTE,IN 47907 JOHN E-1989-NUCL-MED-BIOL-V16-P791 JOHN EK-1990-J-MED-CHEM-V33-P1764 Times Cited: 3 ------------------------------------------------Record 32 of 50 Author(s): Sugimoto M; Suzuki Y Title: Molecular cloning, sequencing, and expression of a cDNA encoding alpha-glucosidase from Mucor javanicus Source: JOURNAL OF BIOCHEMISTRY 1996, Vol 119, Iss 3, pp 500-505 Language: English Document Type: Article No. cited references: 28 Addresses: Sugimoto M, OKAYAMA UNIV,RES INST BIORESOURCES,2-20-1 CHUO,KUROSHIKI,OKAYAMA 710,JAPAN KITA A-1991-AGR-BIOL-CHEM-TOKYO-V55-P2327 Times Cited: 14 ------------------------------------------------Record 33 of 50 Author(s): Thakur ML; Li JH; Chandy B; John EK; Gibbons G Title: Transient neutropenia: Neutrophil distribution and replacement Source: JOURNAL OF NUCLEAR MEDICINE 1996, Vol 37, Iss 3, pp 489-494 Language: English Document Type: Article No. cited references: 32 Addresses: Thakur ML, THOMAS JEFFERSON UNIV HOSP,DEPT RADIOL,1020 LOCUAST ST,RM 359,PHILADELPHIA,PA 19107 THOMAS JEFFERSON UNIV HOSP,DEPT PATHOL & CELL BIOL,PHILADELPHIA,PA 19107 JOHN E-1994-J-NUCL-MED-V35-P876 Times Cited: 3 ------------------------------------------------Record 34 of 50 Author(s): Damrongchai N; Kobatake E; Ikariyama Y; Aizawa M Title: Two-dimensional molecular assembling of calmodulin-melittin at the air-water interface Source: LANGMUIR 1996, Vol 12, Iss 5, pp 1321-1325 Language: English Document Type: Article No. cited references: 19 Addresses: TOKYO INST TECHNOL,FAC BIOSCI & BIOTECHNOL,DEPT BIOENGN,MIDORI KU,YOKOHAMA,KANAGAWA 226,JAPAN JOHN E-1988-BIOPHYS-J-V54-P817 Times Cited: 4 ------------------------------------------------Record 35 of 50 Author(s): Flach CR; Prendergast FG; Mendelsohn R Title: Infrared reflection-absorption of melittin interaction with phospholipid monolayers at the air/water interface Source: BIOPHYSICAL JOURNAL 1996, Vol 70, Iss 1, pp 539-546 Language: English Document Type: Article No. cited references: 35 Addresses: RUTGERS STATE UNIV,DEPT CHEM,NEWARK COLL,NEWARK,NJ 07102 MAYO CLIN & MAYO FDN,DEPT BIOCHEM & MOLEC BIOL,ROCHESTER,MN 55905 JOHN E-1991-BIOPHYS-J-V60-P319 Times Cited: 22 ------------------------------------------------Record 36 of 50 Author(s): Erk N; Onur F Title: Spectrophotometric simultaneous determination of analgin and hyoscine N-butyl bromide in sugar-coated tablets Source: ANALYTICAL LETTERS 1996, Vol 29, Iss 3, pp 369-380 Language: English Document Type: Article No. cited references: 28 Addresses: ANKARA UNIV,FAC PHARM,DEPT ANALYT CHEM,ANKARA 06100,TURKEY BUHL F-1981-CHEM-ANAL-V26-P395 Times Cited: 5 ------------------------------------------------Record 37 of 50 Author(s): Blondelle SE; Houghten RA; PerezPaya E Title: Identification of inhibitors of melittin using nonsupport-bound combinatorial libraries Source: JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY 1996, Vol 271, Iss 8, pp 4093-4099 Language: English Document Type: Article No. cited references: 37 Addresses: Blondelle SE, TORREY PINES INST MOLEC STUDIES,3550 GEN ATOM CT,SAN DIEGO,CA 92121 JOHN E-1991-BIOPHYS-J-V60-P319 Times Cited: 6 ------------------------------------------------Record 38 of 50 Author(s): Besedovsky HO; DelRey A Title: Immune-neuro-endocrine interactions: Facts and hypotheses Source: ENDOCRINE REVIEWS 1996, Vol 17, Iss 1, pp 64-102 Language: English Document Type: Review No. cited references: 575 Addresses: Besedovsky HO, FAC MED,INST PHYSIOL,DIV IMMUNOPHYSIOL,DEUTSCHHAUSSTR 2,D-35037 MARBURG,GERMANY JOHNSON HM-1982-P-NATL-ACAD-SCI-USA-V79-P4171 KITA A-1993-EUR-J-PHARMACOL-V237-P317 Times Cited: 368 ------------------------------------------------Record 39 of 50 Author(s): vanGog FB; Visser GWM; Klok R; vanderSchors R; Snow GB; vanDongen GAMS Title: Monoclonal antibodies labeled with rhenium-186 using the MAG3 chelate: Relationship between the number of chelated groups and biodistribution characteristics Source: JOURNAL OF NUCLEAR MEDICINE 1996, Vol 37, Iss 2, pp 352-362 Language: English Document Type: Article No. cited references: 44 Addresses: FREE UNIV AMSTERDAM,DEPT OTOLARYNGOL HEAD & NECK SURG,1081 HV AMSTERDAM,NETHERLANDS FREE UNIV AMSTERDAM,RADIOMUCLIDE CTR,1081 HV AMSTERDAM,NETHERLANDS FREE UNIV AMSTERDAM,NEUROSCI RES INST,1081 HV AMSTERDAM,NETHERLANDS JOHN E-1994-J-NUCL-MED-V35-P876 JOHN E-1993-J-NUCL-MED-V34-P260 Times Cited: 27 ------------------------------------------------Record 40 of 50 Author(s): Bradrick TD; Philippetis A; Georghiou S Title: Stopped-flow fluorometric study of the interaction of melittin with phospholipid bilayers: Importance of the physical state of the bilayer and the acyl chain length Source: BIOPHYSICAL JOURNAL 1995, Vol 69, Iss 5, pp 1999-2010 Language: English Document Type: Article No. cited references: 82 Addresses: UNIV TENNESSEE,DEPT PHYS,LAB MOLEC BIOPHYS,KNOXVILLE,TN 37996 JOHN E-1991-BIOPHYS-J-V60-P319 Times Cited: 9 ------------------------------------------------Record 41 of 50 Author(s): Vendier O; Jokerst NM; Leavitt RP Title: Thin-film inverted MSM photodetectors Source: IEEE PHOTONICS TECHNOLOGY LETTERS 1996, Vol 8, Iss 2, pp 266-268 Language: English Document Type: Article No. cited references: 17 Addresses: Vendier O, GEORGIA INST TECHNOL,SCH ELECT & COMP ENGN,MICROELECTR RES CTR,MFG RES CTR,ATLANTA,GA 30332 USA,RES LABS,DIV PHYS,ADELPHI,MD 20783 JOHN E-1994-IEEE-T-ELECTRON-DEV-V41-P162 Times Cited: 7 ------------------------------------------------Record 42 of 50 Author(s): Cao GZ; Schermer JJ; vanEnckevort WJP; Elst WALM; Giling LJ Title: Growth of {100} textured diamond films by the addition of nitrogen Source: JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS 1996, Vol 79, Iss 3, pp 1357-1364 Language: English Document Type: Article No. cited references: 56 Addresses: UNIV NIJMEGEN,MAT RES INST,6525 ED NIJMEGEN,NETHERLANDS KANIA K-1995-DIAM-RELAT-MATER-V4-P425 Times Cited: 37 ------------------------------------------------Record 43 of 50 Author(s): Johannsen B; Spies H Title: Technetium(V) chemistry as relevant to nuclear medicine Source: TECHNETIUM AND RHENIUM 1996, Vol 176, pp 77-121 Language: English Document Type: Review No. cited references: 221 Addresses: Johannsen B, FORSCHUNGSZENTRUM ROSSENDORF EV,INST BIOANORGAN & RADIOPHARMAZEUT CHEM,POB 510119,D-01314 DRESDEN,GERMANY JOHN CS-1992-POLYHEDRON-V11-P1145 JOHN E-1994-J-NUCL-MED-V35-P876 JOHNSON DL-1984-INORG-CHEM-V23-P4204 Times Cited: 17 ------------------------------------------------Record 44 of 50 Author(s): Kita A; Kasai S; Miyata M; Miki K Title: Structure of flavoprotein FP390 from a luminescent bacterium Photobacterium phosphoreum refined at 2.7 angstrom resolution Source: ACTA CRYSTALLOGRAPHICA SECTION D-BIOLOGICAL CRYSTALLOGRAPHY 1996, Vol 52, pp 77-86 Language: English Document Type: Article No. cited references: 38 Addresses: Kita A, TOKYO INST TECHNOL,RES LAB RESOURCES UTILIZAT,MIDORI KU,YOKOHAMA,KANAGAWA 227,JAPAN KYOTO UNIV,FAC SCI,DEPT CHEM,SAKYO KU,KYOTO 60601,JAPAN OSAKA CITY UNIV,FAC ENGN,DEPT BIOAPPL CHEM,SUMIYOSHI KU,OSAKA 558,JAPAN OSAKA CITY UNIV,FAC SCI,DEPT BIOL,SUMIYOSHI KU,OSAKA 558,JAPAN KITA A-1995-J-BIOCHEM-TOKYO-V117-P575 KITA A-1991-J-BIOCHEM-TOKYO-V110-P748 Times Cited: 4 ------------------------------------------------Record 45 of 50 Author(s): Malek MA; Berry DR Title: Isolation and partial characterization of yeast mannan hydrolysing enzymes from bacterial isolates Source: MICROBIOS 1995, Vol 83, Iss 337, pp 229-241 Language: English Document Type: Article No. cited references: 29 Addresses: UNIV STRATHCLYDE,DEPT BIOSCI & BIOTECHNOL,GLASGOW G1 1XW,LANARK,SCOTLAND JOHN E-1991-APPL-MICROBIOL-BIOT-V35-P60 Times Cited: 2 ------------------------------------------------Record 46 of 50 Author(s): Nataf JM Title: A direct translator from neutral model format to the SPARK simulation environment Source: ENERGY AND BUILDINGS 1995, Vol 23, Iss 2, pp 131-139 Language: English Document Type: Article No. cited references: 25 Addresses: UNIV CALIF BERKELEY,LAWRENCE BERKELEY LAB,SIMULAT RES GRP ENERGY & ENVIRONM DIV,BERKELEY,CA 94720 BUHL F-1990-3RD-P-INT-C-SYST-SIM JOHNSON SC-YACC-YET-COMPILER-CO Times Cited: 0 ------------------------------------------------Record 47 of 50 Author(s): Mugford M Title: The cost of neonatal care: Reviewing the evidence Source: SOZIAL-UND PRAVENTIVMEDIZIN 1995, Vol 40, Iss 6, pp 361-368 Language: English Document Type: Article No. cited references: 74 Addresses: Mugford M, RADCLIFFE INFIRM,NATL PERINATAL EPIDEMIOL UNIT,OXFORD OX2 6HE,ENGLAND JOHN E-1991-AUST-J-PUBLIC-HEALTH-V15-P242 JOHN E-1993-COST-NEONATAL-INTENS JOHN E-1983-MED-J-AUSTRALIA-V2-P302 Times Cited: 3 ------------------------------------------------Record 48 of 50 Author(s): Rhodes BA; 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Roenker KP Title: A thermionic-field-diffusion model for Npn bipolar heterojunction phototransistors Source: JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS 1997, Vol 82, Iss 3, pp 1427-1437 Language: English Document Type: Article No. cited references: 30 Addresses: UNIV CINCINNATI,DEPT ELECT & COMP ENGN & COMP SCI,CINCINNATI,OH 45221 JOHN E-1992-IEEE-PHOTONIC-TECH-L-V4-P10 Times Cited: 2 ------------------------------------------------Record 27 of 50 Author(s): Fuchs HM; Hof M; Mudogo V; Lawaczeck R Title: Fluorescence energy transfer on erythrocyte membranes Source: GENERAL PHYSIOLOGY AND BIOPHYSICS 1997, Vol 16, Iss 1, pp 15-28 Language: English Document Type: Article No. cited references: 26 Addresses: FREE UNIV BERLIN,INST DIAGNOST FORSCH GMBH,D-14050 BERLIN,GERMANY UNIV WURZBURG,INST PHYS CHEM,D-97074 WURZBURG,GERMANY UNIV KINSHASA,FAC SCI,KINSHASA 10,ZAIRE JOHN E-1991-BIOPHYS-J-V60-P319 Times Cited: 1 ------------------------------------------------Record 28 of 50 Author(s): Yuan YZ; Asakura K; Wan HL; 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A new method of preparing microsamples of mono- and polycrystals and of silicate rocks Source: CHEMIA ANALITYCZNA 1999, Vol 44, Iss 2, pp 167-186 Language: English Document Type: Article No. cited references: 17 Addresses: Jurczyk J, Silesian Univ, Inst Chem, PL-40006 Katowice, Poland Silesian Univ, Inst Chem, PL-40006 Katowice, Poland JURCZYK J-1998-CHEM-ANAL-WARSAW-V43-P185 JURCZYK J-1997-CHEM-ANAL-WARSAW-V42-P703 JURCZYK J-1993-CHEM-ANAL-WARSAW-V38-P519 Times Cited: 5 ------------------------------------------------Record 7 of 10 Author(s): Wrobel K; Wrobel K; Cruz-Jimenez G; Angulo-Romero F Title: Application of internal standard for micro extraction-spectrophotometric determination of copper in serum and in natural waters Source: ANALYTICA CHIMICA ACTA 1999, Vol 387, Iss 2, pp 217-224 Language: English Document Type: Article No. cited references: 20 Addresses: Wrobel K, Univ Guanajuato, Inst Invest Cientif, Cerro Venada S-N, Guanajuato 36000, Mexico Univ Guanajuato, Inst Invest Cientif, Guanajuato 36000, Mexico BUHL F-1988-CHEM-ANAL-WARSAW-V33-P111 Times Cited: 2 ------------------------------------------------Record 8 of 10 Author(s): Huang YM; Zhang C; Zhang XR; Zhang ZJ Title: Cerium (IV)-based chemiluminescence analysis of analgin Source: ANALYTICAL LETTERS 1999, Vol 32, Iss 5, pp 933-943 Language: English Document Type: Article No. cited references: 19 Addresses: Zhang ZJ, Shaanxi Normal Univ, Dept Chem, Xian 710062, Peoples R China Shaanxi Normal Univ, Dept Chem, Xian 710062, Peoples R China Nanjing Univ, Dept Chem, Nanjing 210008, Peoples R China BUHL F-1981-J-CHROMATOGR-V219-P189 Times Cited: 3 ------------------------------------------------Record 9 of 10 Author(s): Cave MR; Butler O; Cook JM; Cresser MS; Garden LM; Holden AJ; Miles DL Title: Environmental analysis Source: JOURNAL OF ANALYTICAL ATOMIC SPECTROMETRY 1999, Vol 14, Iss 2, pp 279-352 Language: English Document Type: Review No. cited references: 1020 Addresses: Cave MR, British Geol Survey, Nottingham NG12 5GG, England British Geol Survey, Nottingham NG12 5GG, England Hlth & Safety Lab, Sheffield S3 7HQ, S Yorkshire, England ICI Res & Technol Ctr, Middlesbrough TS90 8JE, Cleveland, England Univ Aberdeen, Dept Plant & Soil Sci, Aberdeen AB24 3UU, Scotland Univ Cent Lancashire, Fac Sci, Ctr Toxicol, Preston PR1 2HE, Lancs, England JOHNSON B-P-NATL-OUTD-ACT-C-EX JOHNSTON SR-1997-GEOENV-ENG-CONT-GROU-P91 JURCZYK J-1997-CHEM-ANAL-WARSAW-V42-P703 KITAZUME E-1998-J-LIQ-CHROMATOGR-R-T-V21-P251 Times Cited: 6 ------------------------------------------------Record 10 of 10 Author(s): Wurtz E; Nataf JM; Winkelmann F Title: Two- and three-dimensional natural and mixed convection simulation using modular zonal models in buildings Source: INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HEAT AND MASS TRANSFER 1999, Vol 42, Iss 5, pp 923-940 Language: English Document Type: Article No. cited references: 47 Addresses: Wurtz E, Univ La Rochelle, LEPTAB, F-17000 La Rochelle, France Univ La Rochelle, LEPTAB, F-17000 La Rochelle, France Univ Calif Berkeley, Lawrence Berkeley Lab, Berkeley, CA 94720 USA BUHL F-1993-LBL33906 BUHL F-1993-P-BUILDING-SIMULATIO Times Cited: 4 ------------------------------------------------Record 9 of 14 Author(s): Sitko R; Jurczyk J Title: A method for the determination of mass per unit area inhomogeneity of thin samples in XRF analysis Source: CHEMIA ANALITYCZNA 1999, Vol 44, Iss 6, pp 1033-1040 Language: English Document Type: Article No. cited references: 9 Addresses: Sitko R, Silesian Univ, Inst Chem, PL-40006 Katowice, Poland Silesian Univ, Inst Chem, PL-40006 Katowice, Poland JURCZYK J-1997-CHEM-ANAL-WARSAW-V42-P703 Times Cited: 0 ------------------------------------------------Record 10 of 14 Author(s): Jurczyk J; Sitko R; Zawisza B; Buhl F; Malicka E Title: XRF analysis of microsamples of semiconductor type multielement materials by the thin layer method. Determination of Cr, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn, Ga, Se, Sb, Yb Source: MIKROCHIMICA ACTA 1999, Vol 132, Iss 1, pp 41-47 Language: English Document Type: Article No. cited references: 41 Addresses: Jurczyk J, Silesian Univ, Inst Chem, PL-40006 Katowice, Poland Silesian Univ, Inst Chem, PL-40006 Katowice, Poland JURCZYK J-1999-CHEM-ANAL-WARSAW-V44-P167 JURCZYK J-1998-CHEM-ANAL-WARSAW-V43-P185 JURCZYK J-1997-CHEM-ANAL-WARSAW-V42-P703 JURCZYK J-1993-CHEM-ANAL-WARSAW-V38-P519 Times Cited: 2 ------------------------------------------------Record 11 of 14 Author(s): Potts PJ; Ellis AT; Kregsamer P; Streli C; West M; Wobrauschek P Title: X-ray fluorescence spectrometry Source: JOURNAL OF ANALYTICAL ATOMIC SPECTROMETRY 1999, Vol 14, Iss 11, pp 1773-1799 Language: English Document Type: Review No. cited references: 531 Addresses: Potts PJ, Open Univ, Dept Earth Sci, Walton Hall, Milton Keynes MK7 6AA, Bucks, England Open Univ, Dept Earth Sci, Milton Keynes MK7 6AA, Bucks, England Oxford Instruments, Ind Anal Grp, Abingdon OX14 1UJ, Oxon, England Univ Vienna, Atominst, A-1020 Vienna, Austria Sheffield Hallam Univ, Mat Res Inst, Sheffield S1 1WB, S Yorkshire, England JOHNSTON SR-1997-GEOENV-ENG-CONT-GROU-P91 JURCZYK J-1998-CHEM-ANAL-WARSAW-V43-P185 KITAMURA T-1998-BUNSEKI-KAGAKU-V47-P211 Times Cited: 6 ------------------------------------------------Record 12 of 14 Author(s): Jurczyk J; Sitko R; Buhl F; Jendrzejewska I Title: Thin sample in the XRF analysis. A new method of preparing microsamples of mono- and polycrystals and of silicate rocks Source: CHEMIA ANALITYCZNA 1999, Vol 44, Iss 2, pp 167-186 Language: English Document Type: Article No. cited references: 17 Addresses: Jurczyk J, Silesian Univ, Inst Chem, PL-40006 Katowice, Poland Silesian Univ, Inst Chem, PL-40006 Katowice, Poland JURCZYK J-1998-CHEM-ANAL-WARSAW-V43-P185 JURCZYK J-1997-CHEM-ANAL-WARSAW-V42-P703 JURCZYK J-1993-CHEM-ANAL-WARSAW-V38-P519 Times Cited: 5 ------------------------------------------------Record 13 of 14 Author(s): Cave MR; Butler O; Cook JM; Cresser MS; Garden LM; Holden AJ; Miles DL Title: Environmental analysis Source: JOURNAL OF ANALYTICAL ATOMIC SPECTROMETRY 1999, Vol 14, Iss 2, pp 279-352 Language: English Document Type: Review No. cited references: 1020 Addresses: Cave MR, British Geol Survey, Nottingham NG12 5GG, England British Geol Survey, Nottingham NG12 5GG, England Hlth & Safety Lab, Sheffield S3 7HQ, S Yorkshire, England ICI Res & Technol Ctr, Middlesbrough TS90 8JE, Cleveland, England Univ Aberdeen, Dept Plant & Soil Sci, Aberdeen AB24 3UU, Scotland Univ Cent Lancashire, Fac Sci, Ctr Toxicol, Preston PR1 2HE, Lancs, England JOHNSON B-P-NATL-OUTD-ACT-C-EX JOHNSTON SR-1997-GEOENV-ENG-CONT-GROU-P91 JURCZYK J-1997-CHEM-ANAL-WARSAW-V42-P703 KITAZUME E-1998-J-LIQ-CHROMATOGR-R-T-V21-P251 Times Cited: 6 ------------------------------------------------- 2000 Record 3 of 14 Author(s): Bartkowska JA; Cisowski J; Voiron J; Heimann J; Czaja M; Mazurak Z Title: Magnetization and magnetic susceptibility of kunzite Source: JOURNAL OF MAGNETISM AND MAGNETIC MATERIALS 2000, Vol 221, Iss 3, pp 273-277 Language: English Document Type: Article No. cited references: 7 Addresses: Bartkowska JA, Silesian Univ Technol, Inst Phys, POB 221, PL-40019 Katowice, Poland Silesian Univ Technol, Inst Phys, PL-40019 Katowice, Poland Polish Acad Sci, Ctr Polymer Chem, PL-41819 Zabrze, Poland Lab Louis Neel, F-38042 Grenoble, France Silesian Univ, Inst Phys, PL-40007 Katowice, Poland Silesian Univ, Dept Earth Sci, PL-41200 Sosnowiec, Poland JURCZYK J-1997-CHEM-ANAL-WARSAW-V42-P703 Times Cited: 0 ------------------------------------------------Record 4 of 14 Author(s): Fairman B; Hinds MW; Nelms SM; Penny DM; Goodall P Title: Industrial analysis: metals, chemicals and advanced materials Source: JOURNAL OF ANALYTICAL ATOMIC SPECTROMETRY 2000, Vol 15, Iss 12, pp 1606-1631 Language: English Document Type: Review No. cited references: 366 Addresses: Fairman B, Lab Govt Chemist, Queens Rd, Teddington TW11 0LY, Middx, England Lab Govt Chemist, Teddington TW11 0LY, Middx, England Royal Canadian Mint, Ottawa, ON K1A 8G8, Canada Shell Res & Technol Ctr, Chester CH1 3SH, Cheshire, England BNFL, Seascale CA20 1PG, Cumbria, England JURCZYK J-1999-MIKROCHIM-ACTA-V132-P41 Times Cited: 2 ------------------------------------------------Record 5 of 14 Author(s): Potts PJ; Ellis AT; Holmes M; Kregsamer P; Streli C; West M; Wobrauschek P Title: X-ray fluorescence spectrometry Source: JOURNAL OF ANALYTICAL ATOMIC SPECTROMETRY 2000, Vol 15, Iss 10, pp 1417-1442 Language: English Document Type: Review No. cited references: 447 Addresses: Holmes M, Open Univ, Dept Earth Sci, Walton Hall, Milton Keynes MK7 6AA, Bucks, England Open Univ, Dept Earth Sci, Milton Keynes MK7 6AA, Bucks, England Oxford Instruments, Ind Anal Grp, Abingdon OX14 1UJ, Oxon, England Ceram Res, Stoke On Trent ST4 7LQ, Staffs, England Osterreich Univ, Inst Atom, A-1020 Vienna, Austria Sheffield Hallam Univ, Mat Res Inst, Sheffield S1 1WB, S Yorkshire, England JOHNSON DM-1999-ADV-XRAY-ANAL-V41-P843 JURCZYK J-1999-CHEM-ANAL-WARSAW-V44-P167 JURCZYK J-1999-MIKROCHIM-ACTA-V132-P41 Times Cited: 3 ------------------------------------------------Record 6 of 14 Author(s): Jurczyk J; Sitko R; Zawisza B Title: XRF analysis of powder microsamples of multielement mono- and polycrystals. Determination of Cr, Mn, Ni, Cu, Zn, Ga, As, Se, Sb, Yb Source: CHEMIA ANALITYCZNA 2000, Vol 45, Iss 3, pp 415-428 Language: English Document Type: Article No. cited references: 17 Addresses: Jurczyk J, Silesian Univ, Inst Chem, PL-40006 Katowice, Poland Silesian Univ, Inst Chem, PL-40006 Katowice, Poland JURCZYK J-1999-CHEM-ANAL-WARSAW-V44-P167 JURCZYK J-1998-CHEM-ANAL-WARSAW-V43-P185 JURCZYK J-1997-CHEM-ANAL-WARSAW-V42-P703 Times Cited: 1 ------------------------------------------------Record 7 of 14 Author(s): Hulanicki A; Witkiewicz Z Title: Analytical chemistry in Poland Source: ANALYTICAL LETTERS 2000, Vol 33, Iss 7, pp 1203-1229 Language: English Document Type: Review No. cited references: 331 Addresses: Hulanicki A, Univ Warsaw, Dept Chem, Pasteura 1, PL-02093 Warsaw, Poland Univ Warsaw, Dept Chem, PL-02093 Warsaw, Poland Mil Univ Technol, Inst Chem, PL-01489 Warsaw, Poland BUHL F-1988-CHEM-ANAL-V33-P103 BUHL F-1996-CHEM-ANAL-WARSAW-V41-P891 BUHL F-1991-CHEM-ANAL-WARSAW-V36-P27 GALAS W-1997-CHEM-ANAL-WARSAW-V42-P697 JURCZYK J-1998-CHEM-ANAL-WARSAW-V43-P185 JURCZYK J-1997-CHEM-ANAL-WARSAW-V42-P703 MIKULA B-1999-CHEM-ANAL-WARSAW-V44-P103 WINKLER W-1999-CHEM-ANAL-WARSAW-V44-P725 Times Cited: 0 ------------------------------------------------Record 8 of 14 Author(s): Cave MR; Butler O; Cook JM; Cresser MS; Garden LM; Miles DL Title: Environmental analysis Source: JOURNAL OF ANALYTICAL ATOMIC SPECTROMETRY 2000, Vol 15, Iss 2, pp 181-235 Language: English Document Type: Review No. cited references: 850 Addresses: Cave MR, British Geol Survey, Nottingham NG12 5GG, England British Geol Survey, Nottingham NG12 5GG, England Univ Sheffield, Ctr Analyt Sci, Sheffield S3 7HF, S Yorkshire, England Univ York, York YO10 5DD, N Yorkshire, England ICI Res & Technol Ctr, Middlesbrough TS90 8JE, Cleveland, England BUHL F-1997-ROCZ-PANSTW-ZAKL-HIG-V48-P351 JURCZYK J-1999-CHEM-ANAL-WARSAW-V44-P167 KITAMI K-1999-02623-JP KITAMI K-1999-1102623-JP KITAMI K-1997-156668-JP-PAPPL MIKULA B-1999-CHEM-ANAL-WARSAW-V44-P103 Times Cited: 7 ------------------------------------------------Record 2 of 8 Author(s): Reddy VK; Reddy SM; Reddy PR; Reddy TS Title: Spectrophotometric determination of cobalt(II) and gold(III) in the presence of potassium persulphate using resacetophenone oxime Source: INDIAN JOURNAL OF CHEMISTRY SECTION A-INORGANIC BIO-INORGANIC PHYSICAL THEORETICAL & ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY 2000, Vol 39, Iss 5, pp 557-559 Language: English Document Type: Article No. cited references: 21 Addresses: Reddy VK, Sri Krishnadevaraya Univ, Dept Chem, Anantapur 515003, Andhra Pradesh, India Sri Krishnadevaraya Univ, Dept Chem, Anantapur 515003, Andhra Pradesh, India WINKLER W-1997-CHEM-ANAL-WARSAW-V42-P561 Times Cited: 0 ------------------------------------------------Record 3 of 8 Author(s): Starczewska B; 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Witkiewicz Z Title: Analytical chemistry in Poland Source: ANALYTICAL LETTERS 2000, Vol 33, Iss 7, pp 1203-1229 Language: English Document Type: Review No. cited references: 331 Addresses: Hulanicki A, Univ Warsaw, Dept Chem, Pasteura 1, PL-02093 Warsaw, Poland Univ Warsaw, Dept Chem, PL-02093 Warsaw, Poland Mil Univ Technol, Inst Chem, PL-01489 Warsaw, Poland BUHL F-1988-CHEM-ANAL-V33-P103 BUHL F-1996-CHEM-ANAL-WARSAW-V41-P891 BUHL F-1991-CHEM-ANAL-WARSAW-V36-P27 GALAS W-1997-CHEM-ANAL-WARSAW-V42-P697 JURCZYK J-1998-CHEM-ANAL-WARSAW-V43-P185 JURCZYK J-1997-CHEM-ANAL-WARSAW-V42-P703 MIKULA B-1999-CHEM-ANAL-WARSAW-V44-P103 WINKLER W-1999-CHEM-ANAL-WARSAW-V44-P725 Times Cited: 0 ------------------------------------------------Record 6 of 8 Author(s): Cave MR; Butler O; Cook JM; Cresser MS; Garden LM; Miles DL Title: Environmental analysis Source: JOURNAL OF ANALYTICAL ATOMIC SPECTROMETRY 2000, Vol 15, Iss 2, pp 181-235 Language: English Document Type: Review No. cited references: 850 Addresses: Cave MR, British Geol Survey, Nottingham NG12 5GG, England British Geol Survey, Nottingham NG12 5GG, England Univ Sheffield, Ctr Analyt Sci, Sheffield S3 7HF, S Yorkshire, England Univ York, York YO10 5DD, N Yorkshire, England ICI Res & Technol Ctr, Middlesbrough TS90 8JE, Cleveland, England BUHL F-1997-ROCZ-PANSTW-ZAKL-HIG-V48-P351 JURCZYK J-1999-CHEM-ANAL-WARSAW-V44-P167 KITAMI K-1999-02623-JP KITAMI K-1999-1102623-JP KITAMI K-1997-156668-JP-PAPPL MIKULA B-1999-CHEM-ANAL-WARSAW-V44-P103 Times Cited: 7 ------------------------------------------------Record 7 of 8 Author(s): Lachas H; Richaud R; Herod AA; Dugwell DR; Kandiyoti R Title: Determination of trace elements by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry of biomass and fuel oil reference materials using milligram sample sizes Source: RAPID COMMUNICATIONS IN MASS SPECTROMETRY 2000, Vol 14, Iss 5, pp 335-343 Language: English Document Type: Article No. cited references: 36 Addresses: Herod AA, Univ London Imperial Coll Sci Technol & Med, Dept Chem Engn & Chem Technol, Prince Consort Rd, London SW7 2BY, England Univ London Imperial Coll Sci Technol & Med, Dept Chem Engn & Chem Technol, London SW7 2BY, England GALAS W-1997-CHEM-ANAL-WARSAW-V42-P403 Times Cited: 2 ------------------------------------------------Record 8 of 8 Author(s): Arranz A; de Betono SF; Echevarria C; Moreda JM; Cid A; Valentin JFA Title: Voltammetric and spectrophotometric techniques for the determination of the antihypertensive drug Prazosin in urine and formulations Source: JOURNAL OF PHARMACEUTICAL AND BIOMEDICAL ANALYSIS 1999, Vol 21, Iss 4, pp 797-807 Language: English Document Type: Article No. cited references: 57 Addresses: Valentin JFA, Univ Pais Vasco, EHU, Fac Farm, Dept Quim Analit, Apartado 450, Vitoria 01080, Spain Univ Pais Vasco, EHU, Fac Farm, Dept Quim Analit, Vitoria 01080, Spain HACHULA U-1997-JPC-J-PLANAR-CHROMAT-V10-P131 Times Cited: 3 ------------------------------------------------Record 2 of 9 Author(s): Lin RJ; Pan JM Title: Direct spectrophotometric determination of bismuth in pharmaceutical products using a flow-injection system Source: INDIAN JOURNAL OF CHEMISTRY SECTION A-INORGANIC BIO-INORGANIC PHYSICAL THEORETICAL & ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY 2000, Vol 39, Iss 6, pp 676-678 Language: English Document Type: Article No. cited references: 18 Addresses: Pan JM, E China Normal Univ, Dept Chem, Shanghai 200062, Peoples R China E China Normal Univ, Dept Chem, Shanghai 200062, Peoples R China BUHL F-1972-CHEM-ANAL-V17-P285 Times Cited: 0 ------------------------------------------------Record 3 of 9 Author(s): Potts PJ; Ellis AT; Holmes M; Kregsamer P; Streli C; West M; Wobrauschek P Title: X-ray fluorescence spectrometry Source: JOURNAL OF ANALYTICAL ATOMIC SPECTROMETRY 2000, Vol 15, Iss 10, pp 1417-1442 Language: English Document Type: Review No. cited references: 447 Addresses: Holmes M, Open Univ, Dept Earth Sci, Walton Hall, Milton Keynes MK7 6AA, Bucks, England Open Univ, Dept Earth Sci, Milton Keynes MK7 6AA, Bucks, England Oxford Instruments, Ind Anal Grp, Abingdon OX14 1UJ, Oxon, England Ceram Res, Stoke On Trent ST4 7LQ, Staffs, England Osterreich Univ, Inst Atom, A-1020 Vienna, Austria Sheffield Hallam Univ, Mat Res Inst, Sheffield S1 1WB, S Yorkshire, England JOHNSON DM-1999-ADV-XRAY-ANAL-V41-P843 JURCZYK J-1999-CHEM-ANAL-WARSAW-V44-P167 JURCZYK J-1999-MIKROCHIM-ACTA-V132-P41 Times Cited: 3 ------------------------------------------------Record 4 of 9 Author(s): Desiderio C; 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