College of Natural and Health Sciences Curriculum Committee Minutes December 6, 2006 Present: Rick Adams, Sue Kent, Carol Roehrs, Richard Schwenz, Missy Parker, Igor Szczyrba, and Jenny Weber The meeting was called to order by Jenny Weber. MINUTES Jenny Weber/Richard Schwenz moved to approve the minutes as submitted. ELECTRONIC PROPOSALS FOR REVIEW GERO Gerontology Graduate Certificate Program (Non-Degree) Remove GERO 620 from certificate elective credits. Content from course was combined with GERO 625. Committee recommended approval by consensus. HRS 692 Clinical Internship in Rehabilitation Adding “consent of instructor” to course. Committee recommended approval by consensus. FND 370 Nutrition Education and Application Strategies Add FND 252 as a prerequisite to FND 370; this will allow nutrition education to be applied to all stages of the life span. Committee recommended approval by consensus. FND 420 FND 520 Maternal and Child Nutrition Maternal and Child Nutrition Add FND 252 as a prerequisite for FND 420/520; this allows these courses to be taught at an appropriate in-depth level. Committee recommended approval by consensus. FND 430 Nutrition Assessment and Intervention Add FND 210 as a prerequisite to FND 430; allows students to apply medical terminology to clinical applications in nutrition. Committee recommended approval by consensus. PROPOSALS FOR REVIEW BS Nursing Program revisions to provide continuity to the program. Igor Szczyrba /Jenny Weber moved to approve the course proposal. Committee recommended approval by consensus. NURS 374 Episodic Alterations in Adult Health Practicum New course due to the program change in the BS. Igor Szczyrba /Jenny Weber moved to approve the course proposal. Committee recommended approval by consensus. NURS 375 Episodic Alterations in Adult Health Theory I New course due to the program change in the BS. Igor Szczyrba /Jenny Weber moved to approve the course proposal. Committee recommended approval by consensus. NURS 376 Episodic Alterations in Adult Health Theory II New course due to the program change in the BS. Igor Szczyrba /Jenny Weber moved to approve the course proposal. Committee recommended approval by consensus. NURS 424 Maternal, Newborn & Pediatric Practicum New course due to the program change in the BS. Igor Szczyrba /Jenny Weber moved to approve the course proposal. Committee recommended approval by consensus. NURS 425 Childbearing Families Theory Change of course number from 365 to 425 to fit the sequence of courses due to the program changes in the BS. Igor Szczyrba /Jenny Weber moved to approve the course proposal. Committee recommended approval by consensus. NURS 426 Pediatric Nursing Theory New course due to the program change in the BS. Igor Szczyrba /Jenny Weber moved to approve the course proposal. Committee recommended approval by consensus. MS Nursing – Education Emphasis Removing the NURS 612 course from the requirements for this program. Missy Parker/Rick Adams moved to approve the course proposal. Committee recommended approval by consensus. Doctoral Minor – Nursing Education Deleting this program since there is now a Doctoral program in Nursing. Igor Szczyrba/Richard Schwenz moved to approve the course proposal. Committee recommended approval by consensus. BS Audiology and Speech Language Sciences Adding LIB 150 and ENG 227 to the program to enhance research and writing. Carol Roehrs/Igor Szczyrba moved to approve the course proposal. Committee recommended approval by consensus. ASLS 343 Fundamentals of Physiological and Biological Acoustics Renumbering of course from ASLS 265 to ASLS 343 to more appropriately reflect the course content. Carol Roehrs/Igor Szczyrba moved to approve the course proposal. Committee recommended approval by consensus. ASLS 370 Basic Audiology Increasing the credit hours from 3 to 4 due to additional course content and removal of prerequisites. Carol Roehrs/Igor Szczyrba moved to approve the course proposal. Committee recommended approval by consensus. ASLS 386 Basic Clinical Strategies in SLP/Audiology Delete this course since the course content is included in ASLS 469. This course will be offered Fall 2007 and deleted from the catalog 2008-2009. Carol Roehrs/Igor Szczyrba moved to approve the course proposal. Committee recommended approval by consensus. ASLS 467 Diagnostic Methods and Observation Delete this course since the course content is included in ASLS 469. This course will be offered Fall 2007 and deleted from the catalog 2008-2009. Carol Roehrs/Igor Szczyrba moved to approve the course proposal. Committee recommended approval by consensus. ASLS 469 Clinical Processes in SLP New course that incorporates what was taught in ASLS 386 and ASLS 467. This course will be offered in Spring 2008. Carol Roehrs/Igor Szczyrba moved to approve the course proposal. Committee recommended approval by consensus. ASLS 483 Entry/Primary SLP Practicum Prerequisite change for ASLS 483 since ASLS 386 is being deleted. Carol Roehrs/Igor Szczyrba moved to approve the course proposal. Committee recommended approval by consensus. ASLS 508 Multicultural Issues in SLP New variable titled course to be taught in Summer 2007. Missy Parker/Richard Schwenz moved to approve the course proposal. Committee recommended approval by consensus. ASLS 594 Practicum and Advanced Topics in Audiology Prerequisite change to clean up how it is listed in Banner. Richard Schwenz/Rick Adams moved to approve the course proposal. Committee recommended approval by consensus. ASLS 792 Externship in Audiology Name change to reflect the more nationally accepted term for the final year of clinical practicum in the Au.D. program. Rick Adams/Missy Parker moved to approve the course proposal. Committee recommended approval by consensus. AuD Audiology A change in the core requirement for the Au.D. program. Carol Roehrs/Igor Szczyrba moved to approve the course proposal. Committee recommended approval by consensus. BIO 581 Neurobiology A new course to address the gap in the biology curriculum in the area of neuroscience. This course is a course that ASLS and SES students would be interested in for there graduate programs. Rick Adams/Carol Roehrs moved to approve the course proposal. Committee recommended approval by consensus. BIO 485 Topics in Field Biology Deleting course since it has not been offered recently. Richard Schwenz/Jenny Weber moved to approve the course proposal. Committee recommended approval by consensus. BIO 572 Species and Speciation New course to enhance the course offerings for graduate level training. This course was tabled for corrections/questions on 11/22/06. These corrections/questions have been answered. Rick Adams/Missy Parker moved to approve the course proposal. Committee recommended approval by consensus. SES 508/585 Introduction to Sports Injuries for Coaches Changing the course number to a permanent course number. Richard Schwenz/Rick Adams moved to table this course proposal for changes in syllabus and catalog copy and then send out electronically for approval. SES 232 Leadership in Outdoor Education and Recreation Eliminate the cross listing with REC 232 and modify the title of this course by removing and Recreation. Rick Adams/Richard Schwenz moved to approve the course proposal. Committee recommended approval by consensus. MATH 131 Calculus I A change in prerequisite language to clarify to students what courses they need before they take this one. Carol Roehrs/Richard Schwenz moved to approve the course proposal with a change in the first sentence of the prerequisite statement. Committee recommended approval by consensus. REC 298 Principles and Planning of Interpretation This course will be offered as a test course in Fall 2007 due to the change in the program. This course is tabled until the next meeting due to time constraints. STREAMLINED COURSES (Extended Studies) – the following course was approved: HHS 455/555 International Perspectives on Health & Human Services Across the Life Span CHEM 509 Advanced Placement Chemistry MATH 125 Plane Trigonometry ENST 225 Energy & the Environment BIO 509 Advanced Placement Biology BIO 513 Advanced Placement Biology Curriculum Development Other Items The next meeting will be Wednesday, December 13th at 8 a.m. in Ross 2480B (Biology Conference Room). The meeting adjourned at 9 a.m. Respectfully submitted, Sandy Pope Recording Secretary