December 5, 2007

College of Natural and Health Sciences
Curriculum Committee
December 5, 2007
Audrey Bopp, Sue Kent, Missy Parker, Steve Smith, Igor Szczyrba, Richard Schwenz,
and Jenny Weber
Susan Collins and Susan Keenan
The meeting was called to order by Igor Szczyrba.
Missy Parker/Steve Smith moved to approve the minutes of the November 28 meeting. Committee
recommended approval by consensus.
Human Services
Course deletions/additions within the degree.
HUSR 236
Health Issues in Aging
Prefix modification from CH 236.
CH 236
Health and Life-styles Among the Elderly
Course deletion due to changing the course prefix to HUSR 236.
Missy Parker/Richard Schwenz moved to table the course proposal and course proposals
due to needing additional material on the HUSR 236 course because it has a name change
and updated description and content (need a new syllabus) and also clarification if
students can take HUSR 236 if they have already taken CH 236. Committee
recommended tabling the proposals by consensus.
Igor Szczyrba /Steve Smith moved to approve the program/course proposals since there
was a clarification no content changes were made to HUSR 236. The course should also
show as an equivalency for CH 236.
Committee recommended approval by consensus.
CH 510
International Health: Cross Cultural Comparisons
Extended studies course to be taught during Spring 2008.
Igor/Jenny Weber moved to approve the course proposal.
Committee recommended approval by consensus.
Biological Sciences
Program revision to clean up the catalog, the change was approved last year, removing
SRM 600 as an option but the course was not removed from the catalog and also a
change in required number of credits.
Igor Szczyrba/Missy Parker moved to approve the program proposal with a catalog page
Committee recommended approval by consensus.
Biological Sciences
Program revision – removing a requirement to have a Master’s for eligibility for PhD
Jenny Weber/Missy Parker moved to table the program proposal pending notification
from graduate school and graduate council regarding an exception to graduate school
policy for Biology in number of required credit hours for students who only possess a BS
degree for the PhD.
Committee recommended tabling the program proposal by consensus.
Audiology and Speech-Language Sciences
Program revision to clarify the plus/minus grading system.
Missy Parker/Steve Smith moved to approve the program proposal.
Committee recommended approval by consensus.
Sport and Exercise Science, Exercise Science Emphasis
Change in the description of the program to reflect new NSCA enforcement and a
program revision to clarify the plus/minus grading system.
Steve Smith/Richard Schwenz moved to approve the program proposal.
Committee recommended approval by consensus.
Sport and Exercise Science, Athletic Training Emphasis
Program revision to clarify the plus/minus grading system.
Steve Smith/Richard Schwenz moved to approve the program proposal.
Committee recommended approval by consensus.
Sport and Exercise Science
Program revisions to reflect course additions and deletions.
Igor Szczyrba /Steve Smith moved to approve the program proposal.
Committee recommended approval by consensus.
Sport and Exercise Science
Program revisions to reflect course additions and deletions.
Jenny Weber/ Igor Szczyrba moved to approve the program proposal.
Committee recommended approval by consensus.
SES 200
Weight Training and Conditioning
Prerequisite change – adding SES 220.
Jenny Weber/ Igor Szczyrba moved to approve the course proposal.
Committee recommended approval by consensus.
SES 390
Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation Certification
Course deletion due to the course being combined with SES 233.
Jenny Weber/Audrey Bopp moved to approve the course proposal.
Committee recommended approval by consensus.
SES 410/510 Cardiac Rehabilitation
Course description correction (typographical error) for the catalog.
Audrey Bopp/Jenny Weber moved to approve the course proposal.
Committee recommended approval by consensus.
SES 492
Internship in Sport and Exercise Science
Prerequisite change – adding SES 490.
Igor Szczyrba /Jenny Weber moved to approve the course proposal.
Committee recommended approval by consensus.
SES 623
Advanced Neuromotor Kinesiology
Course deletion since the course is no longer being offered.
Richard Schwenz/Audrey Bopp moved to approve the course proposal.
Committee recommended approval by consensus.
NURS 324
NURS 374
NURS 384
NURS 404
NURS 414
NURS 424
NURS 465
Therapeutic Interventions
Episodic Alterations in Adult Health Practicum
Episodic Alterations in Adult/Child Health I
Community and Public Health Nursing Practicum
Psychiatric Mental Health Nursing Practicum
Maternal, Newborn & Pediatric Practicum
Professional Roles with Individuals, Families & Communities
Addition of participation fees in order to reimburse clinical agencies for off-site clinical
experiences for students.
Missy Parker/ Igor Szczyrba moved to approve the course proposals.
Committee recommended approval by consensus.
602 Concepts in Chronic Illness
604 Care of Chronically Ill Adult and Child
610 Health Assessment
640 Health Care of Families I
645 Health Care of Families II
650 Health Care of Families III
660 Nursing Education Seminar
680 Advanced Practice Role Practicum
695 Advanced Academic Nursing Roles
Course description clarification of required practicum hours.
Missy Parker/ Igor Szczyrba moved to approve the course proposals.
Committee recommended approval by consensus.
BIO 350
Human Physiology
Prerequisite change
Missy Parker/ Igor Szczyrba moved to approve the course proposals.
Committee recommended approval by consensus.
Biological Sciences, Organismal Emphasis
Title change from the above to “Ecology and Evolution” to better reflect the course
content within the emphasis and the current terminology within the field.
Jenny Weber/Richard Schwenz moved to approve the program proposal.
Committee recommended approval by consensus.
Biological Sciences
Biological Sciences
Program revision to clarify the plus/minus grading system.
Igor Szczyrba /Audrey Bopp moved to approve the program proposals.
Committee recommended approval by consensus.
Biological Sciences, Biomedical Emphasis
Title change from the above to “Pre-health and Biomedical Sciences” to better reflect the
the career path of the majority of students within the major and also helpful for advising
Missy Parker/Richard Schwenz moved to approve the program proposal.
Committee recommended approval by consensus.
Sport & Exercise Science – Sport Pedagogy
A minor program change - deleting a sentence that is a requirement that already happens.
Jenny Weber/Audrey Bopp moved to approve the program proposal.
Committee recommended approval by consensus.
Sport & Exercise Science – Exercise Science Emphasis
MS Sport & Exercise Science – Sport Administration Emphasis
MS Sport & Exercise Science – Sport Pedagogy Emphasis
Thesis/Project option clarification in the program area to clarify the requirements.
Igor Szczyrba /Steve Smith moved to approve the program proposals.
Committee recommended approval by consensus.
SES 401
Physiological Implications for Human Performance
Deletion of course that is no longer taught.
Igor Szczyrba /Steve Smith moved to approve upon receipt of the course proposal.
Committee recommended approval by consensus.
Streamlined Courses (Extended Studies) – the following courses were approved by the Dean:
SCI 532-941
Energy for Today and Tomorrow
The committee will meet on Wednesday, January 16 and 23, 2008 at 10:00-11:00 in Gunter 1120
(Dean’s Conference Room). Sue will notify the committee and cancel if there are no proposals to be
The meeting adjourned at 12:00 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Sandy Pope
Recording Secretary