Introduction to SPSS Activities Part 2 - Answers 1. The label for the variable Courseinfo is missing. Insert a label like “How useful is Course Information”. 9. i. Median is 7. As the variable ranges from 5 to 15 this quite low and suggests that most people did not find Blackboard easy to use. ii. No, it is probably not normal. It is not close to the normal curve. iii. The distribution is skewed to the bottom end. This is also indicated by the low values of the median and the mean. 4. i. No, Pathway is a categorical or nominal variable. ii. Crim iii. 102, 102 5. i. No, the average gender makes no sense. The mode tells us that the most common value is male. ii. 47 females, 55 males iii. Most students on these course are female so the sample may not be representative. 10. i. There is a line for each value of the variable. As it ranges from 10 to 40 there can be up to 31 values. iii. None. There is no one with a score of 35 iii. The mean is 24.32 and is the average score the people got on this variable. iv. This distribution looks close to normal (it follows the shape of the curve. But this needs confirming with statistical tests. 6. i. the value that divides the ordered distribution of cases into two equal halves lies in the value ‘once a month’ and this has a value of 3. ii. the most common response is 3, this means ‘once a month’ iii. It looks a bit normal – i.e. close to the curve shown. But this needs to be checked by testing for normality. 17. Criminology. 19. The mean of TotuseBb, Overall usefulness of Blackboard is 24.32. The median is 24 and thus there are more respondents below the mean than above it. 7. i. 18 ii. 2, 42 respondents thought Blackboard somewhat difficult to use and this was the most common response. 20. Yes, it looks normally distributed. 21 Use the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test as there are more than 50 respondents. 22. No. We cannot reject the null hypothesis that the distribution is normally distributed as the probability is .200 which is above the normally used alpha of 0.05. In other words the evidence suggests that the distribution is normal, and therefore we can use parametric statistics on it. 8. i. 2 tiscali, which is the most common ISP ii. 2.61 and it makes no sense because this is a categorical or nominal variable. 1 Activities Part 3 - Answers 3. 22 males scored 2. Expected value is larger (17.0 vs. 15). No, a greater percentage of females scored 4 (25.5% vs. 20.0% of men). 4. Women tend to have lower scores i.e. they tend to find it easier to use. The Chi square value is 1.248 and this is not significant (p=0.742) which is above the normal alpha of 0.05. But N.B. 25% of the cells had expected values of less than 5 so the Chi-square calculation is unreliable. 5. There is no difference. Chi-square = 7.440 but p=0.114 so this is not significant. Although one cell has an expected value of less than 5 this is just below and because the p is well above 0.05 there really is no evidence that there is a gender difference. 6. There is very little consistent difference between males and females. Chi-square = 2.631 and this is not significant p=0.452. There are no cells with expected values of less than 5 so the Chi-square value is reliable. 7. Most of the cells have very low expected values so there is not much you can say about this relationship. More males use the facility. 8. No table exists for this as no-one used online quizzes. 10. Year 1 finds it least easy. Years 2 and 3 find it easier to about the same degree. Chi-square = 110.542 and is significant (p=0.000) and although one third the cells have expected values of less than 5 the result is so significant that we can probably rely on it. 11. Year 1 finds it least easy. Years 2 and 3 find it easier to navigate to about the same degree. Chi-square = 109.330 and is significant (p=0.000) N.B. even though most cells have low expected values, inspecting the row percentages (% within Year of study) shows a very clear picture. 2 12. No-one in year 1 used online discussion forums and most who did were in year 3. With such small numbers it is hard to tell if there is any difference between year 2 and year 3. The statistics are not significant. 13. It looks like first years find Blackboard harder to use and less useful than the other years. Perhaps they are not as used to it as second and third years and perhaps their studies do not rely so much on using Blackboard. 14. The Chi-square value is 85.711 and its significance is 0.000. But the cell values are very small and 60% have expected counts of less than 5 so the statistic is very unreliable. 15. The counts (and column percentages suggest year 1 students use Blackboard far less frequently than second and third years. This may explain the result in question 13, where first years find Blackboard harder to use and less useful. Or maybe they use Blackboard less because they find it less useful? 16. This crosstabulation does not make any sense. The variable Overall usefulness of Blackboard has values from 10 to 40, so there are far too many rows and most cells are empty. This tells us nothing. 17. The Chi-square in not significant (Chi-square =7.056, 4 df, p=0.133) and anyhow is unreliable. However, looking at the table you can see that, surprisingly, those with offcampus Internet are less likely to use Blackboard frequently. 18. This 2x3 table produces a Chi-square value of 6.881 with 2 df and p=0.032 which is significant. The table suggests that more frequent users of Blackboard are less likely to have off-campus Internet access. Activities Part 4 - Answers 3. There is not a strong relationship but as the ease of use score increases so does the usefulness score. I.e. as students found it easier to use they also found it more useful. Or maybe vice versa. There is no way to determine cause and effect from scatterplots and correlations. 5. It makes it slightly clearer that as ease of use increases so does usefulness. 6. The line shows the best (linear) fit between the variables. I.e. where the points would all lie if there were no variability in the relationship of ease of use to usefulness. 7. The patterns look very similar. There may be a slight tendency for the males to have more extreme values on the usefulness axis. 8. All the Year 1 students have low values on the ease of use axis, all less than 10, whereas all second and third years score 9 or above on ease of use. We saw this from the crosstabulation tables last week. 10. The Pearson Correlation (r) is 0.485 and this is statistically significant, p<.000. The value is not very high (r varies from 0 to 1) and the relationship between Overall ease of use of Blackboard and Overall mark at end of year is not strong although it is statistically significant. 11. The Pearson Correlation (r) is 0.887 and this is statistically significant, p<.000. The value is quite high and the relationship between Overall usefulness of Blackboard and Overall mark at end of year is quite a strong one and it is statistically significant. 12. 0.354 (.595 squared) or about 35%. 14. No, the distribution does not show a gathering towards the centre (in fact there is a dip at the centre of the range) and is strongly skewed to the lower end of the scale. Therefore we should not use a parametric statistic. 3 15. Yes. The histogram follows the normal curve fairly closely. We may use a parametric statistic. 16. Yes. The histogram follows the normal curve fairly closely. We may use a parametric statistic. 17. The histogram looks close to a normal distribution but the variable is ordinal. Frequency of use is put into order but the difference between more than once a week and once a week is not the same as the difference between less than once a month and once only. In this case we should use a non-parametric statistic. 19. The Spearman’s rho for Overall mark at end of year vs. how often used Blackboard is 0.337. This is a low figure so there is only a poor relationship between the variables, although it is significant (p <.001) so we couldn’t have got it by chance. However, only 0.114 (i.e. 11.4%) of the variation in one can be explained by the other, which shows how poor the correlation is. Other things explain the other 89% of the variation. 20. The Spearman’s rho for Overall mark at end of year vs. overall usefulness of Blackboard is 0.906. This is a high figure so there is a very strong relationship between the variables, and it is significant (p =.000) so we couldn’t have got it by chance. About 82% of the variation in one can be explained by the other, which shows how strong the correlation is. 21. There is a strong correlation but we cannot infer causality from this. It might be that using Blackboard helped these students get a good mark, but it might just be that hard-working students both got good marks and found Blackboard useful. Activities Part 5 - Answers 3. Looking at the histogram the distribution is bimodal and is very far from the normal curve, so it is probably not normally distributed. 4. Looking at the histogram the distribution is close to the normal curve, so it is probably normally distributed. 5. The mean for ‘Overall ease of use of Blackboard’ is 8.57 and the mean for ‘Overall usefulness of Blackboard’ is 24.32. There are 102 cases (N=102) so the KolmogorovSmirnov test should be used. For the variable ‘Overall ease of use of Blackboard’ the Kolmogorov-Smirnov is .240 and has a significance of .000 so we can conclude that this variable is NOT normally distributed. For the variable ‘Overall usefulness of Blackboard’ the Kolmogorov-Smirnov is .059 and has a significance of .200 so we can conclude that this variable IS normally distributed. 6. The Standard Deviation of ‘Overall usefulness of Blackboard’ for Females is 5.811 and for Males is 7.876. (Standard deviation is the square root of the Variance.) So they are different but we need to test to see if this difference is statistically significant. Levene’s test has a significance of .013. This is below the commonly used alpha of .05 so we reject the null hypothesis (no difference) and conclude that the variances ARE statistically significantly different. So we use the ‘Equal variances not assumed’ results for the t-test. 7. The mean values of ‘Overall usefulness of Blackboard’ for Females is 24.57 and for Males is 24.11. The values are different and Females find Blackboard slightly more useful than Males but we need to see if this difference is statistically significant. The t value is .342 and the significance is .733. So we accept the null hypothesis and there is NO evidence that the mean value of Overall usefulness of 4 Blackboard’ for Females is difference from that for Males. 8. Females have the higher mean rank (52.44 to Males 50.70) but the Asymp. Significance (2tailed) is .765, this is well above the standard alpha of 0.05 so there is no evidence that there is any gender difference in how easy students find Blackboard to use. 9. Those who use Blackboard more than once a week find it the most useful (mean score of 30.13) and those who use it less than once a month find it least useful overall (mean score of 20.91). The difference between all the groups is statistically significant. F=10.251, 4df. with a significance of .000 which is well below the alpha of .05. 10. Aside from the 6 people who had used Blackboard only once, there is a tendency for those who use it more often to find it more useful. But those who use it once a month or less find it much less useful than those who use it weekly or more often. 11. Almost all the statistically significant pairwise differences (p<.05, indicated by asterisks) are between the two most frequent users categories and the monthly or less often users. This confirms the picture that there are two groupings of how useful Blackboard is found, the frequent users (once a week or more often) who found it significantly more useful overall than the infrequent users (once a month and less than once a month). 12. Year 3 has the highest mean rank (92.84) and year 1 the lowest mean rank (34.06). 13. There is a statistically significant difference between the three year cohorts (2 =71.838, 2df, p<0.000), with the third year finding Blackboard the easiest to use overall and year 1 finding it the hardest