Speech for Mr.Gankar - Institute of Management Consultants of India

Speech for Mr. Gankar
ICMCI President Dr. Aneeta Madhok, IMCI President Anuj
Bhargava, Chief Guest and our key note speaker Dr. Surinder PS
Pruthi, all delegates, ladies & gentlemen. It gives me immense
pleasure to welcome all of you to the 17 th national convention of the
Institute of Management Consultants of India. It is an honour to Pune
Chapter to host this convention after a gap of almost 5 years. Pune, as
we all know is a centre of learning. The weather is beautiful and we
have tried our best to make this convention remarkable from every
aspect. You will be listening to eminent speakers from industry,
consultancy and academia on wide variety of subjects. Dr. Dilip
Sarwate, our convention chairman, will be briefing you on the
convention theme and topics which will be covered in two days.
I hope you will agree with me that organizing a national convention
of this magnitude is not an easy task. We have limited resources,
particularly the manpower. Most of our members are busy in their
profession. The preparation of a convention begins with lookout for
sponsors without which we cannot proceed. We are fortunate to have
found support from MITCON Consultancy Services Ltd, Nihilent
Technolgies, Power Grid Corporation of India Ltd. And Indira Group
of Institutes, advertisers and of course, you delegates who made it
possible. The next task was finding appropriate speakers who will do
justice to the theme. Our team was on the job for last 3 months and
more which saw this day. There were eleventh hour cancellations and
we had to struggle with a deadline. I know that there will be few
shortcomings in our efforts and I would request you to accommodate
us with these limitations.
Once again I welcome you all and hope that you will take back good
memories of this convention. Thank you.
Speech of Dilip M. Sarwate
Dignitaries on the dais, delegates, ladies & gentlemen. I hope you will
agree with me that last two years have been particularly turbulent to
the world economies. The only superpower in the world USA in the
grip of severe recession, countries like Iceland, Spain declaring
bankruptcy and India plagues with one scandal after another, we were
looking for an appropriate theme for our convention. After doing a
small informal opinion poll, we found that a majority were worried
about the future. Everyone agreed that we are in a fast changing
world and how to cope up to these changes is top on their mind. This
brought in the theme for this convention- Enterprise of the FutureManaging Change Successfully. Having finalized the theme, we
started identifying sectors like IT, SME, Infrastructure, International
Business, Health care and many others which are more likely to be
affected. The two focus areas which emerged were Innovation and
People Management. Having done this, finding appropriate speakers
who will do justice to the topics was comparatively an easier task.
The Time Table for two days is in your hand. We are fortunate to
have an eminent intellectual speaker in Dr. Surinder PS Pruthi who
has specially flown in from Delhi to deliver the keynote address.
There are many delegates in the audience who have specially come
only to listen to him, some being his past students from IIM
Ahmadabad. (Elaborate on the sessions over two days).
In many conventions, there is a plethora of speakers. In one session,
some time, there are 4-5 speakers. In my humble opinion, this is an
injustice to the learned speakers to give their views only in 5-10
minutes. We have avoided this. As you will see, we have only two
speakers per session and we have given adequate time to Question &
Answers. Each session will be chaired by past presidents of IMCI and
other senior delegates who I am sure will also give their benefit of
wisdom. So ladies & gentlemen, I hope you will find this intellectual
palate meeting your expectations. Thanking you.
Note for the compere (Gaurav Desai)
(At exactly 9.30 am Gaurav should take the mike and start)
Good morning Ladies & Gentlemen. The time is 9.30 am and we are
beginning the 17 th national convention of the Institute of
Management Consultants of India. As they say. Well begun, is half
done. I am Gaurav Desai, your compere of the event. I have been
given instructions to strictly maintain the time schedule. So here we
go. Before we begin, may I request all in the hall to switch off their
mobile phones or put them on silent mode. Thank you.
May I invite Mr. Suresh Gankar, Chairman IMCI Pune Chapter, Dr.
Dilip M. Sarwate Convention Chairman, Mr. Anuj Bhargava
President IMCI, Dr. Aneeta Madhok, World President ICMCI and our
chief guest and key note speaker Dr. Surinder PS Pruthi to come on
dais, please.
I invite Mr. Suresh Gankar, a veteran from industry turned
management consultant, Chairman IMCI Pune chapter to
welcome the delegates and speakers. I would like to make special
mention that Mr. Gankar has turned 80 only last week and still he will
put youngsters to shame with his energy. I present to you Mr. Gankar.
(Mr. Gankar speaks)
Thank you very much Mr. Gankar. I now invite Dr. Dilip Sarwate,
past national president of the IMCI, entrepreneur, management
teacher, management consultant, author of 23 management books in
English & Marathi and Convention Chairman to come and share the
agenda for next two days. Dr. Dilip Sarwate
(Dr. Sarwate speaks)
Thank you very much Dr. Sarwate. Now I would like to invite the
young and dynamic national president and the host of the 17 th
national convention Mr. Anuj Bhargav. Mr. Bhargav is an IT
Professional. Having had a stint with TCS, He started his own IT
Consultancy organization under the name of Secure Matrix.
I would request him to talk about IMCI, its mission and his vision for
the IMCI. Mr. Anuj Bhargav.
(Mr. Anuj Bhargav speaks)
Thank you very much Mr. Bhargav. The world apex body of
Mangement Consulting professionals is ICMCI, International Council
of Management Consulting Institutes, India was the first Asian
country which was admitted to ICMCI 17 years back. Mr. Walter
Vieira was the first Indian who became the world president some 10
Years back. I feel proud to inform that once again the honour of
becoming the world president of ICMCI has been conferred to India.
Dr. Aneeta Madhok is the first woman President and the second
Indian to become the world President of ICMCI. Dr. Madhok after a
successful career in academics with Narsee Monji Institute of
Management now has her own consultancy organization under the
name of Open Spaces. I take pleasure in inviting the ICMCI world
President Dr. Aneeta Madhok to tell us about the world scenario on
management consultancy and the role played by ICMCI. Dr. Madhok
(Dr. Madhok speaks)
Thank you Dr. Madhok. With the preliminaries over, we now come to
our main event for which many of you are anxiously waiting, that
is to listen to the inaugural address of the one of the most popular
speaker in mangement in the country, Dr. Surinder PS Pruthi. I would
request Convention Chairman Dr. Sarwate to introduce Dr. Pruthi to
the audience.
(Dr. Sarwate introduces Dr. Pruthi and invites him to deliver his
inaugural speech)
(Dr. Pruthi speaks)
Thank you very much Dr. Pruthi. I am sure that your mesmerizing
speech will linger for a long time in the memory of this august
gathering. Thank you Sir, once again.
Now it is the time for tea/ coffee break. I invite all the audience to
join for a hot cup. We will reassemble in the hall after 15 minutes to
begin our technical sessions. Thank you.
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------We negin with our first technical session. May I invite on the dais, Mr
Mohan Shahani, Chairperson for the session, speakers Mr, Minoo
Dastur and Dr. Dilip Sarwate. (They come on the dais)
Mr. Mohan Shahani is the past national President of IMCI. His
consultancy experience is in Organization Development. Mr. Minoo
Dastur is a veteran from IT Field, He is founder Director with
Nihilent Technologies Ltd. Dr. Sarwate has already been introduced
to you. Before I hand over the mike to the Session chairman, I would
request all the speakers to pay attention to the time table so that we
maintain the schedule. Thank you very much. Over to Mr. Mohan
( The technical session gets over after the concluding remarks of the
Thank you Mr. Mohan Shahani, Mr. Minoo Dastur and Dr. Dilip
Sarwate. As a token of our appreciation, we would like to present a
memento to speakers of the first session. May I invite Mr.
honour Mr Mohan Shahani with a memento and later Mr. Shahani to
honour the two speakers. Thank you very much.
We mow break for lunch and reassemble for the next session exactly
in one hour. Enjoy the food of Hotel Le Meridien.
In similar fashion, the other sessions progress.