Flegg High School A Business and Enterprise Academy Somerton Road Martham Norfolk NR29 4QD POLICY STATEMENT Literacy Policy AIM The current Literacy Across the Curriculum model is intended to build upon previous success and to help contribute to improvements in the following areas: 1. The continued raising of the number of lessons judged to be good to outstanding through the integration of literacy within the context of the subject being observed. 2. A greater number of teachers meeting the relevant sections of the Teachers’ Standards. 3. An eventual improvement of overall performance, culminating in higher levels of progress for all students, and particularly focus groups. Above all, the current strategy is not a ‘quick fix solution’ but is intended as a long term solution to the general issues concerning literacy in all subjects at Flegg High. HOW? As stated, the current strategy is in the process of implementation. A quick break down of initiatives can be viewed in terms of the following dates: Sep 2013 to July 2014 Stage 1: This initial phrase is predominantly aimed at providing materials that will allow teachers to teach literacy in all subject areas but without needing a deep level of specific subject knowledge. Consequently, the following were provided: 1. Literacy learning mats which allow pupils to access specific information on spellings, punctuation and grammar. 2. Literacy challenge cards. These are based upon the wider school initiative of bringing greater challenge to lesson. They are based upon the same principles with students choosing a level of literacy challenge from packs of laminated A5 cards. 3. Literacy health-check stickers. Again, this initiative dovetail with the school’s aims at improving the quality of marking and are based purely on student self and peer assessment of basic literacy elements in extended pieces of writing. 4. A literacy focus is provided each week on the school’s screensaver. 5. This focus is reflected upon and explored in a weekly literacy lesson that is run by all Y7 to Y10 form tutors. Stage 2: The focus of this stage, which is to run concurrently with Stage 1, is to fully support teachers in their implementation of these literacy materials. To aid in this aim, the student role of Literacy Leader has 1 Flegg High School : Literacy Policy been introduced. At present, a trial run is being carried out involving the training of specific Y10 students who excel in English. Their task is to provide literacy aid for students in subjects other than English. The initial subjects where this scheme is being implemented are as follows: history, geography, science, applied business, ethics. Discussions with the relevant subjects and pupils selected for the scheme have now been carried out and initial training has begun. The aim is to trial the scheme in the window before role-over and then after reflection to expand its range to encompass both Key Stage 3 and 4. Stage 3: Due to be implemented in the autumn term 2014, this ambitious scheme aims to bring standardisation and specialisation in the different types of writing required by pupils in both key stages. Specifically, the requirements of writing to discuss, inform, explain, persuade and argue have been found to diverge considerably across subjects. As a result, and with the opportunities offered by changes in the Key Stage Three curriculum, a ‘two stage’ model is envisaged. Non-English subjects will be required to use specific structures in the planning of extended pieces of writing. English will teach the specifics of the various types of writing. To aid this adventure, A5 literacy cards, similar to the challenge cards, will be designed and distributed to all teachers, ones that specify the conventions of the type of writing and provide writing frames to aid in their implementation by students. To further increase the effectiveness of the scheme, literacy leaders are to be trained in the conventions of each text type. Current Policy : At Flegg High we view high levels of literacy skills as fundamental to the success of all pupils. It is an entitlement for all and the responsibility of the whole school community. This will be evident in all daily practice, through display and communication with all stakeholders. It encompasses reading, writing, speaking and listening. 1. Aims: All teachers are facilitators of literacy through their subject Literacy attainment is raised in all subject areas to maximise student potential All pupils are able to be effective readers, writers and communicators The English curriculum and intervention will support and drive standards but it is recognised that all subject areas contribute through their own individual curriculum. 2. Management: In conjunction with SLT the Assistant Headteacher Teaching and Learning will lead and develop literacy support. This is assisted by the SENCO and team with the HLTA for Literacy. All members of the SLT are committed to development of literacy across the curriculum. Regular audits of current practice take place through work scrutinies and observations CPD and dissemination of materials to support literacy feature in the yearly calendar Accelerated Reader programme is adhered to and supported across KS3 in years 7 and 8 and is monitored by English staff and the school librarian All lesson observations and learning walks make explicit references to Literacy Across the Curriculum 3. Implementation: Classrooms support literacy display, use of vocabulary and overall organisation. 2 Flegg High School : Literacy Policy Pupils receive feedback from their subject teachers about progress within the subject but also indicate targets for literacy development. Tutor reports make reference to standards of literacy across both KS3 and 4. Teachers provide materials to ensure access for all pupils regardless of literacy ability with clear efforts to begin to move students on. Evidence will be seen in the three skill areas as is outlined: 3.1 Reading: 3.2 Strategies are taught to enable pupils to read and synthesise information – skimming, scanning of texts A range of note taking models are taught and utilised Extended reading of texts relating to subjects are a part of all curriculum areas Accelerated Reader time is adhered to and supported by every subject area Independent reading of texts is actively encouraged Writing: 3.3 Writing frames and increasing support of written tasks features in lessons Modelling is done by staff in approaching written pieces Students are given opportunities to draft work and improve in standards of literacy Spelling of general vocabulary and all subject specific language is focused upon Issues of handwriting and presentation are addressed by staff Students are given opportunities to write for a range of audience and for different purposes – these are identified and discussed Talk: Open ended questions feature to elicit developed pupil responses Pupils are given opportunities to rehearse oral answers Problem solving is collaborative Talk will vary according to purpose and audience and opportunities will be evident to identify and modify talk accordingly Glossary: SLT = Senior Leadership Team SENCO = Special Education Needs Coordinator HLTA = High Level Teaching Assistant CPD = Continuous Professional Development KS3/KS4 = Key Stage 3, Key Stage 4 3 Flegg High School : Literacy Policy MONITORING In order to ascertain the effectiveness of the literacy initiatives, various strategies have been put in place including termly testing for all forms and with a specific focus on selected groups. This testing has also been introduced in the subject areas of history and geography. Feedback from pupils and staff is sought on a regular basis and through the means of verbal and written surveys. REVIEW This policy will be reviewed annually by the Standards Committee. Confirmed by: The Governing Body of Flegg High Academy Trust Signature of Chair: Bev Bucklee Committee: Standards 4 Flegg High School : Literacy Policy Dated: 2.3.15