Co-op Diploma Apprenticeship (CODA) 2015 Employment Ontario (EO) Call for Proposals (CFP) Response Template for Program Delivery in 2016-17 Ministry of Training, Colleges & Universities Program Delivery Support Branch 33 Bloor Street East, Suite 200 Toronto, ON M7A 2S3 Issued: June 26, 2015 CFP Closing Date: 11:59 p.m. on August 7, 2015 Queen's Printer for Ontario, 2015 CODA Call for Proposal 2015 1 3 RESPONSE TEMPLATE 3.1 Instructions The following format and sequence should be followed in order to provide consistency in the proponents proposals and ensure that each proposal receives full consideration. 3.2 Project Contact Information Legal name of organization Contact name Mailing address Telephone number Email address 3.3 Declaration This section is to be signed by a person who has authority to bind the organization. The enclosed proposal is submitted in response to the above referenced Call for Proposal. Through submission of this proposal I agree to all of the terms and conditions and that the information provided in this proposal is accurate and true to the best of my knowledge. Signature Print name Job title Date 3.4 Project Summary Provide a project summary of how your organization will complete the project deliverables and meet project outcomes. (250 word maximum) CODA Call for Proposal 2015 2 CODA Call for Proposal 2015 3 3.5 Capacity a) Organizational Capacity i. Provide information regarding capacity in terms of current business, contracts, services, client volume, number of years in operation, geographic coverage and any other relevant and appropriate information. ii. Discuss how current capacity enables your organization to meet the objectives of the project. b) Management Team i. Describe the organizational structure and qualifications of key personnel and the executive team. ii. Provide qualification highlights of the key members of the proposed management teams involved in service delivery and contract management. iii. If applicable, discuss how the proposed executive team and management teams of the principle applicant and partner or affiliate will function and coordinate amongst themselves. c) Financial Capacity i. Demonstrate the capability to financially support the objectives of the project. d) Operational Capacity i. Provide information on the proposed building or facility. ii. Discuss any proposed equipment, technology or business processes used to coordinate service delivery to all clients, including specialized populations and persons with disabilities. e) Human Resource Capacity i. Provide information on the current number of employees and specific areas of expertise. ii. Discuss methods or processes in place for training, development and knowledge transfer to build, accumulate, retain and share knowledge and best practices in order to ensure business continuity, service consistency and meeting performance CODA Call for Proposal 2015 4 measures. f) Accessibility i. Describe how translation and interpretation services will be provided reflective of community need. ii. Outline the organization’s accessibility policies that demonstrate compliance with the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (AODA). g) Organizations and relationships i. If applicable, provide the legal name, operating name and a brief description of any partner or affiliate that is part of your proposal. h) Increasing Capacity i. State the capacity for organizational growth, including information on growth methods, strategies and plans, if you are the successful proponent. 3.6 Community Connection and Comittment a) Established Presence in the Community i. Provide information on annual events, representation, participation on committees and any other relevant information. CODA Call for Proposal 2015 5 3.7 Program Data Training Delivery Agency (TDA) Information Training Delivery Agency (College Name): Delivery Site (Campus): Delivery Site Address: Site to Receive Payments (If different than above): Payment Site Address: Trade/Diploma Information Trade Name and Code: Diploma Name and MTCU Code: APS Number: Did you discuss your proposal with MTCU staff in advance of submission? (Y/N) If Yes, please specify name: Intake Information How many intakes are requested for this program? One Two More than 2 Please specify how many: For each intake, please fill in the information below Intake Number: Number of participants: Intake Start Date: Intake End Date: Anticipated Dates of Completion for Apprenticeship Levels (dd/mm/yyy) Level 1: Level 2: Intake Number: Intake Start Date: Level 3: Number of participants: Intake End Date: Anticipated Dates of Completion for Apprenticeship Levels (dd/mm/yyy) Level 1: Intake Number: Intake Start Date: Level 2: Level 3: Number of participants: Intake End Date: Anticipated Dates of Completion for Apprenticeship Levels (dd/mm/yyy) CODA Call for Proposal 2015 6 Training Delivery Agency (TDA) Information Level 1: Level 2: Level 3: Contact Information College Name: Trade (Code) – Diploma (MTCU Code): Primary Contact Name: Title: Telephone: Fax: Email: Mailing Address: Backup Contact Name: Title: Telephone: Fax: Email: Mailing Address: Information and Reporting Contact Name: Title: Telephone: Fax: Email: Mailing Address: 3.8 Request to Deliver A New CODA Program CODA Call for Proposal 2015 7 College Name: Trade (Code) – Diploma (MTCU Code): This section is to be completed for requests to deliver a CODA program that has never before been offered by the TDA. For a funding request to deliver a new CODA program, please Describe experience related to the delivery of the specific trade, such as block release training or part-time classes; Provide details on delivery history of the associated diploma program; and Using the templates in Appendix A, submit a curriculum mapping showing how all apprenticeship in-school training and diploma program Learning Outcomes will be achieved. Colleges are required to analyse both learning outcomes and incorporate this curriculum integration exercise in the timeline. a) Please describe all prior experience related to the delivery of the trade. b) Please provide details on delivery history of the diploma program. CODA Call for Proposal 2015 8 CODA Call for Proposal 2015 9 3.9 Request To Renew a CODA Program Delivered Previously a) Please provide a review on all CODA projects for this trade, either closed or currently run, by supplying the following information. College Name : Trade (Code) – Diploma (MTCU Code) : Contract Name (Start Date – End Date) Eg. COOP-05-COL-#1 (Sept. 2005 – May 2007) # of Participant s Approved # Enrolled at Start # Registered as Apprentices # Receiving Work Placement # Completing Apprenticeship InSchool Training Only # Completing Diploma Only # Completing Both Apprenticeship In-School Training and Diploma b) Please summarize experiences, major delivery issues, challenges and/or solutions in the previous years Note: A revised curriculum mapping must be attached to the request if the TDA has made any changes to the curriculum that was used and approved by the Ministry for previous delivery. Please use Appendix A for the mapping and highlight the changes. CODA Call for Proposal 2015 10 3.10 Program Plan to Ensure Sucessful Delivery College Name: Trade (Code) – Diploma (MTCU Code): a) Demand for the Program Please highlight the demand for the program locally and/or provincially and include letters of support from employers committing to program placements. b) Marketing and Recruitment Strategy Please outline a marketing and recruitment plan that demonstrates how the college would ensure successful recruitment of individuals. c) Delivery Plan The Delivery Plan for in-school training should include but is not limited to: CODA Call for Proposal 2015 11 A brief description of the learning outcomes delivery; The length of program and sessions; The number of participants to be registered; Entry and exit points and possible accreditation available to recognized participants’ achievements, including prior learning assessment services available to participants; and A description of at least two business or entrepreneurship courses. d) Retention Strategy Please specify detailed retention strategies and activities, including but not limited to: Having participants return to school from on-the-job training to complete diploma requirements and apprenticeship inschool training; Increasing the number of participants who continue to work in the sector to obtain the Certificate of Qualification after completion of all diploma requirements and apprenticeship in-school training. CODA Call for Proposal 2015 12 e) Employment and Placement Services On-the-job training is a core component to CODA programs. Please provide a plan to ensure that all participants will be placed as scheduled in the delivery plan. It includes but is not limited to outreach activities, interaction with employer sponsors and local Employment Ontario Service Providers, employment services available to participants and on-going coordination and monitoring services for employers and participants. CODA Call for Proposal 2015 13 f) Employer Sponsors Please provide a list of the members of the sponsor group for this CODA program. Name CODA Call for Proposal 2015 Company Industrial Sector 14 # of Placements Provided # of Apprentices to be Hired 3.11Proposed Budget Template Training Delivery Agency (College, Campus): Program Trade (Code) – Diploma (MTCU Code) : Intake # Session or Semester of Intake Start Date: Type (In-SchoolTraining, On-the-job) Full-time or Part-time (F/T, P/T) Start Date End Date (mm/dd/yy) (mm/dd/yy) No. of weeks No. of days per week No. of hours per Session No. of participant (5) Rate (3), (4) (A)Sub-total: Start-up Grant (if eligible) (1): Please provide a budget breakdown (B)Sub-total: Delivery Cost per session CODA Call For Proposal 2015 Training Delivery Agency (College, Campus): Marketing Grant (2): Please provide a budget breakdown – Note that one marketing grant is awarded per proposal (not per intake) (C)Sub-total: Total Funding for this intake: $ Training Delivery Agency (College, Campus): Program Trade (Code) – Diploma (MTCU Code) : Intake # Session or Semester of Type (In-SchoolTraining, On-the-job) Intake Start Date: Full-time or Part-time (F/T, P/T) Start Date End Date (mm/dd/yy) (mm/dd/yy) No. of weeks No. of days per week No. of hours per Session No. of participant (5) Rate (3), (4) Delivery Cost per session (A)Sub-total: Page 16 of 18 CODA Call For Proposal 2015 Training Delivery Agency (College, Campus): Start-up Grant (if eligible) (1): Please provide a budget breakdown (B)Sub-total: Marketing Grant (2): Please provide a budget breakdown – Note that one marketing grant is awarded per proposal (not per intake) (C)Sub-total: Total Funding for this intake: $ Note: (1) A college is eligible for a $25,000 Start-up Grant per new program to support start-up and administration costs to deliver the new model in the college. A detailed proposed start-up budget should be submitted for approval. (2) All colleges are eligible for up to $15,000 per program to market the program to employers, industry and the community. A budget breakdown is required to justify the amount requested. (3) The rate to deliver the in-school sessions must not exceed $3,500 per 15 week semester, or $7,000 per two 15 week semesters for each participant. This rate must include all costs associated with the in-school training. (4) The college will be eligible to claim up to $500.00 per participant who is placed to assist with all costs associated with employment placement services, including establishing and/or maintaining employer relations, monitoring placements, employment services and employer retention strategies. (5) Programs will be funded based on actual seats filled by participants, as identified in project reports, due each November 1st, March1st and June 1st. Page 17 of 18