DBSi 5.0 Data Cleansing Overview

DBSi 5.0 Data Cleansing
Customer Information
Special Characters & Validity Checks
Sample Sequel
Related documentation
There are special characters that either are not allowed or are
used for specific purposes within the XMLI interface to CODA or
CODA itself. Specific data fields in the Vendor and Customer
conversions to CODA need to be validated to determine that none
of these characters exist. Data validation and required “clean-up”
must be performed prior to executing any data conversions.
Sequels have been created to perform the data validation and
report any data issues. These sequels can be created from
examples provided in the ‘DBS 2.3.4 to 5.0 Data Cleansing
Guidelines’ document in the DDP.
Customer Information
Only customers within CODA v4 (i.e. receivable customers) are
converted to CODA eFinance prior to DBSi 5.0 Go Live
1. Customers from CODA v4 and related data are downloaded
into an Excel spreadsheet
2. New 5.0 field data is added manually and other data can be
adjusted as necessary in the spreadsheet
3. The spreadsheet data is uploaded to an AS/400 file
4. The Customer Account conversion loads the AS/400 file data
and other data (selected during the conversion load) from the
DBS Customer file (CIPNAME0) to CODA eFinance
Once DBSi 5.0 is in production use, customers (i.e. receivable)
are added to CODA from DBS customer adds
Special Characters and Validity Checks
20 sequels that evaluate different fields on the DBS customer file
1 sequel that evaluates the CIPLADR0 file (DBS 2.3.4 only)
19 sequels evaluate information on the LFA1 vendor master
22 sequels that validate Vendor account data from Coda V4 (DBS
2.3.4 only)
These sequels are looking for special characters such as: ?, *,
“, ~, ;, #, !, @, ‘, [, ], <, >
The files are also interrogated for valid currency indicator,
valid state code and valid country code
Sample Sequel
Fields Validated
CUNM – Customer Name
SQL Statement
cuno, cunm, cunm2 COLHDG("Cust Name2"),
ivtypi COLHDG("Inv" "Ind")
cunm CONTAINS '?' OR cunm CONTAINS '"' OR
cunm CONTAINS '~' OR cunm CONTAINS ';' OR cunm
CONTAINS '*' OR cunm CONTAINS '<' OR cunm
Related Documentation
• ADMS Sharepoint
– DBS 2.3.4 to 5.0 Data Cleansing Guidelines
Questions / Comments