AP World History

AP World History
Chap 26 Study Guide – Ottomans & China
What are 2 factors that account for Chinese success?
From Empire to Nation: Ottoman Retreat & the Birth of Turkey
2. What are 3 factors that account for Ottoman decline?
Reform and Survival:
3. Despite the variety of problems they were faced with, what allowed the Ottoman Empire to continue to survive?
What steps do they take in an attempt to reform?
Repression and Revolt:
5. Describe the final decline of the Ottoman Empire from Abdul Hamid to World War I.
Western Intrusions and the Crisis in the Arab Islamic Heartlands:
6. What evidence do you see of the rebirth of conflict between Christians and Muslims?
Muhammad Ali and the Failure of Westernization in Egypt:
7. Describe the impact that Napoleon’s “visit” to Egypt had on Muslim views of the West. How do they affect Ali’s
effort as ruler?
Bankruptcy, European Intervention, and Strategies of Resistance:
8. What sort of relationships do the Egyptians want to pursue with Westerners? What relationship ultimately
Jihad: The Mahdist Revolt in the Sudan:
9. Describe the jihadists efforts of “the Mahdi”. How does the movement end?
The Last Dynasty: The Rise and Fall of the Qing Empire in China:
10. How do the Manchus overthrow the Ming and establish the Qing dynasty?
11. How do the Manchus manage society once they have power?
Economy and Society in the Early Centuries of Qing Rule:
12. How are women treated/regarded in Qing China?
13. What do you notice about the changing status of tradesmen? (think about the Foundations/Post-Classical era)
Rot from Within: Bureaucratic Breakdown and Social Disintegration
14. How does the exam system decline? What is the resulting impact on society and government?
15. What are other major issues facing China?
Barbarians at the Southern Gate: The Opium War and After:
16. How do the British finally fix their trade imbalance with China? What is the result of this new trade for China?
for England?
A Civilization at Risk: Rebellion and Failed Reforms:
17. Describe the attempted reforms of the Taiping Rebellion. Why do you think the Manchu emperors (ex: Cixi)
would be so unwilling to allow those reforms in an attempt to save China?
The Fall of the Qing: The End of a Civilization?
18. Describe the social pressures that bring about the Qing collapse.
19. We lose an old friend in the last paragraph. Reflect on this tragic loss to our curriculum. On a serious note,
however, how do you think the Chinese would react to the loss of an institution like the exam system that had been
in existence for several thousand years?
(see below for Points to Ponder)
Points to Ponder (20 points – 4 points for each question)
1) How did the experiences of the Qing dynasty in China differ from those in the
Ottoman Empire from 1700 – 1900 CE? (focus on actions)
2) Compare and contrast the reactions of the Islamic heartlands and China to the
challenge of the West? (focus on sentiments)
3) Compare and contrast the British intervention in Egypt with its intervention in
4) Compare and contrast the decline of China and Turkey (as one group) with the
decline and fall of any previous classical or post-classical civilization.
5) How did the emergence of the industrialized West affect the pattern for the
decline of civilizations?