AGENCY REQUEST FOR BUILDING COMMISSION ACTION November 18, 2009 AGENCY: Department of Administration REQUEST: Request authority to: a) Construct various maintenance and repair projects at an estimated total cost of $5,612,500 ($5,193,100 PRSB – Facility Maintenance and Repair [Y240] and $419,400 PRSB - Cash); and b) Permit the DOA – Division of State Facilities (DSF) to adjust individual project budgets. DSF # Building & Location 09J3Q Milwaukee State Office Bldg. 819 N. 6th Street, Milwaukee Project Title Northeast Exterior Masonry & Plaza Repairs PRSB $1,020,900 DWD Agency $ $ - Total $1,020,900 PROJECT DESCRIPTION: This request provides maintenance, repair, renovation and upgrades through the All Agency Projects Program. DSF #09J3Q – Milwaukee State Office Bldg – Northeast Exterior Masonry/Plaza Repairs: The Milwaukee State Office Building is located at 819 N. 6th Street in downtown Milwaukee. It is a modern, ten-story, office structure with articulated window wall of precast concrete panels. The facade consists of masonry and glass with mechanically fastened foam insulation and insulcrete thin coat imbedded with white marble chips. The last cyclical maintenance done on the plazas and barrier walls occurred in 1991. Currently, there is extensive spalling and failure of brickwork occurring at the exterior on the building, and on the northeast plaza barrier walls. In addition, drainage issues on the northeast plaza decks are adversely affecting occupied space below the deck. The masonry walls adjacent to the plaza have deteriorated to the point they need to be replaced and proper waterproofing and detailing needs to be preformed. This project provides for the repair and/or replacement of brickwork and replaces the existing masonry barrier walls with new stainless steel railing system. Project budget based upon the October 2009 Condition Report prepared by an A/E consultant. BUDGET & SCHEDULE: Budget Line Construction A/E Design Fees DSF Mgmt Fee Contingency Moveable Equipment % for Art - .25% Totals Milwaukee Exterior Masonry Project $ 834,000 $ 66,800 $ 36,700 $ 83,400 $ $ $ 1,020,900 Program Approval Program Approval A/E Selection Design Report Completed Bid Date Start of Construction Substantial Completion Final Completion Milwaukee 2nd & 7th Floor Renovations Nov-09 Dec-09 N/A Jun-10 Jul-10 Feb-11 May-11 PREVIOUS BUILDING COMMISSION ACTION: None AGENCY CONTACT: Ted Crawford,, 608.266.1674