Rubric for Their Eyes Were Watching God Essay ______ A (93-100) - superior thesis; superior evidence, examples, or proof; excellent organization; sound mechanics; strong transitions and connections of thought; effective imagination or sophisticated reasoning; excellent diction and vocabulary; excellent quote blending with a superior style; pauses to fully analyze the quotes and provides a superior examination of Hurston’s stylistic devices that emerge from the quotes; a convincing, thoroughly detailed, specific, superior answer to the topic that displays Level 2 and 3 thinking with insight, accuracy, precision, and clarity; ______ A-/B+ (92 – 87) - intelligent, yet less concise and less complete thesis; excellent evidence, examples, or proof but infrequently could be less thorough; excellent organization; a few mechanical flaws but overall sound; mostly strong transitions and connections of thought; less effective imagination or sophisticated reasoning; a few lapses in diction and less sophisticated vocabulary; strong quote blending and analysis of the quotes; a convincing, thoroughly detailed, specific, superior answer to the topic that displays Level 2 and 3 thinking; slightly “safe” paper that is well done and convincing; _____ B (86-80) - good, safe thesis; completely adequate in every way; good evidence, examples or proof; a beginning, middle, and an end – organization is good but could be much more clear; significantly fewer and less effective transitions and connections of thought; a good answer but only cursory in its examination of topic; decent quote blending with a couple errors; sometimes but not always pauses to fully analyze the quotes; displays Level 2 and Level 3 thinking. _____ C (79-74) - vague or unwieldy thesis; not enough examples; general analysis; may have a couple great moments, but overall, plot summary is evident; struggles with organization in terms of strong topic and concluding sentences and an overall layout that flows well with transitions; definite mechanical flaws and carelessness, weak diction, few transitions; not enough attention to detail; opens the door but doesn’t go in; doesn’t do much quality Level 2 or Level 3 thinking; struggles with correct quote blending (leaves quotes standing alone and doesn’t cite quotes correctly; might also use huge blocks of quotes; doesn’t pause to fully analyze the quotes _____ D (73-70) - poorly constructed or nonexistent thesis; rambling generalizations which do not even address question or topic; immature syntax and/or vocabulary; unconnected observations and conclusions; consistently poor mechanics; No Level 2 or Level 3 thinking; all or many quotes are just standing alone _____ F (below 70) - lack of effort; passing reference to topic; no examples or inappropriate ones; usually too brief and undeveloped; misguided, empty observations and conclusions; syntax meltdown; no level 2 or 3 thinking; no direct evidence