Unit #4a Comparison - Evangelical Christian Academy

Evangelical Christian Academy
Instructional Guide: Course Outline
Department: Language Arts
Course Title: Rhetoric
Course Length: 2 semesters
Unit #4a: Argument Builder: Chapters 10-13, p.
72-97 on Comparison
Common Topic: Comparison
Subtopics: Analogy, Difference, Degree
Fallacies of Comparison
Unit Length: 1 – 2 weeks
Instructional Objectives: Essential*
Normative Question: How do you decide between two goods?
*Read excerpts from the Bible, literature and history and discuss the persuasive appeal of
comparison. Compare paragraphs with and without the use of comparison.
Create arguments using the topic and subtopics of comparison
*State a fortiori arguments (Plus see Aristotle's Goods, studied in Aristotle's Unit 2, Lesson 4 )
*Memorize fallacies of comparison: false analogy, fallacy of clarity, snob appeal, appeal to
moderation, distinction without difference
Instructional Resources:
Argument Builder, Shelly Johnson
Biblical Integration: Jesus used many analogies or parables to compare a difficult subject – the
Kingdom of God – to more familiar objects and aspects of life such as the mustard seed, yeast mixed
with flour, weeds, treasure hidden in a field, a pearl of great value, and a fishing net let down in the
lake. (Matthew 13:31- 52) Similarly, we can use this effective type of comparison argument to draw
conclusions between two examples. Additionally, Jesus used an a fortiori argument from the subtopic
of degree when he argued from the lesser to the greater when speaking of the value of the sparrows. If
the sparrows were of value to God, how much more are we. (Matthew 10: 29-30)
Class participation and discussion
Inspection of Commonplace Book
Write essay using common topics of definition, testimony, comparison with figures of speech
studied to date
Student Activities:
Brainstorming examples
Crafting arguments for debate using the common topic of comparison
Rhetoric, Course Outline, Unite #4a
Revised 12-10-2014 lms
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