LCUSD WORKING DRAFT ENGLISH-LANGUAGE ARTS CONTENT STANDARDS Grade One READING 1.0 Word Analysis, Fluency, and Systematic Vocabulary Development Standard Concepts About Print 1.01 Match oral words to printed words. Activities / Resources Anchor Assessment Vocabulary *Pocket Chart and Activities * Journal Writing * Oral Reading * Word Wall * Listening Center Observation * Porfolio * District High Frequency Words * 1.02 Identify the title and author of a reading selection. Identify using big books, class books and anthologies Teacher Observation * Self and Peer assessment 1.03 Identify letters, words and sentences. Vocabulary * Sentence Strips * Word Wall * Pocket Chart * Flash Cards Phonological Awareness * District Wide Assessment Check List * Teacher Observation Big Book * Word Families * Phonics game *Phonics Manipulative kit *Rhyme posters * Celebration books Teacher observation *Phonological awareness * Skill Practice Book *Celebration Books - identify in small group with teacher Big Book * Phonics Game *Phonics Manipulative Kit *McCraken *Pocket Chart Activites Teacher observation *Teacher generated check-list *Performance based assessment Phonemic Awareness 1.04 Distinguish initial, medial, and final sounds in single-syllable words. 1.05 Distinguish long- and short-vowel sounds in orally stated single-syllable words (bit/bite). Friday, June 20, 2003 Grade One WORKING DRAFT Page 1 of 10 Phonemic Awareness 1.06 Create and state a series of rhyming words, including consonant blends. Rhyme Poster *Transparencies *Pocket Chart *Word Families *Stories on tape Oral Assessment *List of rhyming words *Phonological awarness 1.07 Add, delete, or change target sounds to change words (e.g., change cow to how; pan to an). Phonics Manipulative kit *Pocket Chart *Word Families *McCraken *Poetry Posters Phonological Awareness *Teacher Observation *Running Records 1.08 Blend two to four phonemes into recognizable words (e.g., /c/a/t/=cat; /f/l/a/t=flat). Guided Reading *Phonics Manipulative kit *Pocket Chart *Shared Reading Teacher Observation *Phonological Awareness *Running Records *CRI (Year End) 1.09 Segment single syllable words into their components (e.g., /c/a/t/=cat; /s/p/l/a/t/=splat; /r/i/ch/=rich). Guided Reading *Phonics Maniulative Kit *Pocket Chart * Shared Reading Teacher Observation *Phonological Awareness *Running Records Rhyme Poster *Anthology Stories *Celebration Books *Hear, See, Say, Write, Read Specific Skill Teacher Observation * Practice Book *Running Records *Celebration Books Word Wall *Vocabulary *Spelling Activities *Sight Word Bingo *Guided Reading Spelling Test *District Check List *Running Records *Teacher Observation Decoding and Word Recognition 1.10 Generate the sounds from all the letters and letter patterns, including consonant blends and long- and short-vowel patterns (i.e., phonograms), and combine those sounds into recognizable words. 1.11 Read common, irregular sight words (e.g., the, have, said, come, give, of) Friday, June 20, 2003 Grade One WORKING DRAFT Page 2 of 10 Decoding and Word Recognition 1.12 Use knowledge of vowel digraphs and r-controlled letter-sound associations to read words. Anthology Stories *Phonics Game *Practice Book *Word Families *High Frequency Works * Celebration Books Running Records * Teacher Observation small and large group *Tape Record Student's reading 1.13 Read compound words and contractions. Phonics Games *Shared Reading with Big Books *Practice Book *McCraken Running Records *District Check-list *Teacher Observation 1.14 Read inflectional forms (e.g., -s, -ed, -ing) and root words (e.g., look, looked, looking). Poetry Posters *DOL *Practice Book *Guided Reading *Shared Reading Running Records *Teacher Observation *Tape Student's Reading *CRI (Year End) *District Check list 1.15 Read common word families (e.g., -ite, -ate). Pocket Chart *Poetry Posters *McCraken *Phonics Games *Spelling * Practice Book Running Records *Teacher Observation 1.16 Read aloud with fluency in a manner that sounds like natural speech. Retail Stories * Shared Reading *Guided Reading Tape the student's reading *Running Records *CRI Picture Cards *Pocket Chart *Practice Book *Manipulatives Teacher Observation *Teacher generated skill sheets Vocabulary and Concept Development 1.17 Classify grade-appropriate categories of words (e.g., concrete collections like animals and foods). Friday, June 20, 2003 Grade One WORKING DRAFT Page 3 of 10 2.0 Reading Comprehension Standard Structural Features of Informational Materials 2.01 Identify text that uses sequence or other logical order. Activities Assessment Sequence Strips *Pocket Chart Activities *Practice Books *Transparency * Use Literary Pattern to create class book Oral sequencing of the story *10 important sentences Comprehension and Analysis of Grade-Level-Appropriate Text 2.02 Respond to who, what, when, where, and Story Map *Small Group and large group how questions. oral reading *Practice Book *CRI Teacher generated questions both orally and written 2.03 Follow one-step written instructions. Practice Book Observation 2.04 Use context to resolve ambiguities about word and sentence meanings. Big Book Activities *Practice Book *Sentence Strip / Pocket Chart Activites *Guided Reading Teacher Observation *Guided Reading 2.05 Confirm predictions about what will happen next in text by identifying key words (i.e., signpost words). Guided Reading *Shared Reading *Pocket Chart *Pair/Share Teacher Observation *Pair / Share 2.06 Relate prior knowledge to textual information. Pre-reading discussion *KWL chart *Story Map Teacher Observation *CRI (Year End) Friday, June 20, 2003 Grade One WORKING DRAFT Page 4 of 10 Comprehension and Analysis of Grade-Level-Appropriate Text 2.07 Retell the central ideas of simple expository Practice Book *Pocket Chart Stories *Role or narrative passages. Playing (drama, puppet) *Round-Robin Reading Teacher Observation large and small group *Performace Assessment 3.0 Literary Response and Analysis Standard Activities Assessment Narrative Analysis of Grade Level Appropriate Text 3.01 Identify and describe the story elements of plot, setting, and characters, including the story’s beginning, middle, and ending. Story Map (Whole Calss *pre-writing activities *practice book *Core Literature *Elements of A Story Chart Teacher Observation *Student Created Story Map 3.02 Describe the roles of authors and illustrators and their contributions to print materials. Anthologies Meet the Author *Author studies *Class Books *Author / Issustrator (Visit Web Sites and Activities) Oral or Written response 3.03 Recollect, talk, and write about books read during the school year. Create class books *Journal *Book Talks *Written / Oral Book Reports *Create Personal Stories Share and Asses Friday, June 20, 2003 Grade One WORKING DRAFT Page 5 of 10 WRITING 1.0 Writing Strategies Standard Organization and Focus 1.01 Select a focus when writing. 1.02 Use descriptive words when writing. Penmanship 1.03 Print legibly and space letters, words, and sentences appropriately. Activities Assessment Story Maps * Brainstorming *Teacher Modeling *Duscuss *Pocket Chart Stories District Writing assessment Rubric *Portfolio *Peer Reading of story Teacher Modeling *Illustrate *Teacher Duscussion *Brainstorm *Descriptive Word Cards *Journal District Writing Assessment Rubric *Portfolio Printing Skills Checklist *Handwriting Center *McCraken *Writing Center District Writing Assessment Rubric *Portfolio *Anedotal Records 2.0 Writing Applications (Genres and Their Characteristics) Standard Activities Assessment Using the writing strategies outlined in the previous standard, students 2.01 Write brief narratives (e.g., fictional, Modeling *Journal *Writers Workshop autobiographical) describing an experience. *Class Books *Daily News Writing Assessment 2.02 Writing Assessment *Portfolios Write brief expository descriptions of a real object, person, place, or event using sensory details. Friday, June 20, 2003 Guided Writing *Modeling *Journal *Writers Workshop *Story Maps *Class Books Grade One WORKING DRAFT Page 6 of 10 WRITTEN AND ORAL ENGLISH LANGUAGE CONVENTIONS 1.0 Written and Oral English Language Conventions Standard Sentence Structure 1.01 Write and speak in complete, coherent sentences. Grammar 1.02 Identify and correctly use singular and plural nouns. 1.03 Identify and correctly use contractions (e.g., isn’t, aren’t, can’t, won’t) and singular possessive pronouns (e.g., ‘s, my/mine, his/her, hers, your/s) in writing and speaking. Punctuation 1.04 Distinguish between declarative, exclamatory, and interrogative sentences. 1.05 Use a period, exclamation point, or question mark at the end of sentences. Friday, June 20, 2003 Activities Assessment Echoing *Play/Drama *Author's Chair *Share * Readers Theatre *Video Tape *Kid Pix Record Oral Presentation Rubric *Teacher Observation *Peer Evaluation DOL *Practice Book * Weekend News *Journal Share Teacher observation *Oral Presentation Rubric *Anecdotal Records DOL *Practice Book *Shared Reading *Centers *Skill Sheets Anecdotal Records *Teacher Observation DOL *Practice Book *Guided Reading *Guided Writing *Modeling by teacher *Centers Teacher Observation *Tape Record Reading DOL *Practice Book *Journal *Class Books *Language experience *Skill Centers *Model by Teacher *Writer's Workshop District Writing Assessment *Portfolios Grade One WORKING DRAFT Page 7 of 10 Punctuation 1.06 Use knowledge of the basic rules of punctuation and capitalization when writing. DOL *Practice Book *Teacher Modeling *Class Books *Jouranl Teacher Observation *District Writing *Published stories *Portfolios Capitalization 1.07 Correctly capitalize the first word of a sentence, names of people, and the pronoun "I". DOL *Practice Book *Teacher Modeling *Class Books Teacher Observation *District Writing Rubric *Published Stories *Portfolio Spelling 1.08 Spell three- and four-letter short-vowel words and grade-level-appropriate sight words correctly. McCraken *District high Frequency Words *Dictation Sentences Spelling Tests *Teacher Observation *1st Grade Lang. Arts Assessment *District Writing Assessment Friday, June 20, 2003 Grade One WORKING DRAFT Page 8 of 10 LISTENING AND SPEAKING 1.0 Listening and Speaking Strategies Standard Comprehension 1.01 Listen attentively. Activities Assessment Directed Drawing *Graphing *Listening Center *Listening to stories *Tapes, CDs, Records Teacher Observation *Oral Presentation Rubric *Anecodotal Notes 1.02 Ask questions for clarification and understanding. Repeat Directions *Demonstrate instruction *Retell instruction Teacher Observation *Completed Activities 1.03 Give, restate and follow simple two-step directions. Games *Demonstrate, re-tell, and repeat instructions Teacher Observation *Completed Activity Drama *Author's Chair *Oral Reports *Book Talk *Teacher Modeling Oral Presentation Rubric *Teacher Observation Weekend News *Share *Oral Reports *Story Telling Teacher Observation Organization and Delivery of Oral Communications 1.04 Stay on the topic when speaking. 1.05 Use descriptive words when speaking about people, places, things, and events. Friday, June 20, 2003 Grade One WORKING DRAFT Page 9 of 10 2.0 Speaking Applications (Genres and Their Characteristics) Standard Activities Assessment Using the speaking strategies outlined in the previous standard, students 2.01 Recite poems, rhymes, songs, and stories. Poem for your pocket *Reading Stories *Sing Songs *Chants *Presentations *Share Stories Teacher Observation *Video Tape *Kid Pix 2.02 Retell stories using basic story grammar, sequencing story events by answering who, what, when, where, why, and how questions. Shared Stories *Share Journal *Share Book Reports *Class Stories Teacher Observation *Anecdotal Records * Peer Evaluation 2.03 Relate an important life event or personal experience in a simple sequence. Journal Share *Peer Interviews *Student of the Week Teacher Observation *Peer Evaluation 2.04 Provide descriptions with careful attention to sensory detail. Teacher Modeling *Re-Tell Stories Orally *Echoing *Describing and listening activities Teacher Observation *Peer Evaluation *Tape Records Friday, June 20, 2003 Grade One WORKING DRAFT Page 10 of 10