Curriculum Map Year 2 Gp Teacher Term Aut Theme 1 Mrs Chinn This is my home! Teaching Assistant Mrs Thackham The information within this leaflet will help you to help your child. The Curriculum Map shows the main areas of learning that your child will undertake during the forthcoming term. The Class Timetable will enable you to talk to your child about their school day!! This is what we will be teaching through our creative curriculum range of physical and human features of their locality, using appropriate geographical terms. They will identify how people affect the environment and recognise ways people try to manage it for the better. through drawing and sculpture. In ICT, children will learn to control and programme devices to follow a route both on the screen and by using a roamer. These are the main objectives that will be taught during this ½ term Artwork will focus on exploring shape and pattern in buildings. They will produce prints and rubbings of patterns found in buildings and go on to record the use of shape, space and pattern in local buildings Through our RE lessons this ½ term the children will cover the following. Do try and attend your child’s class Mass In Geography, the children will use a range of secondary sources and first-hand enquiry to describe a In PSHE, children will identify and name some feelings and express some of their positive qualities. They will identify and respect differences and similarities between people, and will explain different ways that family and friends should care for one another. Children will learn ways of greeting people in a variety of different languages. In music, children will use songs and activities to develop confidence in singing and playing to a common pulse. They will respond to and explore changes of speed and repeat and create simple rhythmic phrases. Our learning in Science will focus on living things and their habitats. Children will adopt a practical investigation-based approach throughout their learning in Science. Our PE will encompass a range of activities where children will develop and practise skills across a range of sports. Focused activities this half term will include dance and games. Stories of the Old Testament – stories of Noah, Abraham and Isaac, David and Goliath, Jonah and Daniel. Sharing in the life of Jesus – Jesus’ life story and family history including the flight into Egypt, Wedding Feast at Cana, the call of the disciples and Mary at the Cross. Children will also learn how to use and pray the Rosary. Children will also learn about ways in which we remember special people.Class Mass 25th November Class Assembly 6th November KS1 production 09/12/15 Literacy Instructions Children write a simple sequence of instructions to be followed by another child. Children indicate sequence, use appropriate tense and detailed diagrams. Stories with familiar settings Children write a structured story (with an opening something happens – events to sort it out – ending). Children use role play and write notes then use them to write a story. Securing sentences using: Think, Say, Write, Read then Check process. Numeracy Counting, partitioning and calculating: count forward and backward in steps of 2, 5 and 10 from 0 recognise the place value of each digit in a two-digit number identify and represent numbers using different representations, including the number line compare and order numbers from 0 up to 50 read and write numbers to at least 20 in numerals and in words Addition and Subtraction: solve simple one-step problems with addition and subtraction using objects and pictures by using mental methods recall and use addition facts to 20 fluently add and subtract numbers including a two-digit number and ones and adding three one-digit numbers show that addition of two numbers can be done in any order recognise the inverse relationship between addition and subtraction Geometry: identify properties of 2-D shapes (including number of sides) and properties of 3-D solids (including vertices and faces) compare and sort common 2-D shapes use mathematical vocabulary to describe position Class Timetable Fri P.E. P.E. Coach Coach Guided Reading Science English Maths R.E. Computing Library English Maths Creative Curriculum Geography Creative Curriculum Geography English Maths Guided Reading Creative Curriculum Art Circle Time Guided Reading Assembly Thur s 2.10 – 3.10 Guided R Phonics Guided Reading Maths Phonics Mass Wed s Maths 1.05 – 2.10 Class Story English Phonics Guided Reading Tues 11.00-12.00 Phonics English 10.40– 11.00 Phonics Mon 9.25 – 10.25 Assembly 9.00–9.25 Please Remember Dinner money Monday (clearly labelled please) P.E. Kit In school each day. Take home to wash at holiday time. To read at home Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday To read Library Book Wednesday Library Books changed Wednesday Spellings Phonic groups – Given on Monday to learn, tested on Friday. Homework Given Friday, returned (in folders) by Wednesday at the latest please! Please look in Reading Record for any communication. Use Reading Record to record Reading Book comments and Library Book comments. Many thanks for your co-operation. If you have any queries regarding this information, then please speak to Mrs Chinn or Mr Breeze. God is at the centre of our lives and as a school community we try to grow in love and care by following the example of Jesus.