Local environments Stage 2 Connected Outcomes Group (A) Connection focus: observing and interpreting the environment considering its significance, planning and design. The impact our interactions have on different environments needs to be considered. Literacy connections: Texts that discuss and explain Talking and listening: identify key criteria for a task Reading: compare visual features of maps Writing: record and explain a process using technical language, and visual features KLA Outcomes 2.UL.1 Recognises and responds to spoken texts in Chinese in familiar contexts 2.UL.2 Identifies and responds to key words, phrases and simple sentences in context in written Chinese LANGUAGES 2.UL.3 Uses familiar language to share information 2.UL.4 Uses models to write text to convey personal information and ideas 2MLC.1 Explores relationships between languages 2.MLC.2 Identifies ways in which meaning is conveyed by the sounds and symbols of Chinese Numeracy connections: Position: determine compass directions (E, S, W, N; NE, SE, NW and SW) given one of the directions. Describe the location of natural features in NSW and Australia as a direction from own local area. Three-dimensional space: name, describe, sort, make and sketch prisms, pyramids, cylinders, cones and spheres. Make a model of a building. Have several students sketch the building from different viewpoints. Identify the viewpoint from which the drawing was made. Connections Content Students identify means of getting around in the local area and compare this with other countries. Students learn to: • describe how people travel, using different types of transport, e.g. 走路,坐(汽)车,坐火车,坐公共汽 Students locate key features on a map and give/respond to directions. Students explore a typical school day in the target language community. Existing KLA resources Flashcards, e.g. transport, famous places in target country Games, e.g. Memory Maps and photographs of local area 车,坐自行车 (by foot, by car, by train, by bus, by Websites with maps of China Zìjǐ lái ba! (resource kit for primary bike). Chinese), unit 7 • use maps, locating landmarks with directions (e.g. 北 Chinese Made Easy for kids Chinese Paradise 边 – north side) and coordinates (e.g. A7) Kuai Le Han Yu • give simple directions, e.g. 往左拐,往右拐,往前走, Ni Hao 3, Unit 2 往回走 (turn left, turn right, walk straight ahead, turn back). Students learn about: • key features and landmarks in Australia and China • similarities and differences in schooling in various communities, e.g. between Australia and China. DET resources: Tai Hao Le CD-ROM (Module 4, topic 2, level 2) Shuo Shuo Xiao Xiao, Beginners (Theme 7, Programs 33-38, if available) Shuo Shuo Xiao Xiao, Continuers (Theme 7 Programs 33-38, if available) China Album CD-ROM (Theme 4, Games) 2.MBC.1 Recognises the link between culture and a sense of identity 2.MBC.2 Identifies connections between culture and language use in Chinesespeaking communities © State of NSW, Department of Education and Training, Curriculum K–12 Directorate (2006) COGs Chinese S2 Local environment (A) 17/7/06 Page 1 of 3 http://www.curriculumsupport.nsw.edu.au/timetoteach Unit of work Outcomes Learning experience Planned assessment Languages Transport (Building the field) • Ask students to draw (or cut out pictures of) the different types of transport they know/use and Assessment strategy 1 2.UL.1 Recognises and responds to spoken texts in Chinese in familiar contexts • listens for meaning • listens to short texts while following the written form • uses paralanguage, e.g. tone, pitch, volume, gestures, facial expressions, to support understanding, such as directions. 2.UL.2 Identifies and responds to key words, phrases and simple sentences in context in written Language • recognises the forms and conventions of language in text • uses their knowledge of symbols to read and understand words. 2.UL.3 Uses familiar language to share information • imitates and reproduces correct pronunciation, intonation and stress • engages in conversations to ask and respond to questions, make and respond to requests, to give and respond to instructions. 2.UL.4 Uses models to write text to convey personal information and ideas • refers to charts, dictionaries, word lists and glossaries to access Hànzì or vocabulary to enhance communication of ideas. 2.MLC.1 Explores relationships between languages • identifies words drawn from other languages and the influence of globalisation on language • identifies and compares connections between languages, e.g. grammar, word order. 2.MLC.2 Identifies ways in which meaning is conveyed by the sounds and symbols of Chinese identifies features of the spoken language • demonstrates understanding of the conventions of speech, e.g. questions, statements. 2.MBC.1 Recognises the link between culture and a sense of identity • contributes to class discussions about diverse practices across cultures. NSW Department of Education and Training COGs Chinese S2 Local environment (A) make a vocabulary poster, e.g. 走路,汽车,火车,公共汽车,自行车,船 (for students who need more support, vocabulary can be printed on worksheet given to students to cut out and paste on poster). Students survey each other to see how they go to a set place in the local community (e.g. shops), and present the results in graph form, labelled in Chinese (this could also be done as an ICT task, using Excel) Travelling to school • Using flashcards, teacher surveys students to find out how they come to school, e.g. 走路, 坐(汽)车,坐火车,坐公共汽车,坐自行车. • Consolidate language: memory game (matching pictures with Hànzì). • Students survey each other to see how they get to a set place in the community and determine the total number of students who use each mode of transport (see Assessment strategy 1) using the language 你怎么去……?我……去。 • Draw up the results as a bar graph, and discuss in Chinese (numbers + modes of transport), Assessment criteria The student: • creates appropriate questions for the survey in Chinese • records information correctly in Chinese • demonstrates knowledge of modes of transport and key structures and vocabulary in Chinese. e.g. 几个同学坐……去?……个。 • Using a listening tape (or video if available) with students in China (or recently arrived students from China) being interviewed/talking about getting to school, ask students to write down how students get to school in China, and compare this with their own community. Alternatively, students can search on the internet about schools in China, give a report and compare the information with their own community. These criteria relate to outcomes 2.UL.3, 2.UL.4, 2.MLC.1, 2.MLC.2 Case study: School here versus school there • Based on research completed in the last dot point above or from the internet, discuss what a typical school day is like in China, including: - how students get to school - which days students go to school - time school starts/finishes - whether or not students wear a school uniform - typical school subjects - lunch at home or school - other customs. • Reading task: working in pairs, students are given cards about various activities at schools in Australia and China (including time for each activity). They are to match sentences to the Assessment criteria Assessment strategy 2 Students take turns to guide their classmates through a maze (listening and speaking). The student: • understands simple directions, including left, right, straight ahead and stop • gives simple directions, including left, right, straight ahead and stop. These criteria relate to outcomes 1.UL.1, 1.UL.3, 1.MLC.2 correct country (Australia and China). For example 学校三点放学,四点有课外活动,我们十 二点半吃午饭 etc. How do I get around my community? • Introduce vocabulary and expressions related to position and direction (怎么走?往左拐,往右 30/7/06 Page 2 of 3 http://www.curriculumsupport.education.nsw.gov.au/timetoteach Outcomes 2.MBC.2 Identifies connections between culture and language use in Chinese-speaking communities • observes the influence of cultural values on language use, e.g. formal and informal language. Learning experience Planned assessment 拐,往前走,往回走). Extension: prepositions (前面,后面,旁边,对面,附近) and more complex directions (第一个路口……). • Using a map of Beijing, introduce key places of interest. Using the same map or an OHT, give students a starting point and then directions in Chinese to find other places of interest. • Using the map (same as above or one showing local areas around the school), give students a starting point and ask which form of transport they would choose to get to key features, e.g. • • • • 你怎么去?我坐火车去。 True/false activity: students read 5–6 statements relating to a map and follow directions, identifying them as true/false. Using the map, give students a starting point and then ask them to describe how they would get to other key features, using simple directions, e.g. 往前走,往左拐。 Students draw chalk mazes/maps on playground to orally guide each other through (see Assessment strategy 2). Extension – students to use China Album CD-ROM Theme 4 Games – Street directions to extend their knowledge of practising directions getting around town. Other communities: the bigger picture • Using a map of a city in China (Beijing, Shanghai) or alternately a map showing Chinatown in Sydney, ask students to locate places of interest using coordinates, e.g. A7 • Identify famous landmarks and major cities on a map, introducing 东,南,西,北;东北,东 南,西北,西南 (east, south, west, north; north-east, south-east, north-west, south-west), e.g. 北京在中国的北部。(Beijing is in the north of China.) Explain the differences between saying these directions in Chinese and in English. • Extension – ask students to identify China on a world map and compare its features to Australia, e.g. size, physical features and population. • Make a puzzle map with the regions and cities of China, and describe the location of cities in Chinese, e.g. 上海在中国的东南部。(Shanghai is in the south-east of China.) NSW Department of Education and Training COGs Chinese S2 Local environment (A) 30/7/06 Page 3 of 3 http://www.curriculumsupport.education.nsw.gov.au/timetoteach