Итоговая контрольная работа по учебнику М.З. Биболетовой 7

Итоговая контрольная работа по учебнику М.З. Биболетовой 7 класс
I вариант
1.We….in London now.
B. lives
C. have lived
2. Last night I….a wonderful dream.
A. have
B. had.
C. am having
3. I have many friends….are interesting
A. It
B. Them
C. They
4. I can see a lot of…in the yard.
A. childs
B. children
5. India….in Asia.
A. is situated
C. childrens
B. is proud of
6. My parents…allow me to go out.
A. doesn’t
B. don’t
C. is interested in
C. not to
7. We are going to the theater… Sunday.
A. in
B. on
C. at
8. It usually…me ten minutes to get to the Post Office.
A. take
B. took
C. takes
9. Russian…by many millions of people.
A. are spoken
B. is spoken
10. The film…last year.
A. is shown
B. were shown
C. speak
C. was shown
11. Our new English textbook ….next year.
A. will be published
B. is published
C. was published
12. Whose ticket is this? (It belongs to you)
A. mine
B. yours
C. ours
13. Have you seen the boy…won the competition?
A. who
C.14. Our house is…good.
A. quite
B. quiet
C. quietly
15. Pay attention…your pronunciation.
A. in
B. at
C. to
16. I can speak neither French nor German.-English is…foreign language I can speak.
A. only
B. the only
C. one
17. Напишите предлог, который нужно вставить в предложение
1. Listen…me attentively!
18. Напишите глагол в той форме, которую требует предложение.
If I were you, I…go to the party.
19. Tom…know my address. (not)
20. The window…by my dad every day.(open)
Дополните перевод предложений, вписав недостающие слова.
21. We can speak three….. Мы можем говорить на трех языках.
22. …I go out? Можно мне выйти?
23. May I….you? Можно вас побеспокоить?
24. Впишите слово в вопросительное предложение.
….did you go last month? –To Moscow.
1 вариант Keys: 1A 2B 3C 4B 5A 6B 7B 8C 9B 10C 11A 12A-B 13A 14 A 15 C 16B 17 to 18 would
19.doesn’t 20 is opened 21.languages 22. May 23. trouble 24 Where
Итоговая контрольная работа по учебнику М.З. Биболетовой 7 класс
II вариант
1. We….in Moscow now.
A .live
B. have lived
C. lives
2. Yesterday I….a wonderful dream.
A. had
B. have.
C. am having
3. I have many friends….are interesting
A. They
B. Them
C. It
4. I can see many…in the yard.
A. childs
B. childrens
C. children
5. India….in Asia.
A. is proud of
C. is interested in
B. is situated
6. My parents…allow me to go out.
A. don’t
B. doesn’t
С. not to
7. We are going to the theater… Saturday.
A. in
B. at
C. on
8. It usually…me ten minutes to get to the Post Office.
A. takes
B. took
C. take
9. English…by many millions of people.
A. is spoken
B. are spoken
C. speak
10. The film…yesterday.
A. was shown
B. were shown
C. is shown
11. Our new English textbook ….next year.
A. was published
B. is published
C. will be published
12. Whose ticket is this? (It belongs to you)
A. yours
B. mine
C. ours
13. Have you seen the boy…won the competition?
A. which
C.14. Our school is…good.
A. quite
B. quiet
C. quietly
15. Pay attention…your pronunciation.
A. in
B. at
C. to
16. I can speak neither French nor German.-English is…foreign language I can speak.
A. the only
B. only
C. one
17. Напишите предлог, который нужно вставить в предложение
1. Listen…me attentively!
18. Напишите глагол в той форме, которую требует предложение.
If I were you, I…go to the party.
19. I…know his address. (not)
20. The window…by my dad yesterday.(open)
Дополните перевод предложений, вписав недостающие слова.
21. We can speak three….. Мы можем говорить на трех языках.
22. …I go out? Можно мне выйти?
23. May I….you? Можно вас побеспокоить?
24. Впишите слово в вопросительное предложение.
….did you go last month? –To Moscow.
2 вариант. Keys: 1A 2A 3A 4C 5B 6A 7C 8A 9A 10A 11C 12A-B 13B 14 A 15 C 16A 17 to 18 would
19. don’t 20 was opened 21.languages 22. May 23. trouble 24 Where