South Scotland Elementary School Date: January 3, 2014 We pledge to try our best every day and not give up. We will learn and use our skills to become 21st century leaders. South Scotland Elementary School’s Literacy Action Plan Acknowledgements Indicate Literacy Team Members who assisted in the development of plan Angela Gallagher Laura Bailey Shawnda Barfield Elizabeth McIntyre Emily Wood Elizabeth Burroughs Kris Head Dina Gunnells Dawn Sellers Beth Clark Amanda Dixon Thomasina McRae 2/13/2016 1 South Scotland Elementary School’s Literacy Action Plan Table of Contents Acknowledgements ..................................................................................................................... 1 Section 1: Section 2: Section 3: Section 4: Section 5: Section 6: Section 7: Section 8: Connection Between the School's Literacy Action Plan and the Districts............................ 3 Purpose of Plan………………………………………………………………………………….4-5 Literacy Vision Statement..................................................................................................... 6 School Literacy Improvement Goals .................................................................................... 7 Action Plan Maps ............................................................................................................ 8-11 Plan for Assessing and Reporting Progress ..................................................................... 12 Expectations and Supports ............................................................................................... 13 Plan for Monitoring Implementation ............................................................................. 14-15 2/13/2016 2 South Scotland Elementary School’s Literacy Action Plan Section 1: Connection Between the School’s Literacy Action Plan and the District NC Goal: Leadership will guide innovation in North Carolina public schools. North Carolina public schools will be governed and supported by 21st Century systems. SCS Goal: By 2015, 80% of Scotland County high school seniors will graduate college and career ready. Develop a data analysis system that will enable effective monitoring and benchmarking of student performance. Literacy Goal: Data driven analysis & targets from informal, formal, and summative assessments shall be used to keep instruction focused on the goal of students being college or career ready by graduation. Individual teachers and grade/subject teams will conduct analysis of data regularly as data becomes available weekly (teacher assessments, district common assessments, and Reading 3D), quarterly (benchmarks), and yearly (EOGs, EOCs, and EVAAS data). 2/13/2016 3 South Scotland Elementary School’s Literacy Action Plan Section 2: Why is School Literacy Plan Needed South Scotland’s Literacy Plan is being created to align our vision with Scotland County Schools vision and align our goals to the school improvement process. Class Walkthrough data, benchmarks analysis, RTI reports, and observations in classroom show the need to begin using common languages and processes vertically throughout South Scotland Elementary. EVAAS DATA 2012 Reading data shows that South Scotland had a composite mean Gain (growth) of .5 Norm Curve Equivalence (NCE). In 2013, South Scotland EVAAS results show a positive gain of 2.8 NCE. Fourth grade reading had a mean gain of 1.8 and met growth. Fifth grade reading had a mean gain of 3.9 and exceeded growth. . It is important to note that during 2012-2013 the Common Core was implemented. Estimated School Mean NCE Gain Grade 3 4 Growth Standard 5 Mean NCE Gain over Grades Relative to Growth Standard 0.0 0.0 2012 Mean NCE Gain 1.8 G -0.9 G 0.5 G Std Error 1.7 1.7 1.2 2013 Mean NCE Gain 1.8 G 3.9 B 2.8 B Std Error 1.7 1.7 1.2 2011 Mean NCE Gain Std Error 3-Yr-Avg NCE Gain Std Error The EVAAS data results show that the gap is beginning to close with struggling students with growth across all subject areas and content. Using common structures such as Daily Five, Café Literacy, Keys to Literacy (3-5) and The Leader In Me program vertically aligns expectations and language to help provide consistency across all grade levels. South Scotland is addressing growth with AIG and higher achieving student populations through the use of the PETS program to expose them with critical thinking skills in grades 2/13/2016 4 South Scotland Elementary School’s Literacy Action Plan K-3. Café Literacy and the theory behind Daily Five allow for instruction to be differentiated by its own nature to reach students of all reading ability levels. END OF GRADE PROFICIENCY Due to the implementation of Common Core and re-norming of new assessments the state showed a 15%-40% decrease in proficiency. As a result South Scotland’s proficiency scores are as follows: 2013-2014 State Scotland County South Composite Reading 44.7 43.9 37.1 35.3 49.6 45.3 2/13/2016 Math 42.3 37.2 50.5 Science 52.2 49 59.7 Growth Exceeds 5 South Scotland Elementary School’s Literacy Action Plan Section 3: Literacy Vision Statements South Scotland Elementary School is implementing three goals to help align a common vision for grades K-5. The Daily Five and Café Literacy structure were chosen to be implemented in grades K-5 in order to give students the tools needed to be independent, successful readers and to instill a passion for reading in students. The research based methods from both of the literacy structures help teachers to provide interventions on student’s skill base across all spans of learners. The Café menu is aligned to the Common Core and the strategies of Daily Five are researched based techniques that include a variety of brain research to help reach students at all levels. Keys to Literacy is being implemented in grades 3-5 to align processes for note taking, organization of information, and processes for writing. As students move from one grade level to the next the process of how to take notes and organize information is done so through a common language that Keys to Literacy offers. Teachers are using a common language that allows for some of the processes to be taken away from what students have to complete on a daily basis. Keys to Literacy incorporates visual aids such as two column notes, top down topic webs, and vocabulary graphic organizers to help students understand the concepts that they are learning. All teachers in grades 3-5 use the Keys to Literacy structure-not just English Language Arts teachers. Reading 3D is also being utilized in grades K-3 to assist teachers in progress monitoring students and providing research based interventions to help students maximize their success. Teachers are responsible for progress monitoring all students on a protocol based on their reading abilities to help strengthen the core curriculum in literacy skills. This data is used in weekly planning backwards sheets to help plan lessons to meet students at their specific level. Reading 3D also offers research based intervention lessons and ability grouping tools to help teachers know exactly where to begin working with a child. There are monthly and quarterly reports that the administration team utilizes to look at student growth, fidelity of progress monitoring, and achievement gaps of students. All three goals being implemented by South Scotland are to improve the alignment of structures, processes, and languages vertically throughout the school so that students are able to maximize their focus on learning and 21st Century skill base. 2/13/2016 6 South Scotland Elementary School’s Literacy Action Plan Section 4: School Literacy Improvement Goals Goal 1: Implement Daily Five and Café Literacy in grades K-5 to increase reading achievement by 5 percentage points. Goal 2: Utilize Keys to Literacy in all subject areas (3-5) to increase mastery of the skills and strategies needed to comprehend content reading, build strong vocabularies, and write and communicate effectively. (100% of 3-5 and EC teachers trained and utilize training in classroom instruction.) Goal 3: K-3 teachers will use Reading 3D assessments and tools with fidelity to provide data driven instruction to continue to meet or exceed growth. 2/13/2016 7 South Scotland Elementary School’s Literacy Action Plan Section 5: Action Plan Maps In this section of the Plan you will see each literacy goal statement followed by a goal action map. Each map describes how implementation of the Plan will take place for each specific literacy goal that the Plan is designed to address. Literacy Goal Statement: Implement Daily Five and Café Literacy in grades K-5 to increase reading achievement by 5 percentage points. (50 percent proficient in 2013-14 and 55 percent proficient by 2014-15) Action Steps: Timeline (include check in dates) Lead Person(s) Resources needed Implementation Specifics Measure of Success 1. Purchase of materials Materials purchasedFebruary 2013 Register for training in Charlotte (April 2013) Lead Team decided on in February 2013 2. Training of Staff Central Office and School Administration Central office purchased Daily Five and Café Literacy books Funds for books Purchase of materials Central Office and School Administration Dr. Burris provided registration information and materials for weekend training Funds for training Completed registration School Administration Principal elected classroom teachers based on leadership skills, grade levels, and collaboration efforts. All participants were asked to be on the team-no one was required. Lead Teachers were expected to use the Book Study and have read The Daily Five and Café Literacy books before attending the training in May/June 2013. All teachers were expected to read the books over the summer and utilize guiding questions from the study guide to help transition from current classroom practices to the new structure of Daily Five Participation of staff members Acceptance and attendance logs Books Study Guide Use of Study Guide to help teachers transition into Daily Five structure Book Study Created by Central Office and School Administration Training of Lead Lead Teachers (13 staff members) and 2/13/2016 8 South Scotland Elementary School’s Literacy Action Plan Teachers and Central Office staff with the Two Sisters Follow up Lead Teacher meeting with Central office to plan for implementation May 31-June 2 (2013) June 12, 2013 Classroom Setup and Resources August 12 Curriculum Facilitator and Lead Teachers August 22 & 23 3. Follow up planning sessions Administration Susan Tucker Ongoing School Administration End of 1st Quarter Lead Teachers School Administration Central Office Administration Daily Five Trainers Susan Tucker Spring 2014 As needed 2/13/2016 Central office staff attended training in Charlotte, NC. Registration, Mileage, Meals, and Hotel Accommodations Dr. Burris led follow up meeting with Lead Teachers and Curriculum Facilitators on how to push out the training to the rest of the staff. Action plan and dates for whole staff training Currituck County teachers came to South Scotland for a question and answer session and work session in to setup three model classrooms at grades K, 2, and 4. Mrs. Tucker led 2 morning overview sessions for teachers on what Daily Five and Café Literacy look like in the classroom. Lead teachers led afternoon sessions each day with their specific grad level to begin planning for the implementation. Mrs. Tucker and Administration met with teachers to get feedback on the processes and overall initial implementation of Daily Five School administration implemented deadline for beginning the use of Café boards in the classroom with students. Meet to discuss next steps in implementation Make sure that new staff members are trained in Daily Five strategies, structure and research 9 Donation of materials such as carpet, pillows Completed Central Office Finance Forms Plan for how to train staff Attendance logs Model Classrooms Attendance logs All classroom teachers and specialist Planning times Notes, suggestions, and ideas for feedback. Implementation Deadline Café Literacy book Café Menu Board Classroom Walkthrough data Pensieve Notebooks Meeting Date (TBD) Meeting times (TBD) Feedback Next Steps Implementation in classrooms, feedback from teachers, classroom walkthroughs South Scotland Elementary School’s Literacy Action Plan Literacy Goal Statement: Utilize Keys to Literacy in all subject areas (3-5) to increase mastery of the skills and strategies needed to comprehend content reading, build strong vocabularies, and write and communicate effectively. (100% of 3-5 and EC teachers trained and utilize training in classroom instruction.) Action Steps: Timeline (include check in dates) 1. Introduce Keys To Literacy Fall 2012 Lead Person(s) School Administration Dina Gunnells Laura Britt 2. Train 3-5 teachers January-March 2013 Begin discussing K3 Training Spring 2014 Choose 2 teachers K-3 to participate in K-3 Keys To Literacy Training Winter 2013 3. Consistently use in the classroom On-going Implementation Specifics Resources needed School administration began discussions with teachers about the Keys to Literacy program. Classroom teachers visited Dina Gunnells room to learn more about implementation with classroom instruction. Meetings Observations Walkthroughs Communication between teachers Teachers agreed to the professional development training for Keys to Literacy. Trainings take place at 2:00 on specific days. Teachers agree to complete the online modules prior to the next training session Coverage for classes Trainers Meeting place Internet for Modules K-2 teachers Laura Britt School Administration Begin discussions with K-2 teachers about Keys to Literacy and if this is something that is needed in K-2 classrooms that align processes vertically. K-2 teachers School Administration Laura Britt School Administration Teachers Teachers attend required trainings and complete required modules. $100.00 per teacher Training 2 Teachers School Administration Classroom Teachers (3-5 & EC) Laura Britt School administration put expectations in place that all teachers in 3-5 will use Keys to Literacy in all content areas School Administration 3-5 & EC teachers Laura Britt Susan Johnson All 3-5 teachers EC teachers Measure of Success Buy-in from classroom teachers Agreement to attend training Completed Modules Attendance logs from Trainings Certificates of completion Feedback from staff 2/13/2016 10 Implementation of training in classrooms Classroom Walkthrough Data Observations Evaluations Lesson plans Student work South Scotland Elementary School’s Literacy Action Plan Goal Action Map Literacy Goal Statement: K-3 teachers will use Reading 3D assessments and tools with fidelity to provide data driven instruction to continue to meet or exceed growth and improve proficiency. Action Steps: Timeline (include check in dates) Lead Person(s) Implementation Specifics Resources needed Measure of Success New teachers will attend Reading 3D training. Curriculum Facilitator Meeting times Attendance logs 1. Train teachers on how to perform assessments and use progress monitoring schools Beginning of each year Curriculum Facilitator All teachers attend training at South Scotland to review guidelines for Reading 3D. 2. Train teachers on how to read reports and access instructional tools 3. Monitor students based off of Reading 3D reports and the RTI process Ongoing during PLC meetings Ongoing throughout the year during PLCs and data conferences School Administration Curriculum Facilitator Classroom Teachers Dr. Burris Dr. Baldwin During PLC times utilize Reading 3D reports to form RTI tiers, plan instruction, and access researched based instruction and interventions Grade Level PLCs Reading 3D reports Now What Tools Small Group Advisory FCRR Interventions Attendance at PLC meetings Reading 3D reports RTI interventions School Administration Dr. Baldwin Dr. Burris Curriculum Faclitiator Utilize reports to review progress, growth, and improvement and communicate data to teachers Reading 3D reports RTI reports Meetings with teachers and Curriculum & Instruction staff Reading 3D RTI reports Conferences 2/13/2016 11 South Scotland Elementary School’s Literacy Action Plan Section 6: Plan for Assessing and Reporting School Progress Student success will be measured by classroom teacher data, Reading 3D reports, RTI progress (specific to students), Benchmarks, EVAAS data, and EOG proficiency. Classroom teachers keep a data notebook and the administration team maintains teacher data notebooks and school wide data to look trends of progress and improvement areas. The administration team holds data conferences at mid-year and towards the end of the year to discuss specific teacher data, areas of improvement, and successes. School administration meets weekly with PLCs to discuss struggling to students, interventions, and trends in data. 2/13/2016 12 South Scotland Elementary School’s Literacy Action Plan Section 7: Expectations and Supports for School’s Literacy Plan The following supports are needed to help increase student success in growth and proficiency: District office support to provide on-going staff development through needs assessment, guidance, and review data Monetary support through grants, local funds, businesses School Administration support teachers with reading data, researching interventions, reaching out to parents Classroom Teachers support each other through positive and productive collaboration Parents to support students at home, attend teacher conferences, communicate with teachers 2/13/2016 13 South Scotland Elementary School’s Literacy Action Plan Section 8: Plan for Monitoring Implementation The literacy team in collaboration with the Curriculum & Instruction Department created, revised and edited the Literacy plan to meet the goals set for students to meet or exceed growth and achieve reading proficiency. Data was gathered by utilizing EVAAS results, EOG Scores, evaluations and Classroom Walkthrough trends. South Scotland’s Literacy Plan will be available on the school website, hard copies (upon request), communicated through PTO & Curriculum Nights, and at staff meetings. The plan will also be presented to Central Office staff and Board of Education members will be presented. Implementation of Goals: Goal 1: Implement Daily Five and Café Literacy in grades K-5 to increase reading achievement by 5 percentage points. Central office purchased Daily Five and Café Literacy books Dr. Burris provided registration information and materials for weekend training Principal elected classroom teachers based on leadership skills, grade levels, and collaboration efforts. All participants were asked to be on the team-no one was required. Lead Teachers were expected to use the Book Study and have read The Daily Five and Café Literacy books before attending the training in May/June 2013. All teachers were expected to read the books over the summer and utilize guiding questions from the study guide to help transition from current classroom practices to the new structure of Daily Five Lead Teachers (13 staff members) and Central office staff attended training in Charlotte, NC. Dr. Burris led follow up meeting with Lead Teachers and Curriculum Facilitators on how to push out the training to the rest of the staff. Currituck County teachers came to South Scotland for a question and answer session and work session in to setup three model classrooms at grades K, 2, and 4. Mrs. Tucker led 2 morning overview sessions for teachers on what Daily Five and Café Literacy look like in the classroom. Lead teachers led afternoon sessions each day with their specific grad level to begin planning for the implementation Mrs. Tucker and Administration met with teachers to get feedback on the processes and overall initial implementation of Daily Five School administration implemented deadline for beginning the use of Café boards in the classroom with students. Meet to discuss next steps in implementation 2/13/2016 14 South Scotland Elementary School’s Literacy Action Plan Goal 2: Utilize Keys to Literacy in all subject areas (3-5) to increase mastery of the skills and strategies needed to comprehend content reading, build strong vocabularies, and write and communicate effectively. (100% of 3-5 and EC teachers trained and utilize training in classroom instruction.) School administration began discussions with teachers about the Keys to Literacy program. Classroom teachers visited Dina Gunnells room to learn more about implementation with classroom instruction. Teachers agreed to the professional development training for Keys to Literacy. Trainings take place at 2:00 on specific days. Teachers agree to complete the online modules prior to the next training session Begin discussions with K-2 teachers about Keys to Literacy and if this is something that is needed in K-2 classrooms that align processes vertically. School administration put expectations in place that all teachers in 3-5 will use Keys to Literacy in all content areas Goal 3: K-3 teachers will use Reading 3D assessments and tools with fidelity to provide data driven instruction to continue to meet or exceed growth. New teachers will attend Reading 3D training. All teachers attend training at South Scotland to review guidelines for Reading 3D. During PLC times utilize Reading 3D reports to form RTI tiers, plan instruction, and access researched based instruction and interventions Utilize reports to review progress, growth, and improvement and communicate data to teachers 2/13/2016 15