ICU Transfers

Non-Medicine ICU to Medicine Transfer/Consult Policy
a. The Non-medicine service wishing to obtain a medicine consult on a patient in the ICU
for ventilatory, hypotension, or shock management should call the Pulm/Critical Care
Fellow on Call for an ICU consult.
b. The Non-medicine service wishing to obtain a general medicine consult on a patient in
the ICU for any other reason may call the General Medicine consult resident. The
Hospitalist Attending on the consult service has the right to defer this consult to the
Pulm/Critical Care Fellow on call if they deem it appropriate to do so.
2) Transfers to Stepdown/Floor
a. The Non-medicine service wishing to transfer a patient in the ICU to a medical team as
floor or stepdown status should contact the General Medicine Consult resident. That
resident should evaluate the patient and deem if transfer is appropriate and if so inform
the non-medicine service of the accepting team and tell them to place transfer orders.
b. Until a medical bed becomes available the non-medicine service provides primary care
for that patient.
c. When a bed becomes available the ICU HUC should contact the admitting team and the
medical resident accepting the patient will review and revise orders and assume care of
the patient.
3) Transfers to MICU/CCU
a. The Non-medicine service wishing to transfer a patient in the ICU to the MICU or CCU
should contact the Cardiology or Pulm/Critical Care fellow on call. Upon evaluation by
the fellow if transfer is deemed appropriate the medical residents will right review and
revise orders and assume care of the patient regardless of location.
JCH 4/10