Autumn Term We Date ek Aims Possible Teaching Activities Outcomes Resources 1 1 SEPT Who were the Victorians and when did they live? To know when Victorian times were and some of the main features of the period. To understand the different attitudes and values of Victorian times with regard to the family. Show the children a picture of Queen Victoria and her family Discuss what they think they can tell from the picture, Discuss with the children what life may have been like for Victoria’s children, and whether all children would have had similar experiences. All children can: Draw inferences about the lives of Queen Victoria’s family from a portrait Some children can: Suggest what life was like for children living in the past The Victorians New Explore History Heinnman www.Primary uk Queen Victoria factsheet 2 7 SEPT What was life like for a poor child in the 1840s? Infer information about the life of poor children from primary sources Provide some information on the All children can: Understand that poor numbers of working children, their children worked. hours of work, the types of jobs they Understand the conditions of the workplaces did and their lack of education Investigate primary sources of children working in mines and factories The Victorians New Explore History Heinnman www.Primary uk Jobs for children 3 14 SEPT What was life like for a poor child in the 1840s? Infer information about the life of poor children from primary sources Discuss dangers and difficulties that All children can: Understand why child working children faced workers were considered necessary to poor Explain that some employers looked families and employers after their workers List reasons why most Victorians were in favour of child workers The Victorians New Explore History Heinnman 4 21 SEPT How did some Victorians help change the lives of poor children ? To learn about the work of Dr. Barnardo. To learn about some of the ways conditions improved for children in Discuss how Dr Barnardo helped poor children and why Complete information sheets about Dr Barnardo The Victorians New Explore History Heinnman All children can: Understand how Dr Barnardo changed the lives of poor children Victorian times 5 28 SEPT How did some Victorians help change the lives of poor children To learn about the work of Lord Shaftesbury. To learn about some of the ways conditions improved for children in Victorian times Discuss how Lord Shaftesbury helped poor children and why Find out the laws that were passed due to Lord Shaftesbury's campaigns Complete information sheet about Lord Shaftesbury All children can: Understand that conditions The Victorians New for working children changed due to laws Explore History passed because of the work of Lord Heinnman Shaftesbury 6 5 OCT What was it like going to school during Victorian times? To learn about different types of schooling available to Victorian children Show the children pictures of school All children can: Recognise and identify life at the end of the nineteenth century differences between schools then and now and discuss how school appears different from today Explain that schooling was too expensive for most poor children 7 12 OCT What was it like going to school at the end of the nineteenth century? To learn about different types of schooling available to Victorian children Show pictures of schools from early and late Victorian times and list differences Discuss why the schools changed All children can: Recognise and identify The Victorians New differences between schools during Victorian Explore History times Heinnman 8 19 OCT What was it like going to school at the end of the nineteenth century? · To learn about ragged schools To learn that schools changed as school boards were set up Explore texts on ragged schools Read the history of a ragged school in London Write newspaper headlines regarding the different events in the history of the school All children can: Understand that free schooling was not available until late Victorian times Understand that due to social reform, the government accepted responsibility for educating poor children HALF-TERM BREAK The Victorians New Explore History Heinnman www.Primary uk School gap fill The Victorians New Explore History Heinnman 9 2 NOV How did different Victorian children use their spare time? To learn about games and leisure pursuits for Victorian children Discuss ways of spending spare time, All children can: Compare the leisure and ask the children to list their pursuits of Victorian children to today interests and those of others in their families. Ask them to consider which would have been possible in 1890 and which not, giving reasons. Discuss with the children what leisure interests may have been available. The Victorians New Explore History Heinnman 10 9 NOV How did different Victorian children use their spare time? To learn about games and leisure pursuits for Victorian children Discuss the differences between children from wealthy families and those from poor families Discuss that poorer children made their own toys and entertainment Give the children the materials available then and ask them to make a toy The Victorians New Explore History Heinnman (* 11 NOV BANK HOLIDAY) All children can: Understand that the type of leisure activities depended on income 11 16 NOV How did different Victorian children use their spare time? To learn that some Victorian children combined work and play Discuss that children were sometimes All children can: Understand the reasons kept home from school and why why some Victorian children were kept Discuss which type of child had more home from school fun The Victorians New Explore History Heinnman 12 23 NOV How did the railways make a difference to leisure in Victorian times? To learn that the railways changed the lives of Victorian children Discuss that trains had to stop at small All children can: Appreciate the effect of stations the railways on the lives of Victorian children Discuss that the railways had to provide cheap carriages for the poor Explain that poor families from cities could visit the seaside for the first time Discuss the new leisure pursuits that began during this time The Victorians New Explore History Heinnman 13 30 NOV Discuss the way that the fate of All children can: Understand that great The Victorians New How did life change for children living in Victorian Victorian children depended on chance changes were made but poor children were Explore History Britain? To learn how many changes occurred in Victorian Britain To learn how the lives of Victorian children had improved Discuss the events that could happen still not expected to live as long as children from a wealthy family to a Victorian child Discuss the changes that were made during this period Discuss the way that the fate of Victorian children depended on chance Heinnman 14 7 DEC How did life change for children living in Victorian Britain? To learn how many changes occurred in Victorian Britain To learn how the lives of Victorian children had improved Discuss the way that the fate of Victorian children depended on chance Discuss the events that could happen to a Victorian child Discuss the changes that were made during this period Discuss the way that the fate of Victorian children depended on chance All children can: Understand that great The Victorians New changes were made but poor children were Explore History still not expected to live as long as children Heinnman from a wealthy family 15 16 DEC Victorian Assessment Discuss the way that the fate of Victorian children depended on chance Discuss the events that could happen to a Victorian child - Discuss the changes that were made during this period All children can: The Victorians New understand that great changes were made Explore History but poor children were still not expected to Heinnman live as long as children from a wealthy family XMAS BREAK Spring Term We Date ek Aims Possible Teaching Activities Outcomes Resources 1 Which Greek words do we use today and why? To learn that many English words have Greek origins t to identify some of the words and prefixes, suffixes and letter strings that indicate that a word has Greek origins Ask the children What does the word history mean? Record their suggestions and ask how they can find out the meaning of words. Discuss with the children what it tells them about ancient Greeks if mathematics, geography and technology were originally Greek words. Ask them whether there are other words with similar prefixes and suffixes with Greek origins, eg geo-, ology, photo-, phon-, tech-, -phobia. All children can: Know that ‘history’ means ‘enquiry’ select words with Greek origins from a dictionary Recognise that words with certain prefixes and suffixes are likely to be Greek in origin Ancient Greece New Explore History Heinnman www.Primary k Greek Alphabet All children can: Understand that the New Explore History Greeks had a spoken and written language Heinnman copy accurately part, or all, of an inscription Some children can: recognise the similarities and differences between the English and Greek alphabets 4 JAN (* 6 JAN BANK HOLIDAY) 2 11 JAN Is the Greek alphabet like ours? To learn that the ancient Greeks had their own written alphabet and language to recognise the similarities and differences between the English and Greek alphabet Give the children pictures showing inscriptions on Greek coins, buildings, memorials, vases and sculptures. Ask them to look carefully at the writing and copy as many words or letters as they can. Ask them whether they think the evidence shows the ancient Greeks had a written language. Did they use the same alphabet as we use? What is similar? What is different? What does the word ‘alphabet’ mean? 3 18 JAN What similarities are there between ancient Greek schools and our school? To develop a range of questions to ask about school Discuss the children’s ideas and agree All Children can: Find answers to the a set of suitable questions, eg Did all questions using a range of sources of children go to school? How old were information children when they started and left school? What subjects did they learn at Ancient Greece New Explore History Heinnman life in past times school? What games did they play? What equipment did they have? List the questions on a large sheet of paper for reference. 4 25 JAN What similarities are there between ancient Greek schools and our school? Learn to deduce from a range of sources what life at school was like in ancient Greece to consider why school life was different for children living in ancient Greece than school life today Discuss with the children the types of All children can: Provide some reasons why sources of information that may have education was different then survived that can be used to help find the answers. Ask the children to decide which questions can be answered with the help of pictures and written descriptions of objects discovered by archaeologists. Ask the children to use available sources, eg texts, pictures and objects, to find answers to their questions, noting the sources used beside each question. Ancient Greece New Explore History Heinnman www.Primary k Greek schools 5 1 FEB How have the ancient Greeks influenced our buildings? To learn that Greek architectural and mathematical ideas directly and indirectly influence buildings around us Introduce the children to Greek architectural features. Ask the children to use a range of sources to make a collection of local and national buildings that show some ‘classical’ features. Ask the children to identify decorative features, eg column, capitals, and investigate the use of proportion and the Golden Rectangle. Discuss why this style of architecture has been used so widely, eg the messages Victorian builders were giving by using this style. All children can: Identify aspects of Greek Ancient Greece New culture in their local surroundings Some Explore History children can: show understanding that Greek Heinnman architectural ideas were prized by people living in recent times 6 8 FEB What did the ancient Greek great thinkers contribute to our knowledge of history, geography and other school Produce two sets of cards: one stating the names of ancient Greek scholars and one stating their main discoveries or contributions to knowledge. Ask the All children can: Match the scholars to their Ancient Greece New contributions Explore History Some children can: Give reasons why these Heinnman contributions are still relevant today subjects? To learn about the contribution made by ancient Greek scholars to our knowledge and understanding of the world children to use reference sources, eg encyclopedias, CD-ROMs, to find out about each of the scholars and match them to their contributions. Discuss the children’s answers. HALF-TERM BREAK 7 22 FEB What did the ancient Greek great thinkers contribute to our knowledge of history, geography and other school subjects? To learn about the contribution made by ancient Greek scholars to our knowledge and understanding of the world Produce two sets of cards: one stating the names of ancient Greek scholars and one stating their main discoveries or contributions to knowledge. Ask the children to use reference sources, eg encyclopedias, CD-ROMs, to find out about each of the scholars and match them to their contributions. Discuss the children’s answers. All children can: Match the scholars to their Ancient Greece New contributions Explore History Some children can: Give reasons why these Heinnman contributions are still relevant today 8 29 FEB Where and when was ancient Greece? To learn about the location, climate and terrain of Greece to place the ancient Greek civilisation in time that the ancient Greek civilisation occurred ‘Before Christ’ that ancient Greece consisted of city states Give children postcards, maps, and holiday brochures of modern Greece and ask them what the pictures tell us about the climate of Greece, the landscape and terrain, the buildings, etc. Record their responses on the board or flip chart. Discuss with the children what ancient means and place the period of the ancient Greek Empire on the class time line. Discuss or recap on BC and AD and relate these two periods the children have already covered. Locate mainland Greece and its islands on a map. Discuss the physical features and highlight the All children can: Locate Greece on a map Ancient Greece New and ancient Greece on a time line discuss the Explore History climate and physical features of the Greek Heinnman mainland and islands Some children can: Recognise that ancient Greece is located BC and that more recent periods in history are AD difficulty of travel, eg Would it be easiest to travel by sea or land? Relate this to the idea of city states, which were isolated from each other by the difficulties of communication. 9 7 MARCH 10 14 MARCH What made ancient Greek What were the similarities and differences between Athens and Sparta? To understand what is meant by democracy to learn some of the ideas of people living in Athens and Sparta fighters so powerful? To infer information about Prepare a number of conflicting statements, eg We welcome writers, no writers here; we welcome visitors, we throw out visitors; we like books and free speech, no reading here; our boys go to school, our boys train to be soldiers; we trade with everyone, we do not allow trade; the sea is important to us, we control the states around us to protect us; our women must not be seen outside the house on their own, our women train to be soldiers and are fit; we allow every citizen to discuss new laws and vote on them and we call it democracy, we have strict rules and expect them to be followed and our kings make our decisions. Ask the children to sort the statements under the headings: ‘Athens near the sea, outwardlooking and adventurous’, ‘Sparta land-locked, inward-looking and nervous’. Ask them to decide whether they would prefer to live in Athens or Sparta. Why? All children can: know that Athens and Ancient Greece New Sparta were city states and governed Explore History themselves distinguish between the beliefs of Heinnman the Athenians and Spartans and know some reasons why they held those beliefs Referring to maps, discuss with the children why the Greeks needed an army and a navy. Give the children All children can: Give reasons why the Ancient Greece New Greeks needed a navy, eg separate city states Explore History that argued with each other, many very long Heinnman Greek wars and warfare from postcards or pictures of ancient Greek illustrations and maps pottery, including some illustrating Greek soldiers fighting and ships. Discuss what information about Greek soldiers, weapons and ships can be gained from looking closely at the illustrations. Ask the children to look closely at the decoration on the pots and to select ones that show soldiers and ships. Ask them to draw a detailed, labelled diagram of a Greek soldier showing his equipment, armour and weapons, and of a trireme (an ancient Greek warship). Discuss the armour the soldiers are wearing and the weapons they are carrying, and how the boats were powered, the number of rows of oars, and how the boats might have attacked enemies’ boats. Discuss what made the men and weapons so powerful and if enemies are shown, how the Greek armour and weapons are different from those of the opposition. Which side had the better weapons and armour. Why? EASTER BREAK coasts and borders that required protection, www.Primary wish to expand their empire produce labelled k drawings of Greek soldiers and ships on the Greek soldiers basis of their observations Summer Term We Date ek Aims Possible Teaching Activities 1 Where was the Mayan Civilisation? Help the children to locate Mayan city All children can: Identify the location of Mayan city states and how this could have states on a map and identify affected settlement patterns and lifestyles environmental and physical features including deserts, mountains, rivers, oceans. Use information from the map to ask and answer questions, eg Why would people settle in these regions ? 4 APRIL Outcomes Locate places on a world map. Identify environmental and physical features and how these might affect settlement and lifestyle. Measure distances in scale on maps and make comparisons Help the children to locate Tikal, El Ceibal, Copán and Chichen Itza on a with their own area map. Ask the children to measure the distances between sites and identify the location of the sites in relation to rivers, mountains or sites. Ask them to use this information to identify pattern of settlement. Resources http://www.ducksters.c om/history/maya/sites_ and_cities.php -history.html Ask the children to compare this settlement pattern with their own area today. 2 11 APRIL How long ago was the Mayan civilisation? Use BC and AD correctly sequence the historical periods they have studied from the Mayan civilisation to present day. Show the children BC and AD on a time line. Ask them to attach labels of the historical periods studied, eg Roman Britain, the Tudors, and place Mayan civilisation (c2,500-1,500 BC)' at the correct place on the time line. Discuss with the children the All children can: Use BC and AD appropriately and be able to show how the Mayan civilisation relates to other historical periods and to the chronology of world history Computer lab. Use word or paint to create their own timelines. -history.html 3 18 APRIL Talk about key features of past societies and compare them with others relationship between different historical periods. Ask them to consider which parts of the time line we know most about and where the biggest gaps are. Incorporate ICT for creating their own timeline. What do pictures of artefacts tell us about Mayan life? Give an accurate and detailed description of one artefact. Use sources to describe an aspect of everyday life Show the children pictures of artefacts. All children can: Use pictures of artefacts Ask them to focus on one and draw it. to find out about a particular aspect of life in Ask the children to write a description Mohenjo-Daro that covers: its measurements, its decoration, why it might have been decorated, what it was used for, and questions they would like to ask about the artefact. Arrange a display and/or make a presentation that provides information about an aspect of Mayan life Ask the children to find out about a particular aspect of Mayan life, eg fashion, food, work, using pictures of artefacts. Give them questions to structure their enquiry, eg Which artefacts can you use to find out about fashion? What does each of these artefacts tell you about fashion? What other questions would you like to ask? Ask the children to select, arrange and label pictures of artefacts for a 'museum display' about the aspect of life they investigated. Ask them to produce a 'museum guide' explaining the background to their enquiry and what they found out. MayanArtifacts/G0000pxbf1 LmEH94/ 4 25 APRIL Mayan Social Structure Use a site plan of Guatemala to help Describe how Mayan the children locate important settlements were organised places. Ask the children to compare the and make comparisons with a plan with a street plan of their locality, town today considering where the important buildings are located and the distances between buildings. All children can: Recognise that cities have some features in common Children focus on the social structure and roles within the Mayan community. Consider farming/agriculture (techniques of farming could also be linked to current day trends) 5 (* 2-3 MAY BANK HOLIDAY) 4 MAY How and why do we classify Use the images of artefacts to focus on evidence in history? classification of artefacts from the Work out why artefacts have Mayan civilisation, eg Did more than been grouped together. one group use the same artefact Suggest reasons for different pictures in their display? Which classifications pictures of artefacts were used most? In what other ways could artefacts be classified? Ask the children to classify (group together) their pictures of artefacts into two or more categories. Discuss with the class the reasons for different classifications and why museums and archaeologists use them. Powerpoint: land of Guatemala /resources/ha/TheMaya .pdf All children can: Explain how and why artefacts are classified. Group pictures of artefacts into categories MayanArtifacts/G0000pxbf1 LmEH94/ 6 9 MAY Mayan Masks To understand the role that masks played in Mayan civilisation. Different kinds of masks. Using a range of images and the www.Primary All children can: Identify the different powerpoint presentation, look at the masks kinds of Mayan masks. Create their own form, purpose and design of the mask and explain the reason for their design. powerpoint different masks. Children can then design and create their own masks. Note: they should be able to justify their design in line with the purpose of the mask they have created. 7 16 MAY Mayan Masks To understand the role that masks played in Mayan civilisation. Different kinds of masks. Using a range of images and the All children can: Identify the different www.Primary powerpoint presentation, look at the kinds of Mayan masks. Create their own Masks form, purpose and design of the mask and explain the reason for their design. powerpoint different masks. Children can then design and create their own masks. Note: they should be able to justify their design in line with the purpose of the mask they have created. 8 23-25 MAY Mayan Religion (*26-27 BANK HOLIDAY) 9 30 MAY To understand the basic principles of Mayan religion and the role that it played in everyday society Mayan Religion To understand the basic principles of Mayan religion and the role that it played in everyday society Using the prescribed video and other forms of multimedia, children are to compose a collage/poster/information booklet outlining the major components of Mayan religion and how it influenced everyday life. More capable children may wish to draw comparisons between the Mayan religion and another religion of their choice (past or present). Mayan gods, the afterlife, sacrifices, the role of temples, icons etc All Children can: Recall key facts of Mayan Religion Using the prescribed video and other forms of multimedia, children are to compose a collage/poster/information booklet outlining the major components of Mayan religion and All Children can: Recall key facts of Mayan Religion om/watch?v=dSMTdG qw8Jc /resources/ha/TheMaya .pdf om/watch?v=dSMTdG qw8Jc how it influenced everyday life. More capable children may wish to draw comparisons between the Mayan religion and another religion of their choice (past or present). Mayan gods, the afterlife, sacrifices, the role of temples, icons etc 10 11 12 6 JUNE 13 JUNE /resources/ha/TheMaya .pdf The end of Mayan Civilisation To understand popular theories on how the Mayan civilisation came to its end. Children watch the video and conduct their own research in addition to the information covered in class to form their opinion (which they can support with evidence) on the Mayan demise. This can be a written/spoken task Mayan Achievements To understand that the Mayan civilisation is responsible for numerous factors that influence modern-day life Children are to look at the legacy of the All children can: Draw a link between Mayan civilisation in the fields of things they Mayans discovered and the use Science and Technology, The arts and for such discoveries in today’s world. Languages/Writing. How do these aspects of Mayan life impact on people today. What other ancient developments can they think of that are still used today? Particular attention can be given to the Mayan calendar and if time permits Mayan prophecies 20 UNE What have we found out about life in Mayan civilisation? Select questions and use relevant information to answer them suggest why they can answer some questions more fully than Create a cover for an issue of The Mayan Monthly to highlight Mayan civilization. Your cover must include the following: • an imaginative subtitle • visuals of at least three artifacts that represent Mayan civilization • brief captions that explain what each All children can: Support their own ideas with evidence from researched material. om/watch?v=CeMzuR ETKmA om/watch?v=y26PI7Cl AJY All children can: Summarise what they have found out about the Mayan civilisation /resources/ha/TheMaya .pdf others artifact is and what it reveals about Mayan civilization • other clever and creative touches SUMMER HOLIDAY