Parents Information Sheet Class 5P Summer Term – First Half Welcome back after the half term! Our new topic is called ‘Magnificent Mayans.’ Magnificent Mayans The primary focus of this topic is History but it will also cover other subjects including; Science, Art, and ICT. History: Children will learn about the Ancient Maya and their customs. They will research the Maya and learn about their number system and calendar. They will taste Mayan foods and learn about the achievements of the Ancient Maya. They will also investigate Mayan culture by analysing pictures of artefacts and learning about important archeological sites such as Palenque and Tikal. Science: Our Science topic this half term is Humans and Other Animals. We will be learning about the life cycles of humans. We will also be learning about the heart and other major organs and understanding processes such as respiration. Art: The children will research Mayan masks and how they were used. They will design and create their own Mayan mask using papier mache. Computing: The children will be carrying out topic related research using the laptops. They will also use different apps on the iPads to develop their skills at coding. PE KIT Pupils need trainers, navy shorts, tracksuit trousers, jacket and a white T-shirt for all PE lessons. Our PE sessions will be on Tuesday and Wednesday. Children need to bring their indoor and outdoor PE kit to both lessons. Please bring PE kit in on Monday. Children will be allowed to take their kit home on Wednesday as it will not be needed for the rest of the week. HOMEWORK This year children will be bringing home a Homework Book every Monday to be returned to school, with work completed, on Friday. Spelling and Times table homework will be sent on a weekly basis, plus English and Maths on alternate weeks. There will also be activities from ‘The Tree of Knowledge’ to be completed when children have finished their reading book (only when they are asked to do so). READING BOOKS Children are now expected to read part of their school reading book most nights of the week as part of their homework. Please listen to your child read at least twice a week and sign their Reading Record to indicate that they have been heard. Children are ideally expected to finish one book per week if possible, unless they are reading very thick books. TIMES TABLES We are continuing our focus on times tables this year. To make sure children are learning them, we have a times table ladder for children to work their way up in the classroom. Children will be tasked with learning a set times table (sent home in the Homework Book) and will be tested individually on this times table the next week. If they can recite it confidently and answer questions, they will move up the ladder on to the next times table. If not, they will be expected to continue learning it until they can recite it and answer questions. Hopefully, this will help motivate children to learn their tables throughout the year! Any support you can give them at home would be greatly appreciated. Library Our library day is Friday. Please make sure your child brings their library book to school for changing on this day. They may keep a library book for no more than 2 weeks. Thank you for your support. Miss R Dwyer.