Supporting Information for: 1 2 Role of Sulfites in the Water Splitting Reaction 3 Chunxiang Li · Pingan Hu · Hui Meng · Zhaohua Jiang 4 5 An annular quartz photoreactor (diameter: 30 cm, height: 70 cm) placed in the vertical 6 position was illuminated by inside fixed lamps (30 W × 13, λem = 254 nm). The total 7 volume of solution used was 45 L (0.1 mol·L–1 Na2S + 0.01 mol·L–1 Na2SO3). Prior to 8 irradiation, the sacrificial agent solution was purged with high purity nitrogen for 30 9 min. The amount of gas generated was measured by a flowmeter at room temperature 10 (25 °C) and at normal pressure. At fixed time intervals, 5 mL of evolved gas was 11 collected and analyzed by a gas chromatograph (GC, HP 5890 II) equipped with TCD 12 (Molecular Sieve 5-A, Ar carrier). The amount of hydrogen generated from the 13 photoreactor was calculated based on the flowmeter and gas chromatography results. 14 After each 8 hour run, solid Na2SO3 was added to the reacting solutions. 15 16 Table 1 Amounts of hydrogen production versus reaction time Reaction time (h) 8 16 24 32 40 48 H2 volume (L) 43.53 87.03 130.49 173.94 217.35 260.73 17 18 1 1 2 Fig. S1 ESR spectra of the ·OH-radical for 0.1 mol·L–1 Na2S + 0.0 mol·L–1 Na2SO3 3 solution with 30 µL of 2.5 mol·L–1 DMPO added into 10 mL of the Na2S–Na2SO3 4 sacrificial agent 5 6 7 Fig. S2 Amount of hydrogen production versus reaction time from 50 mL of 0.1 8 mol·L–1 Na2S and 50 mL of 0.01 mol·L–1 Na2SO3 solutions under UV irradiation 9 2