Hoover High School: Second Year Latin Syllabus 2014 - 2015 Room 11313 Welcome to 2nd Year Latin which fulfills A-G Requirements E and G (foreign language and elective). Most of you know me and that I have been teaching Latin at Hoover High School since 1973. I hope you also have not forgotten the four best reasons to continue Latin: 1. Latin enhances your English vocabulary. Since more than 70% of our language is derived from Latin and Greek root words, Latin will give you a command of English denied to other students. Latin supplies valuable root words for the study of medicine, philosophy, law and the sciences. Latin will aid you in taking words apart, discerning their roots and deducing their meaning. 2. Latin will help you maximize your SAT scores. This is a fact: four years of high school Latin is an almost a surefire 100-point boost to your SAT score. 3. Latin helps you understand English grammar and usage, because it helps to facilitate the acquisition of any language structure, as well as phonics and even Shakespearean English. 4. Latin helps us to understand how much we are all alike, even in our multicultural society. No human being lives in a vacuum and the study of Latin helps us to understand that the world has always been a multicultural and dynamic forum of interaction. Reading Latin Literature helps ground us in the thinking and traditions of the cultures that formed the basis of our own culture. Class Objectives: Like Latin 1-2, Latin 3-4 is a college preparatory course reviewing what we learned in first year and covering the latter 50% of basic Latin grammar through an interactive and deductive, intellect building, learning process. Our textbook is Jenny’s First Year Latin will shift to a deductive approach in which we will learn structure and vocabulary and practice in increasing levels of complexity until we can read longer and more challenging Latin passages before we begin authentic Latin passages in third year Latin. Grading: your grade will be an average of regular exams, quizzes, oral work and a homework/class participation grade (H&C) with the traditional 90% an A, 80% a B, 65% a C and 55% a D. Each quarter usually consists of about 5 tests, the average of all your quizzes and oral work; and your homework and participation work. There are also bonus points possible and negative points for repeated poor conduct or class disruption. Expectations: Superior citizenship is a given in this class. Your job is to master Latin and my job is to help you in every way possible. You need to bring your covered book EVERY day to class. You need to come to class prepared to learn. I recommend that you keep your work in a three ring binder. In February or March we will have the opportunity to take the National Latin Exam [a $5 Lab fee is required]. Academically, if you need help, I can come early to help before school. Your parents can contact me at Hoover (818) 242-6801, extension 1041, but I prefer they email me at dashman@gusd.net. The best time for your parents to call me is from 7:30 to 8:00 a.m. or from 2:10 to 2:40 p.m. I love talking to them about your potential and successes. This syllabus is online and you need to download two copies and print them out. Both copies are to be signed by you and your parents. Your parents are to keep one copy and the other signed copy is to be returned to me tomorrow. Student Name (Printed) ______________________________________________________________ Student Signature_____________________________________________________________________ Parent Name (Printed) _________________________________________________________________ Parent Signature______________________________________________________________________