Vita - Antarctica Journal of Mathematics



Personal Data

Name: Yuhlong Lio

Phone Number: (605) 677-5991 (o) email:

Professional Experience

Department of Mathematical Sciences, University of South Dakota, 1987-present

Professor, 1997-Present

Who’s Who in America (2003, 2004) and Diamond Edition (2005)

Visiting Scholar, Department of Biostatistics, Harvard University, fall 1994

Associate Professor, 1991 - 1997

Assistant Professor, 1987-1991

Department of Mathematics, University of Chung-Yuan University, Taiwan, 1979-1983


Ph.D. 1987, University of South Carolina, Columbia, South Carolina

M.S. 1979, National Central University, Chung-Li, Taiwan

B.S. 1977, National Cheng-Kung University, Tai-Nan, Taiwan

Research Interesting

Reliability; Survival Analysis; Functional Estimations; Bayes’ Estimations;

Complete List of Publications


Lee, J.C. and Lio, Y.L. (1999). “A Note on Bayesian Estimation and Prediction for the Beta-binomial Model”, Journal Statistic Computing Simulations, Vol. 63, pp 73-91.


Lee, J.C. and Lio, Y.L. (1993). “Bayesian Estimation and Prediction for the Betabinomial Model via the Gibbs Sampler”, Proceedings of the joint meeting of

Institution of Mathematical Statistics and American Statistical Association, pp



Padgett, W.J. and Lio, Y.L. (1993). “A Smooth Nonparametric Quantile

Estimator for IFR Distributions”, Journal of Nonparametric Statistics, Vol. 2, pp195-202



Lio, Y.L. and Padgett, W.J. (1992). “Asymptotically Optimal Bandwidth for A

Smooth Nonparametric Quantile Estimator under Censoring”, Journal of

Nonparametric Statistics, Vol.1, pp219-229


Lio, Y.L. and Padgett, W.J. (1991). “A note on the Asymptotically Optimal

Bandwidth for Nadaraya’s Quantile Estimators”, Statistics and Probability

Letters, Vol. 11, pp243-249.


Lio, Y.L. and Padgett, W.J. (1988). “A Modified Kernel Quantile Estimator under

Censoring”, The Canadian Journal of Statistics, vol. 16, No. 2, pp175-183.


Lio, Y.L. and Padgett, W.J. (1987). “Some convergence results for kernel-type

Quantile estimators under censoring”, Statistics and Probability Letters, Vol. 5, pp5-14.


Lio, Y.L. and Padgett, W.J. (1987). “On the mean squared error of nonparametric quantile estimators under random right-censorship”, Communications in

Statistics, Theory & Methods, Vol. 16, pp1617-1628.


Lio, Y.L. and Padgett, W.J. (1987). “A Generalized Quantile Estimator under censoring”, Communications in Statistics, Theory & Methods, Vol. 16, pp3301-



Lio, Y.L., Padgett, W.J., and Yu, K.F. (1986). “On the Asymptotic Properties of

A kernel-type quantile estimator from censored samples”, Journal of Statistical

Planning and Inference, Vol. 14, pp169-177.

(B). Other Publications


Kjellsen, B., Feimer, S., Lio, Y. and Lindahl J. (2004) “Cognitive and memory deficits are associated with chronic PCP exposure in adult rats” submitted for publication.


Kjellsen, B., Feimer, S., Lio, Y. and Lindahl J. (2004) “Quetiapine rescue of poor performance in the Morris Water Maze following chronic NMDA receptor antagonism” submitted for publication.


Nelson, R.F., Rodasti, P.C., Ticknor, A., and Lio, Y.L. (1991). “Comparative

Study of four over-the-counter Mouthrinses Claiming Antiplaque and/or

Antigingivitis Benefits”, Clinical Preventive Dentistry, Vol. 13, pp30-33.


Johnson, A., Ramo, M., Spiegel, D., Dunlap, D., and Lio, Y.L. (1990). “Longterm study on the Population Biology of the Black Spot Trematode Uvuliter


amloplitis in the Creek Chub, Semotilus atromaculatus”, Journal of the

Helminthological Society of Washington.

Acted As Referee for the following Journals of mathematical sciences

The Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation

The Journal of Communications in Statistics -Theory & Methods

The Journal of Nonparametric Statistics

The Annals of Statistics

The Scandinavian Journal of Statistics

Life Time Data Analysis

The American Statistician – A Publication of the American Statistical Association

Paper Presented And Meeting Attended


August 1996, Served as the Chair for the invited section: “Testing Distributional

Models”, Joint Meeting, Chicago.


June, 1996, SRCOS/ASA Summer Research Conference, DeGray Lake Resort

State Park, Arkansas.


June, 1996, Council on Undergraduate Research National Conference, North

Carolina Central University.


April, 1996, Presented “Time Series Analysis of Seasonal Data”, Mathematical

Association of American Nebraska and South-East Dakota Regional Meeting.


April, 1995, Presented “A Nonparametric Method for Regression Model under

Censored Data”, Mathematical Association of American Nebraska and South-East

Dakota Regional Meeting.


September, 1994, “Survival Analysis”, Colloquium of Department of

Mathematical Sciences, University of South Dakota.


April, 1994, Presented “Negative Binomial Model Prediction”, Mathematical

Association of American Nebraska and South-East Dakota Regional Meeting.


August, 1993, Presented “Bayesian Estimation And Prediction for a Betabinomial Model Via Gibb Sampler”, the joint meeting, San Francisco.


Jun, 1993, Presented “Bayesian Estimation And Prediction for the Beta-binomial

Model”, the Kansas-Western Missouri Chapter meeting of ASA.


April, 1993, Presented “Bayesian Estimation And Prediction for a Beta-binomial

Model Via Gibb Sampler”, Mathematical Association of American Nebraska and

South-East Dakota Regional Meeting.


April, 1992, Presented “Sioux City Water Project” with Max Rosdail,

Mathematical Association of American Nebraska and South-East Dakota

Regional Meeting


April, 1992, Presented “The Statistical Model for GNP of Indonesia” with N.A.

Uria, Mathematical Association of American Nebraska and South-East Dakota

Regional Meeting



April, 1992, Presented “Quantile Estimation Under IRF”, Mathematical

Association of American Nebraska and South-East Dakota Regional Meeting


August, 1991, Presented “On the Asymptotically Optimal Bandwidth for Kerneltype Quantile Estimator under Censoring”, the joint Meeting at Atlanta Georgia


April, 1991, Presented “Cubic Spline: The Better Fit Model” with Tim Voigt,

South Dakota Academy of Science


April, 1991, Presented “A Regression Model Based on Censored Data” with

Cyndi Chen, South Dakota Academy of Sciences


April, 1991, Presented “Logistic Regression Model And Its Applications”, South

Dakota Academy of Sciences


April, 1991, Presented “On the Asymptotically Optimal Bandwidth for

Distribution Function”, Mathematical Association of American Nebraska and

South-East Dakota Regional Meeting


March, 1990, Presented “Quantile Estimator”, Colloquium, Department of

Mathematical Sciences, USD


April, 1990, Presented “On the Asymptotically Optimal Bandwidth for Kerneltype Quantile Estimators”, Mathematical Association of American Nebraska and

South-East Dakota Regional Meeting


April, 1990, Presented “Generalized Linear Model And Its Applications”, South

Dakota Academy of Sciences


August, 1989, Presented “On the Asymptotically Optimal Bandwidth for Kerneltype Quantile Estimators”, the joint meeting at Washington D.C.


April, 1989, Presented “A Modified Kernel Quantile Estimator under Censoring”,

Mathematical Association of American Nebraska and South-East Dakota

Regional Meeting


April, 1988, Presented “A Generalized Quantile Estimator Under Censoring”,

Mathematical Association of American Nebraska and South-East Dakota

Regional Meeting


May, 1987, Presented “A Generalized Quantile Estimator Under Censoring”, in the Annual Meeting of the Institute of Mathematical Statistics, at Virginia

Polytechnic Institute And State University


April, 1987, Presented “A Modified Kernel Quantile Estimator Under Censoring”, the South Carolina Section Meeting of American Statistic Association, Columbia,



April, 1986, Presented “On Some Asymptotic Properties of A Kernel-type

Quantile Estimator from Censored Data”, the Annual Meeting of the S.C. Chapter of ASA


March, 1986, Presented “On Some Asymptotic Properties of A Kernel-type

Quantile Estimator from Censored Data”, the Spring Meeting (ASA/ENAR),

Atlanta, Georgia


April, 1985, Presented “On Kernel-Type Quantile Estimator from Censored

Samples”, the South Carolina Section Meeting of American Statistic Association,

Columbia, SC



Summer 1998, EPSCoR grant through Research Office of USD, Undergraduate

Research in Mathematics, $3500

1996 – 1997 Hughes Medical Institute, Research Experience for Undergraduate

Research in Experimental Biology and Biometric, for Undergraduate

Research, $6000.00

Fall 1995, Hughes Medical Institute, Research Experience for Undergraduate

Research in Experimental Biology and Biometric, for Undergraduate

Research, $2500.00

May, 1989, Grant through the South Dakota Department of Correction,

with Dr. Steven Feimer, $10,000.00, “South Dakota Prison

Population Projection Modeling”

1984-1987, Supported by the United States Air Force Office of Scientific

Research for research in mathematical sciences, AFOSR84-0156 (for

PhD Dissertation under Dr. W. J. Padgett)

Supported by Army Research Office for research in mathematical sciences, MIPR ARO 139-85 (for PhD Dissertation under Dr. W. J.


