Quantile Informant ion Sheet

The Quantile Framework for Mathematics
Big Idea: The Quantile Framework places the Math Skill/Concepts and Student Ability on the same
scale. It allows you to measure the development of students’ mathematical knowledge and
difficulty of math skills and topics.
Objectives behind the Quantile Framework for Math
 Link: student ability to skill difficulty
 Forecast: student success rate (after an introductory lesson)
 Track: growth over time
CCSSI-Common Core State Standards Initiative-These are our newest ELA and Math Standards in
Kentucky (Science will be coming soon).
Quantile measure (Q) is the unit of measurement along a developmental scale that locates an
individual's ability to think mathematically in a taxonomy of mathematical skills, concepts, and
applications. Currently, the scale’s range is for K-12 (0Q to 1400Q); EM (Emerging) to Pre Calculus
QTaxon is a specific mathematical topic, concept or skill placed in the framework.
Prerequisite QTaxon is a prerequisite skill/concept necessary to be successful with the task. If a
student is not ready to experience instruction at the current level, Prerequisite QTaxons can be back
mapped utilizing the “Math Skill Database”
Impending QTaxon skill building upon another skill/concept
The Student Data tool will provide a quantile measure for each student who took a KCCT Math
assessment in the Spring of 2010
The Quantiles are similar to Lexiles. Both are developmental scales, measure student’s ability,
and have instructional implications
o Lexiles are the current level of performance in reading
o Quantiles are the readiness for math instruction
Once a student performance level (quantile) is identified, then they should be able to practice
and learn skills within a 50 quantile range. (+50 above level and -50 below level)
*Quantile skills (QTaxons) can be back mapped . . . which means:
*QTaxons are “cross walked” to CCSSI on the web . . . which means:
Quantile Teacher Assistant
This link provides examples which relate specifically to core content and Qtaxons (New CCSSI on the
Math Skill Database
This link provides for a crosswalk from the CCSSI standards to Qtaxons as well as links to back
This link provides access to multiple resources, white papers, and other information which can help
inform educators and parents on Quantiles.
Typical Grade Ranges: The QTaxon measures do not have a grade equivalent
Algebra I
Algebra II
Student Measures
EM to 260Q
175Q to 405Q
375Q to 605Q
480Q to 720Q
550Q to 815Q
645Q to 895Q
665Q to 995Q
730Q to 1020Q
760Q to 1065Q
810Q to 1115Q
890Q to 1240Q