Study Guide Exam #4

Geology 101 Study Guide for Final Exam
Chapter 11: The structure of the Earth:
What is the location of the Crust, Mantle, Liquid Core, and Solid Core?
What is the location of the Lithosphere and the Asthenosphere?
What evidence indicates that the outer core is liquid?
What evidence indicates that the core is composed mostly of iron and Earth’s magnetic field generated?
Chapters 12 & 13 Plate Tectonics:
How do continental crust and oceanic crust differ in density, composition, thickness, and relative age?
What is isostacy and how does it explain why the oceanic crust sits at a lower elevation than continental crust?
What are the different type of plate boundaries & what type of boundaries occur off the coast of WA state?
At what type of boundaries do the following features found?
Mountain ranges; volcanic arcs; ocean trenches; strike-slip faults; Mid-ocean ridges
What type of geologic features are associated with: Convergent Boundary, Divergent Boundaries; Hot Spots
What boundary or other geologic feature formed: Himalayas, Yellowstone, Hawaii, & Mid-Ocean Ridges
Sedimentary Structure
What are beds, cross-beds, ripple marks and mud cracks and in what kind of environments are each found?
Major topics to Review
Volcanoes and Igneous Rocks (Chapters 1, 3, & 4):
What are the 6 major types of igneous rocks (and how do they differ in composition & texture)?
What is the difference between a shield volcano and a composite cone?
Weathering (Chapter 5)
What are the different types of chemical & mechanical weathering?
Rivers & Flooding (Chapter 15)
What are the different types of stream channel shapes?
What influences the rate of weathering?
How do streams erode the landscape?
Mass Movement (Chapter 14) What causes mass movement?
What are the different types of mass movements?
How do glaciers shape the landscape? (Chapter 17)
How has the size of glaciers changed in the last century?
What are moraine, erratic, glacial striations, till & are they formed by deposition or erosion?
Sedimentary Rocks: Chemical vs. Detrital. (Chapter 6) What is the difference between chemical & detrital rocks?
What is the 7 sedimentary rocks and what are their environments of deposition?
Metamorphic Rocks (Chapter 7) : What factors affect metamorphism?
What are the different metamorphic rocks?
Which rocks are foliated vs. non-foliated?
Geologic Time (Chapter 8)
Know how to reconstruct the relative ages of events in a geologic cross section.
What is a numeric(absolute date & how does isotope dating work?
Deformation (Chapter 9)
What is the difference between a syncline, an anticline, a normal fault, a reverse fault, and a strike-slip fault?
Know how to interpreted strike and dip from a geologic map
Earthquakes (Chapter 10)
How do we describe the location and strength of EQs / What type of damage is done by EQs