Week 11

Teacher: Rosemarie O’Neill
Block: 3
Week of: November 2-6, 2015
Biology I
Fall 2015-2016 Week #11
Objective: Students will gain an understanding of the cellular structure common to all eukaryotic cells and how these
structures work together to allow the all of the cellular reactions to occur.
Activity: Five minute review
Activity: Complete lecture on the
Activity: Complete part A, B and C of the
activity of the eukaryotic cell
genetic material and nucleus.
cell lab.
structures already discussed.
Assessment: Student
Assessment: Student part.
participation and correct answers
Homework: Complete cell lab conclusion and analysis questions.
Assessment: Correct answers
Objective: Students will gain an understanding of the cellular structure common to all eukaryotic cells and how these
structures work together to allow the all of the cellular reactions to occur.
Activity: Five minute review
Activity: Lecture the following cell
Activity: Complete parts D, E and the
activity on eukaryotic cells.
structures: mitochondria and
conclusion questions on the cell lab.
Assessment: Student participation Assessment: Student participation
Assessment: Correct answers.
and correct answers
Homework: Cell Factory WS
Objective: Students will gain an understanding of the cellular structure common to all eukaryotic cells and how these
structures work together to allow the all of the cellular reactions to occur.
Activity: Five minute review
Activity: Lecture the remaining cell Activity: Pass out and work on “Comparing
activity on cell structures already
structures: ER, ribosomes, golgi,
a Cell to a Factory”.
lysosomes, vacuoles, plastids,
Homework: Complete Eukaryotic Cell packet and cell diagrams.
Objective: Students will gain an understanding of the cellular structure common to all eukaryotic cells and how these
structures work together to allow the all of the cellular reactions to occur.
Activity: Five minute review.
Check and go over “Comparing a
Cell to a Factory WS”.
Assessment: Correct answers
Activity: Complete activity
comparing plant to animal cells and
prokaryotic to eukaryotic cells.
Assessment: Student participation
Activity: Complete the Eukaryotic Cell
packet and cell diagrams.
Assessment: Correct answers
Homework: Complete Eukaryotic Cell Review packet.
Objective: Objective: Students will gain an understanding of the cellular structure common to all eukaryotic cells and
how these structures work together to allow the all of the cellular reactions to occur.
Activity: Five minute review
Assessment: Correct answers
Activity: Check and go over
Assessment: Correct answers.
Activity: Eukaryotic Cell Review packet.
Test on Tuesday.
Assessment: Correct answers