Cell Biology Mix book Project

Cell Biology Mix book Project
You and a partner are going to create a mix book about cells! Here are the basic requirements:
You must define the function of the following cell organelles and have a picture for each:
Nucleus, vacuoles, lysosomes, cytoskeleton, centrioles, ribosomes, endoplasmic reticulum,
golgi apparatus, chloroplasts, mitochondria, cell wall, cell membrane
You must also determine if they are found in prokaryotic or eukaryotic cells (or both). **If Found
in eukaryotic cells, are they found in plant cells, animal cells, or both.
Do not directly copy the definitions from the book! Put them in words that make sense to you. If
you use websites, be sure to include them in a bibliography.
Be creative and have fun!
Here are the basic directions to get started on mixbook:
Begin by going to http://www.mixbook.com/
Click “sign up” in the upper right hand corner
Choose a user name and put in your e-mail address
You don’t need to upload a photo, click “my projects” on the left hand side. Click
“Create one now”
5) Create a title (Cell Biology, My Cell Project, etc)
6) Click on “viewable by” and change it to everyone
7) Click “Create Mix book”
8) Select any size—it doesn’t really matter
9) Click on the bottom where it says “I don’t want to choose a theme”
10) Close the “add photos” screen
11) Now you are ready to start!