STATEMENT OF ADMINISTRATIVE SOURCES CHILDREN, YOUNG PEOPLE & SOCIAL CARE STATISTICS, SCOTTISH GOVERNMENT The main Scottish Government Statement of Administrative sources covers all sources of administrative data used by Scottish Government Statisticians. This statement can be found on the Scottish Government website at: This note provides more details on the administrative sources used by the Children, Young People and Social Care Statistics Branch. Background Official statistics produced by the Children, Young People & Social Care statistics branch (CYPSC) in the Scottish Government are based on two main sources of data. These sources are statistical surveys and censuses, and data extracted from administrative or management information systems from other organisations (mainly local authorities). The use of administrative or management information from other organisations enables CYPSC to reduce the burden it places on data providers in terms of the time and cost involved in data collection exercises, and it also has the advantage of often being more timely than survey data, as well as having the potential to collect a wider range or breadth of information. The UK Statistics Authority encourages the use of administrative data for statistical purposes, but it recognises that the statistical advantages of such arrangements can only be fully realised if statisticians have appropriate access to such systems; if statistical purposes are reflected in the design, management, and development of such systems; and if adequate safeguards are put in place to ensure the professional integrity of any official statistics derived from them. Protocol 3 in the Code of Practice for Official Statistics requires producers of official statistics to publish a ‘Statement of Administrative Sources’, which covers the administrative systems used to produce official statistics, information about administrative sources not currently being used but with the potential to be so used, and arrangements in place to provide statistical staff with appropriate access to such sources; to take account of changes to such systems; to audit the quality of the administrative data used for statistical purposes; and to ensure the security of the resultant statistical processes. 1. Administrative Systems Currently Used in the Production of Official Statistics Data Source Children Looked After Statistics Child Protection Statistics Name/Title of original admin/MI data source Social Work Services Management Information Systems Social Work Services Managemet Information Systems Name of Organisation responsible for this system/ source Main administrative purpose of this system/source Geospatial Coverage Local Authorities Individual level information about children looked after Local Authority level, Scotland Local Authorities Individual level information about children involved in child protection issues Local Authority level, Scotland Title(s) of all Statistical Products derived from this source Children Looked After Statistics Child Protection Statistics 2. Other administrative sources with the potential to be used for statistical purposes The Scottish Government is continually investigating such sources, and any developments will be updated in this document here. 3. Information about CYPSC Statistics governance arrangements for Children Looked After Statistics (CLAS) and Child Protection (CP) administrative data sources i) Arrangements for providing statistical staff (whether inside or outside the organisation) with access to administrative or management sources for statistical purposes The CLAS and CP datasets are maintained by the ScotXed unit within Education Analytical Services Division. Access to the CLAS and CP datasets is governed by strict processes to protect data confidentiality. In order to access the data, a data access form must be completed by each individual wishing to access the data. This form is considered by the Data Access Panel, who decide whether or not access to the datasets is granted. If access is granted the individual requiring access and the Scottish Government sign a data sharing agreement. Further details on this process can be found here. ii) Arrangements for auditing the quality of the original source data We undertake a range of validation checks on administrative data as part of the quality assurance process of preparing official statistics. These procedures include; trend analysis, comparing against other available sources, and checking outliers with data providers. The specific procedures for auditing the quality of the CLAS data provided by local authorities are: 1. Local authorities upload their data using,. This software carries out initial validation checks, as detailed in the data specification, available at: hildrenLookedAfter 2. Once local authorities feel they have corrected any errors satisfactorily using the software, they release the data to the Scottish Government. If an authority feels that an error has been incorrectly flagged by the system, they have the ability to add a comment to their submitted data. 3. CYPSC Statisticians then look at the released data and check for any remaining errors and look at any comments added to the submission by a local authority. CYPSC Statisticians then send queries on any outstanding errors back to the LA to resolve. 4. Once all the errors highlighted in have been resolved, CYPSC Statisticians produce a set of aggregate level tables, which are sent to individual LAs to check and confirm they are content with their figures. 5. If any further errors are identified at this stage, LAs are asked to correct their data and resubmit through as part of an iterative process until the LA confirms the figures are accurate and correct. 6. If there are any unusually large changes in their data compared to previous returns, LAs are requested to provide the SG with an explanation as to why these large changes have occurred so that these can be used in the statistical publication. 7. Only once the data has reached this stage do the SG consider the data to be fit for use. The specific procedures for auditing the quality of the CP data provided by local authorities are: 8. Local authorities complete an aggregate spreadsheet return, which has built in validation checks and enable local authorities to provide commentary. 9. Once local authorities feel they have corrected any errors satisfactorily using the spreadsheet, they send their completed return to the Scottish Government via a secure file transfer process 10. CYPSC Statisticians then look at the released data and check for any remaining errors and look at any comments added to the submission by a local authority. CYPSC Statisticians then send queries on any outstanding errors back to the LA to resolve. 11. Only once all the queries have been resolved does the Scottish Government consider the data to be fit for use. 12. The above procedures will be changing in light of the developments to the CP return in 2011/12 and 2012/13, to something similar to the CLAS procedures outlined above. iii) Procedures for handling changes, and possible discontinuities, in the underlying source data CYPSC Statisticians maintain contact with data providers through regular meetings with the Local Authority Social Work Statistics (LASWS) Children & Families Group. This group provides a forum for CYPSC Statisticians to consult with data providers and bring any changes to data collection requirements to their attention. It also provides a forum for data providers to advise CYPSC Statisticians of any forthcoming changes to their administration systems that may affect the data collection. The ScotXed unit within Education Analytical Services is responsible for managing any changes to the data collection. Once agreed with data providers through the LASWS Children & Families Group, any changes to the data specification are raised with the ScotXed unit using their change management procedures. A change request form is submitted by CYPSC Statisticians. This request then goes through a process of review and assessment from registered data providers and the Change Advisory Board. If the change request is approved it is implemented by the software developers and/or the ScotXed unit. Data providers are provided with finalised data specifications 12 months before the start of the reporting period to enable them to ensure that they have their reporting systems ready, and any necessary changes in local practice and procedures introduced, in time for the start of the reporting period. iv) Procedures for ensuring the security of the statistical processes which use administrative or management sources CYPSC Statisticians ensure the security of statistical processes that draw on administrative data by following a set of best practice guidelines regarding the secure receipt, transmission, storage, access and disposal of data. A Privacy notice relating to Looked After Children data, outlining what information is collected, what it is used for, how the data is stored and the security arrangements for managing the information can be found on the ScotXed website here. A similar Privacy Notice for the Child Protection data will be produced and will be found on the ScotXed website here. The CYPSC Statistics branch adopts Scottish Government current practice on confidentiality. The statement on current practice covers data security, statistical disclosure methods and data sharing/ access agreements. This statement can be found at: Access to administrative data is only granted to authorised individuals who require it to carry out their work. CLAS and CP data is stored on secure servers, to which only restricted individuals who have been granted permission have access. Permissions are regularly reviewed and updated. Any data sent via email is subject to strict regulations on which networks it can be sent to and what levels of Government security markings can be transmitted in this way. Where removable storage devices are necessary, only encrypted devices are used in compliance with new Scottish Government policy. CYPSC Statistics Scottish Government May 2011