James Fitzjames Stephen, On Society, Religion, and Politics: Some

This list is copied from Tom’s proposal as sent to Andrew
McNeillie 17 Nov. 06
Word counts added where known, Jan. 07
Black items remain to be typed up, as at 17 Nov. 06
Red items are already typed and appear on –Typing list.doc
Peach items are out for typing-up 17 Nov.06
“Administrative Reform à la chinoise” (1856; Saturday Review)
“The Linesman” (1856; SR)
“Mr. Gurney’s Historical Sketches” (1856; SR)
“Horne’s Introduction” (1857; SR)
“Deus Ultionum” (1857; SR) 2,301
“Tom Brown’s Schooldays” (1858; Edinburgh Review) 10,087
“General Jacob on the Progress of Being” (1858; SR)
“Coleridge’s Philosophical Works” (1859; SR) 3,621
“Christian Optimism” (1860; SR/Essays by a Barrister)
“The End of the World” (1860; SR/EB)
“Christianity in India” (1860; SR/EB) Total for EB essays: 7,321
“Luxury” (1860; Cornhill Magazine) 4,931
“Competitive Examinations” (1861; CM) 11,366
“Liberalism” (1862; CM) 7,627
“Society” (1863; CM) 6,322
“Anti-Respectability” (1863; CM) 7,446 Total for five Cornhill essays: 37,692 words
“An Orthodox Dean” (1863; SR) 2,216
“Men and Brutes” (1863; SR)
“French Theories of the Universe” (1863; SR)
“The Life of Theodore Parker” (1864; SR)
“The Logic of Persecution” (1864; SR)
“Carlier’s Early History of the American States” (1864; SR)
“Sceptical Humility” (1864; SR)
“Superstition and Education” (1864; SR)
“The ’Isms” (1864; SR)
“Shakspeare and Calvin” (1864; SR)
“The Sacredness of Human Life” (1864; SR) 2,319
“Our Noble Selves” (1864; SR) 2,416
“Theodore Parker on Social Science” (1864; SR)
“Dr. Newman and Liberalism” (1865; SR)
“De Tocqueville’s Historical Fragments” (1865; SR)
“Thoughts at the Funeral of Lord Palmerston” (1865; Pall Mall Gazette)
“The End of the Pan-Anglican Synod” (1867; PMG)
“Mr. Mill on the Subjection of Women” (1869; PMG)
“The Bishop of Carlisle upon Heathenism” (1872; PMG)
“The Death of Mr. Mill” (1873; PMG)
“Parliamentary Government” (1873-74; Contemporary Review) 8,964 + 8,022 = 16,986
“The Influence on Morality of a Decline in Religious Belief” (1877; Nineteenth Century)
“On the Utility of Truth” (1879; unpublished)
“The Unknowable and the Unknown” (1884; NC)
“On the Suppression of Boycotting” (1886; NC) 10,192
“The Metaphysical Society: A Reminiscence” 9,797