APUSH – Chapter 26: The Great West and the Agricultural

APUSH – Chapter 26: The Great West and the Agricultural Revolution
The Clash of Cultures on the Plains
1. What impact did white settlers have on Native American life and culture?
2. Identify the two treaties (1851, 1853) that marked the beginning of the reservation
system in the west.
3. Explain why some Native American groups gave up their ancestral lands. Were promises
honored by the American government?
Receding Native Populations
4. How did reading about the Sand Creek Massacre (1864) make you feel?
5. Identify: Treaty of Fort Laramie (1864)
6. What happened when General Custer led a “scientific expedition” into the Black Hills of
South Dakota?
7. In your own words, explain what happened at the Battle of Little Big Horn (1876).
8. How did the Nez Perce people try to avoid reservations?
9. Your textbook states that the Apache people were “led by Geronimo, whose eyes blazed
hatred of whites…”. Is this a biased statement? Yes or no? Explain.
10. Your textbook states that several factors contributed to the demise of Native Americans
in the U.S. In your own words, explain what these factors are.
Bellowing Herds of Bison/ The End of the Trail
11. Describe the fate of the buffalo. How many buffalo were left by the 1880’s?
12. Identify two books written by Helen Hunt Jackson.
13. Identify: Ghost Dance
14. Identify: Dawes Severalty Act
Mining: From Dishpan to Ore Breaker/ Beef Bonanzas and the Long Drive
15. What attracted people to the west?
16. Identify: long drive
The Farmers’ Frontier/The Far West Comes of Age/The Fading Frontier
17. Identify: The Homestead Act
18. What role did railroads play in the development of the west?
19. define: sodbusters
20. Identify the historian who argued that “closing” of the frontier had arrived?
21. List three national parks founded between 1872-1890.
The Farm Becomes FACTORY/ Deflation Dooms the Debtor/ Unhappy Farmers
22. What are the dangers of relying on a “one crop economy”?
23. What was the purpose of the Grange organization?
The Farmers Take Their Stand/ Prelude to Populism/ Coxey’s Army and the Pullman
Strike/ Golden McKinley and Silver Bryan/
24. How did the American government respond to the Pullman Strike in Chicago (1894)?