Computing Courses

Careers in Computing Courses
Computing Courses
Computing is an exciting and interesting area in which to study
and work, and what is equally important for a student is that the
computing facilities are ITB are state of the art. Modern
computing covers a wide area of related and interconnecting
technologies, skills and disciplines. These technologies include:
Building computer systems
Systems analysis
Building web pages and sites
Designing and using databases
Building and trouble shooting networks
Creating and using diverse multimedia such as audio and video
The skills of computing lie in getting these technologies to work together in order to solve
some particular problem. Typically these problems are business related and the solution
depends on the successful use of technology. Many soft skills are needed too:
How to write a good report
How to give an effective presentation
How to get your ideas across
Graduates are equipped with the necessary skills to work in a broad range of commercial,
industrial and technological areas as:
Software Engineers
Project Managers
Students qualified to Bachelor of Science in Computing level are equipped with the
necessary skills and discipline to pursue a career in:
Systems analysis and Object Oriented Development
Software development in Java and Flash
Web Development
Multimedia and Games
Careers in Computing Courses
Students are ideally suited to careers in the software development and computer support
industries. Possible Careers can be also found in:
System Architect
Network and Computer Security Specialist
Multimedia Designer/ Games Software Designer or Network Designer
One of our Graduates holding the Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Computing is currently
working as a Software Engineer in IBM.
The course was brilliant; it’s everything it was made out to be. It
was really to the point and there was no filler content; it was just
exactly as you’d want it. We got straight into a real world, working
environment where there are real challenges and reasons for
learning things rather than pure theory.’
Bachelor of Science in Computing