1.2.07 Clinical Teaching and Assessment Center Request Form This is a request form for resources of the Health Sciences Learning Center’s Clinical Teaching and Assessment Center (CTAC). Complete the sections below and email this form to Angie Bass at arbass2@wisc.edu. The CTAC staff will then draft a blueprint and fee estimate, and this will be sent to you. Note: Required classes do receive space and support services priority. 1. Program/Project Information: a. Name of project: b. Description: Teaching Research Assessment Other: c. Contact person and department: d. Funding source if applicable (grant, departmental funds, etc., including fund numbers if available): e. Amount of funding available (if known): f. Funding contact person: 2. Preferred dates: a. Frequency (e.g., one-time, monthly, quarterly, annually): b. Specific calendar date(s): c. Preferred day(s) of week: 3. Preferred exam times: a. Time of day (e.g., morning or afternoon): b. Start time (e.g., 4:00 p.m.): c. Finish time (e.g., before 6:00 p.m.) 4. Participant profile and number: 1.2.07 a. Students: b. Residents: c. Physicians/clinicians: d. Other: 5. Approximate number of rooms needed (number of stations, encounters, etc.) including conference or meeting rooms: 6. Approximate time per station per learner (e.g., 10 minutes, 15 minutes): 7. I.T. needs: a. Touch screen laptop (Tablet PC) score entry: b. Recording of session: c. Streaming encounters (i.e., viewing session encounters using the web): c. CD ROM/DVD: d. Other: 8. Report needs, e.g., global scores, individual station scores, other: 9. Standardized patient needs (number, specific characteristics): 10. If relevant: Remediation plan for participants who do not meet minimal requirements of the exam: 11. Other: