Diversity in the city

This project has been carried out with the support of the European Community and the Life Long Learning Programme. The content
of this project does not necessarily reflect the position of the European Community, nor does it involve any responsibility on the part
of the European Community.
Diversity in the city
Age level(s):
School topics:
geography, social affairs
Activity form:
Poster-documentation, Collage-production, audio-recording, onsite-research
Materials needed:
One camera per group, paper DIN A1, pencils, newspapers
3-4 hrs
Activity theme:
Encounters with Difference
Encounters with Difference_ DE_ESTA_2
Designed by:
A4. Stimulate children to identify ‘enriching differences’ on an
individual/local/national level.
A5. Stimulate children’s perceptions that diversity can be an asset.
A6. Promote children’s positive stances towards meeting and
interacting with ‘other’ people, places, and cultures.
A7. Promote children’s respect of diversity in all areas of human life.
This project has been carried out with the support of the European Community and the Life Long Learning Programme. The content
of this project does not necessarily reflect the position of the European Community, nor does it involve any responsibility on the part
of the European Community.
Part 1)
First activity is dedicated to explore diversity within the own city/community (rich – poor,
young – old, ill – healthy…) by taking pictures. The students are split into groups and certain
roles are given to he members of the groups (photographer, observer, documentarist).
Pupils and teachers then choose a place/region/quarter for their work. Additionally each
group has to answer the following questions with their group:
what is apparent?
in what meaning there exists diversity?
Part 2)
After the students return from their activity they prepare a poster. The pictures should be
printed so that the students can stick them on the paper. Additional pictures (from
newspapers, magazins…) should be added on the paper. Finally the students shall add
explanatory words and descriptions on the paper, so that the final result is a collage of
pictures and texts.
Part 3)
Finally the students shall give a presentation to the others and thus describe their piece of