Verb Lesson

Verb Lesson
Thursday, May 7
1. Fill in the notes in the Review notebook. Give definitions and examples of the
different types of verbs.
2. Do the review activity.
Action Verb Card Game
Verbs flashcards set 1(blue): walk, run, read, play, sleep, write, talk, listen, jump, drink, eat,
open*, close
Verbs flashcards set 2(green): count, go, come, watch TV, play video games, speak, sing songs,
dance, ride a bike, laugh, cry, swim
Verbs flashcards set 3(gold): take a bath, study, make a castle, fight, clean, catch a ball,
throw a ball, draw a picture, wait, climb a tree, play soccer, cook, play the piano, use a
computer, fly
Verbs flashcards set 4(Purple):turn on, turn off, share, call, push, pull, give, look at, get,
color, find, look for, break, fix, throw away
Verbs flashcards set 5(yellow):wash, win, take a picture, think, cut, hit, hold, spill, need,
hurt, buy, put on, win, want, ask
You can place students in groups (a different color for each group) or you can do this as a
class. If you put students in groups, give each group a different color. Have the other
students to guess the action that is pictured. You can then have them come up with as many
synonyms as they can possibly think of for this picture. Or you can pair students up (divide
the yellow set amongst two groups of two, etc. Above is the key for each set of flashcards.
Verb Swat
Materials: You will need 2 fly swatters to play.
On the board or overhead projector make 3 boxes. Put the words Helping, Linking, and
Action in each block.
Divide your class into two teams.
Read aloud a sentence and ask the students to identify a specific verb.
Ex: Read aloud- She is walking to the park. Ask students what type of verb is “is”. The
first team to identify the type of verb receives a point.
Helping/Linking Verb Card Game
Use the set of cards to play this game. Each card has a sentence using either a linking or
helping verb.
Shuffle the cards and place them in a stack. Have students take turns drawing a card
from the top of the deck. Read the sentence aloud and then say if the underlined verb is a
linking or helping verb. If the student gets it right he keeps the card. If he gets it wrong
it gets returned to bottom of the pile. It is the next player’s turn. The person with the
most cards at the end wins. You can play this in groups or you can do it as a whole class.
3. Do the CW on Verbs.
4. Review for the test on Nouns and Verbs
5. Distribute HW
Friday, May 8
1. Go over HW
2. Review Verbs.
3. If time permits, you can do another one of the activities.
4. Take Test on Nouns and Verbs.
5. No HW