Russian 02

Russian 02
Spring 2008
D. Peterson
B. Dahill
T. Babyonyshev
Unit 9 Syllabus
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Unit 8 Quiz
Day One. Soft-stem adjectives. Похож, похожа, похоже, похожи. The verbs Умереть,
Read: Analysis 7A (this is review), 9
Write: Workbook Day 1
Unit 9 vocabulary flashcards
Questions on Unit 9 video: TB pp. 65-66, questions 4-8.
Learn: Unit 9 Vocabulary: active nouns
Listen: Unit 9 vocabulary audio flashcards
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Day Two. Motion verbs: идти and ехать (unidirectional). Adverbs of direction: куда,
сюда, туда. Prepositions with motion verbs: в, на + accusative. На used to express
means of transportation. Present tense of the verbs идти and ехать with future meaning.
Read: Analysis 1, 2A, 3A, 4, 5A,B,E, 6.
Write:Workbook Day 2
Unit 9 vocabulary flashcards
Learn: Unit 9 Vocabulary: Proper nouns
Listen: Unit 9 vocabulary audio flashcards
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Day Three. Using motion verbs: ходить and ездить (Multidirectional). Prepositions with
motion verbs: по +dative case. Using multidirectional motion verbs as synonyms for the
verb быть in the past tense. Prepositions with motion verbs: к + dative case.
Read: Analysis 2B, 3B,C, 5D
Write: Unit 9 Day 3
Unit 9 vocabulary flashcards
Learn: Unit 9 Vocabulary: adjectives and modal words
Listen: Unit 9 vocabulary audio flashcards
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Day Four. Indefinite-personal constructions. Imperatives.
Read: Analysis 8; Prepare further reading, Три медведя.
Write: Unit 9 Day 4
Unit 9 vocabulary flashcards
Learn: Unit 9 Vocabulary: adverbs and prepositions
Listen: Unit 9 vocabulary audio flashcards
STUDY: For Unit 9 Vocabulary Quiz tomorrow on nouns, adjectives, modal words,
adverbs and prepositions active vocabulary.
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Day Five. Vocabulary Quiz: nouns, adjectives, modal words, adverbs and prepositions.
Time expressions: Atime when@ with dates of the month C the genitive case.
Conversation. Reading.
Read: Analysis 7, particularly 7A(3,4).
Write: Unit 9 Day 5
Questions on Unit 9 video: TB p. 84, questions 6-7
Unit 9 vocabulary flashcards
Learn: Unit 9 Vocabulary: Verbs and their conjugations
Listen: Unit 9 vocabulary audio flashcards
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Day Six. Impersonal sentences. The verb носить. Idiomatic expressions with motion verb
идти. Impersonal sentences with modal words можно and нельзя.
Read: Analysis 3D
Write: Unit 9 Day 6
Unit 9 vocabulary flashcards
Learn: Unit 9 Vocabulary: Verbs and their conjugations
Listen: Unit 9 vocabulary audio flashcards
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Day Seven. Subordinate clauses with что.
Write: Unit 9 Day 7
Unit 9 vocabulary flashcards
Learn: Unit 9 Vocabulary: Verbs and their conjugations
Listen: Unit 9 vocabulary audio flashcards
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Day Eight. Reading.
Homework: Write: Unit 9 Day 8
Unit 9 vocabulary flashcards
Learn: Unit 9 Vocabulary: Verbs and their conjugations
Listen: Unit 9 vocabulary audio flashcards
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Day Nine. Review
Homework: Review for Unit 9 Quiz on Monday
AUDIO QUIZ (due by Monday midnight):
Part 1: Following the instructions on the Blackboard course website, practice, then
record Unit 9 Day 3, Exercise 1 in your workbook, paying close attention to
pronunciation and intonation.
Part 2: Download and prepare answers to the questions on Blackboard.
Part 3: To be posted on Blackboard.
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Review and drill of motion verbs.
Study: Unit 9 Quiz on Monday
Write: Workbook: Unit 10 warm-up exercises.