Overview - Spring Term Year 4 Topic – ‘Go with the flow’ The big idea: The world’s rivers are our most precious resources. This unit studies the impact of the world’s rivers on people and landscapes in the past, present and future. Spring 1 Entry Point: Research a well known river or a local river using the internet using maps, photos and the internet Compare and contrast these two rivers using a Venn diagram. Identify features that are the same and different about the rivers. Exit point: Present information on rivers clearly and in an eye catching way –e.g. posters etc Literacy Numeracy Science Topic - Curriculum areas covered: ICT, Art, DT, Geography, History, States of PHSE, Music, RE Matter Week 1 We will be writing poems based on rivers Number –number and place value (Cross Curricular Rounding river lengths to the nearest 10, 100 and 1000 km Solids, Liquids & Gases Week 2 Stories from other cultures (African stories including the River Nile) Number – addition and subtraction (Cross Curricular Estimation – how much water do you think a dripping tap wastes in a day or week? Water usage homework.) Number- multiplication and division Solids, Liquids & Gases Week 3 Week 4 Stories from other cultures (African stories including the River Nile) Stories from other cultures Number – fractions including decimals) Temperature Using a thermometer Geography - Rivers Computing – We will learn how to create and save a document using Word. RE- Hinduism Music – To appreciate and understand a high quality of music from different traditions PSHE – Respect for property The Water Cycle. How are rivers formed [pt 1]? Art – Study famous paintings of rivers and use these paintings to influence their paintings of rivers using water colours PSHE – Respect for property How are rivers formed [pt 2]? Music – To appreciate and understand a high quality of music from different traditions PSHE – Respect for property How do rivers grow? How do rivers change? PE Gymnastics . Gymnastics Gymnastics Gymnastics (African stories including the River Nile) Week 5 Week 6 Write an explanation text of the journey of a river – about river, from source to mouth as their final outcome Explanation text – about river, from source to mouth as their final outcome Number – fractions (including decimals) Number – fractions (including decimals) Changing States Changing States What are erosion, transportation and deposition? Where do rivers end? Art – Study famous paintings of rivers and use these paintings to influence their paintings of rivers using water colours RE – Hinduism What features do rivers have? Music: To listen with attention to detail and recall sounds with increasing aural memory What features do rivers have? Art – Study famous paintings of rivers and use these paintings to influence their paintings of rivers using water colours http://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/ks3/geography/physical_processes/rivers_flooding/activity/ https://www.tes.co.uk/teaching-resources/primary-42198/ks2-geography-42885/rivers42984/?page=1&SFBC_FilterOption=8 http://topicbox.net/geography/rivers/ http://www.theschoolrun.com/homework-help/rivers Gymnastics Gymnastics Spring 2 Literacy Numeracy Science States of Matter Evaporation and Condensation Week 1 Stories from Imaginary Worlds Number – number and place value Week 2 Stories from Imaginary Worlds. Number – multiplication and division Evaporation and Condensation Week 3 Stories from Imaginary Worlds Measurement Water Cycle Week 4 We will be writing a non chronological report on Topic - Curriculum areas covered: PE ICT, Art, DT, Geography, History, PHSE, Music, RE Visit to a local river: How is our river used? Our river: A local river What is its journey, source to sea? DT (Bridges) We will be finding out: How bridges are built and then putting what we have learned into practice with ‘the great bridge building challenge Why are rivers important? DT (Bridges) We will be finding out: How bridges are built and then putting what we have learned into practice with ‘the great bridge building challenge Flood! Key Questions: Are all Tag Rugby Tag Rugby Tag Rugby floods ‘bad’? Should people build on flood plains –even if the river has not broken its banks in recent years? Measurement DT (Bridges) We will be finding out: How bridges are built and then putting what we have learned into practice with ‘the great bridge building challenge Water Cycle Key Questions: (Cross What have we learnt about Curricular rivers? Explanation of DT (Bridges) We will be Tag Rugby rivers Water Cycle) Week 5 We will be writing a non chronological report on rivers Geometry –properties of shapes Air Week 6 Recount of a river trip Geometry –properties of shapes Science Assessment finding out: How bridges are built and then putting what we have learned into practice with ‘the great bridge building challenge DT (Bridges) We will be finding out: How bridges are built and then putting what we have learned into practice with ‘the great bridge building challenge’ (Instructions) HISTORY - We will be finding out: About the importance of the River Nile in every aspect of life in Ancient Egypt Tag Rugby Tag Rugby