Coshocton County Emergency Operations Plan EVACUATION and TRANSPORTATION I. PURPOSE The purpose of this annex is to document the plan for safe and orderly evacuation of people threatened by an emergency or disaster situation in Coshocton County. II. SITUATION and ASSUMPTIONS SITUATION 1. Emergency conditions could occur in Coshocton County from natural disasters (tornadoes, flooding, fires, or other natural events), from hazardous materials that are used, stored, produced, or transported in the county, and nuclear events. Any one of these conditions could require the need for an evacuation of residents. 2. There are populated areas within Coshocton County that are in close proximity to facilities using or storing hazardous materials. The residents near these facilities may have to be evacuated in the event of a hazardous materials incident. Maps of these locations are part of the Coshocton County Hazardous Materials Plan. 3. The Ohio Revised Code authorizes law enforcement and fire departments the power to protect the lives and property of the citizens in their jurisdiction. Therefore, the Coshocton County Sheriff, West Lafayette Police Chief, and the Chiefs of the Fire Departments are empowered to determine the need and to order evacuations during emergencies. 4. In Coshocton County, when time allows, all evacuation orders will be coordinated with the County Commissioners, Mayors or Township Trustees of the affected jurisdiction and the Emergency Management Director before they are released to the public. ASSUMPTIONS Assumptions need to be made on probable operational situations under disaster/emergency conditions. 1. Residents, who live in an area at risk and have sufficient warning time to evacuate, and have the means to do so, will evacuate on their own after notification from authorities. 2. With advanced warning, fifty percent (50%) or more of the residents may spontaneously evacuate a threatened jurisdiction before an evacuation order is given. 3. County emergency safety personnel will assist those in need of assistance. 4. Some residences will refuse to evacuate regardless of the threat. 5. Many residents with pets will refuse to evacuate unless arrangements have been made to care for their animals. 6. The evacuation of county residents to an adjacent county will be done in coordination with the Coshocton County EMA Director and the host county EMA Director. 7. It is estimated that about twenty percent (20%) of the population at risk will take advantage of sheltering in a mass care facility. From other evacuations that have occurred in the State of Ohio, it has been demonstrated that a majority of the people who need to evacuate their Annex E - Evacuation and Transportation 2011 -1- Coshocton County Emergency Operations Plan EVACUATION and TRANSPORTATION home, seek shelter with relatives, friends, or motels rather than use provided mass-care centers. 8. While evacuations in the county have been minimal, it is possible that a future disaster / emergency could cause a large evacuation and planning for a large-scale evacuation is part of the preparation. 9. According to the Highway Capacity Manual referenced in FEMA CPG 2-1 5, the following capacity for an ideal evacuation movement is: 1,200 vehicles / hr. 2,000 vehicles / hr. two lane undivided rural roads per hour, per lane in multi-lane rural highways with two or more lanes in each direction 2,400 vehicles / hr. per hour, per lane in multi-lane divided freeways or expressways with limited access. 10. Emergency public information will be released to evacuees telling them where public shelters are located. Routes that are restricted due to the emergency will be identified. 11. The activated EOC will work to schedule school buses and / or other transportation for residents without vehicles. 12. Assembly points where evacuees may board buses will be announced by radio and/or bull horns in the affected areas. 13. In an immediate danger situation, the sheriff’s department and fire personnel may force unwilling persons to evacuate (reference: Ohio Attorney General Opinion #87-099). EMS and REACT personnel may assist under the direction of the sheriff or fire personnel. 14. If the sheriff, fire, EMS or REACT personnel choose to not forcibly evacuate any unwilling adult (believed to be of sound mind), they must document the refusal to evacuate by listing names, addresses, date and time of refusal. Telephone numbers of the next-of-kin is also beneficial for notification purposes. 15. Evacuation of people at risk for emergency situations that occur with little or no warning will be implemented on an ad hoc basis. The individual responsible for implementing this should be the Incident Commander at the scene of the emergency with support arranged through the Emergency Operations Center (EOC) as necessary. Evacuation instructions will be based on known or assumed health risks associated for whatever hazard caused the evacuation. HAZARDOUS MATERIALS There are facilities in Coshocton County with Extremely Hazardous Substances (EHS). Most of these facilities are located within populated areas among other industries and businesses. Depending on the time of day, the day of the week, etc., the number of people who may need evacuated would vary. Sheltering-in-place can also be utilized if appropriate for the incident. Annex E - Evacuation and Transportation 2011 -2- Coshocton County Emergency Operations Plan EVACUATION and TRANSPORTATION FLOODING – Areas located along the Muskingum, Tuscarawas and Walhonding Rivers, and other creeks and streams in the county that routinely flood after heavy rainfall are located in non-populated areas, and citizens in these areas know the danger. The majority of these people know when and how to get out due to the frequency of flooding in those areas, and know where they will be going without the assistance of county government. The area in Coshocton County that is subject to the greatest damage from flooding is the area in Coshocton between 2nd Street and the Muskingum River. Detailed evacuation plans for this area are listed in Tab 2. Refer to Annex L for more information on flooding. TORNADOES - While Coshocton County has not had any significant tornado activity for years, a tornado with a major magnitude could occur. Due to the lack of time and the unknown of an exact location pre-tornado evacuation is not a standard practice. The instructions are to go to a safe location at once. Tornadoes destroy homes and property as they pass and evacuating is not as necessary as insuring the victims are safe from the debris remaining. As tornadoes leave debris everywhere, this can hamper emergency personnel responding to the area with assistance. In the past, severe thunderstorm damage left many trees down, houses damaged from fallen trees, and some families have had to leave their homes until the homes were repaired. Shelters have not been necessary and the affected families knew the evacuation route to their temporary residence. Refer to Annex L-B for more information on tornadoes. III. CONCEPT OF OPERATIONS The Coshocton County EMA Director is responsible for initiating the activities concerning mitigation and preparation for an evacuation. MITIGATION 1. Identify and develop plans for areas that may require evacuation. 2. Discourage development, particularly residential, in floodplains and other hazardous areas. 3. Develop emergency public information messages for areas where the risk population and the evacuation routes can be predetermined. 4. Maintain contact with the Sheriff’s office, and elected officials in municipal and county governments to insure their SOP’s (standard operating procedures) are up to date and address their assignment responsibilities in the event of an emergency evacuation. PREPAREDNESS 1. In cooperation with school superintendents, maintain a listing of the transportation supervision that can be reached 24 hours per day to provide school buses to support the evacuation. Annex E - Evacuation and Transportation 2011 -3- Coshocton County Emergency Operations Plan EVACUATION and TRANSPORTATION 2. Identify and maintain a listing of the special needs population groups (handicapped, senior citizens, daycare centers) who may require special assistance during an evacuation. 3. Advise fire and rescue forces to maintain files of the special needs groups in their jurisdiction. RESPONSE The Coshocton County Sheriff’s office and Fire Chiefs of affected jurisdictions are responsible for response phase activities. 1. With the agency requesting the EOC to be activated, evaluate the need for an evacuation. 2. Notify hospitals, nursing homes, schools, day care centers, retirement communities, and other special needs facilities to activate emergency plans and assist them as needed. 3. Notify residents in affected area. 4. Activate REACT personnel and provide traffic control for evacuating population. 5. Provide public information for evacuees. 6. Coordinate with Emergency Medical Service (EMS) for medical, transportation, and related support for the handicapped and elderly during an evacuation emergency. 7. Schedule transportation resources with school superintendents and review routes. 8. Notify Red Cross to open shelters as needed. RECOVERY Coshocton County Sheriff’s office and the Coshocton County EMA Director have primary responsibility for recovery efforts. 1. Monitor area in cooperation with other response organizations and review findings in order to determine when the environment is safe for reentry. 2. Coordinate the return order with Coshocton County Commissioners, mayor, or township trustees of the affected jurisdiction. 3. Designate return routes and provide appropriate public information to evacuees. 4. Coordinate with utility providers for resumption of services. 5. Maintain listing of expended resources and man hours. IV. ORGANIZATION AND ASSIGNMENT OF RESPONSIBILITY EVACUATION POLICY 1. The Incident Commander must coordinate with the Chief Elected Official (CEO) of the affected jurisdiction(s) before an evacuation order is given, if time and circumstances permits. 2. The Incident Commander will appoint an Evacuation Coordinator who will work with the Coshocton County EOC if activated. This coordinator will act as liaison between the site and the EOC. 3. Sheriff’s Officers or police of the affected jurisdiction will provide movement control for the evacuation and support fire departments in notification efforts. Coshocton County REACT may assist in this effort. TRANSPORTATION POLICY Annex E - Evacuation and Transportation 2011 -4- Coshocton County Emergency Operations Plan EVACUATION and TRANSPORTATION 1. The EMA Director will maintain a list of the transportation supervision that can be reached 24 hours per day to provide school buses and drivers that can be used on short notice to assist in an evacuation. 2. The County EMA office maintains a listing of transportation resources that can be used on short notice for an evacuation. 3. The MRDD Agency Director will maintain a list of school buses and drivers that can be used on short notice to assist in an evacuation. 4. The owners/administrators of EMS squads, handicapped transportation services cooperate with the Transportation Coordinator to provide listings of ambulances, vans, and other vehicles that can be used to evacuate the handicapped and infirmed. 5. Transportation will be provided for those who do not own automobiles. Pick up points will be announced in public information releases. 6. Most evacuees will evacuate in their own vehicles. 7. The American Red Cross, in cooperation with local authorities at the shelter sites, will designate parking areas. Vehicle security will be provided by the sheriff's department or their designated volunteer forces. COSHOCTON COUNTY EMA / EOC 1. Activate the EOC if needed, and coordinate with Incident Commander for evacuation support. 2. Execute evacuation plans and SOP in cooperation with response organizations. 3. Coordinate relocation into other jurisdictions with the EMA directors in receiving counties. 4. Assure public information press releases are provided. 5. Notify state and federal officials as required. SHERIFF / VILLAGE POLICE 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Provide movement control for evacuation. Coordinate sheriff department activities with EOC . Provide security in evacuated areas. Support fire departments in providing notification to evacuees. Establish perimeter and crowd control. Assist in public information. COSHOCTON COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICTS 1. Provide buses for evacuation, as requested by the EOC / Incident Commander. LOCAL MUNICIPALITIES 1. Develop a roster of essential employees who must remain during an evacuation. 2. Develop plans for the relocation of essential documents and resources. FIRE AND RESCUE SERVICES 1. Designate an Incident Commander and provide direction and control at scene of evacuation in coordination with County Commissioners, Mayors, or Township Trustees of the jurisdiction. 2. Notify the EOC of need for transportation. 3. Provide liaison to the EOC for coordination of material / personnel support. 4. Notify individuals to be evacuated. Annex E - Evacuation and Transportation 2011 -5- Coshocton County Emergency Operations Plan EVACUATION and TRANSPORTATION 5. Determine when environment is safe for return of evacuees. V. DIRECTION AND CONTROL 1. The Incident Commander is responsible for Direction and Control of the evacuation scene. 2. The Incident Commander will coordinate with the highest-elected officials of the affected jurisdiction before an evacuation order is issued, if time permits. 3. The Incident Commander will coordinate with the EOC for material support, release of emergency public information, and briefings to officials. 4. The EOC Coordinator for transportation schedules the school buses and coordinates requests for additional transportation resources with the Evacuation Coordinator in the EOC. VI. CONTINUITY OF OPERATION The following succession of authority designates positions to ensure continuous leadership, authority, and responsibility in emergency positions. A. Incident Commander 1. Next senior official to Incident Commander 2. Second senior official B. Evacuation Coordinator 1. Fire official appointed by Incident Commander 2. Relief for official appointed by Incident Commander VII. ADMINISTRATION AND LOGISTICS ADMINISTRATION 1. The county EMA Director, in cooperation with sheriff, fire, and government officials of the jurisdictions will administer the policies necessary to fulfill the responsibilities listed in this annex. 2. Coshocton County Fire Departments have entered into a statewide mutual-aid agreement to assure adequate material and personnel and resources support the response in the event of emergencies. Activation of mutual-aid will occur according to the procedures listed in the agreement. 3. Requests for state assistance will be made through the County EMA. LOGISTICS 1. Transportation of Essential Workers to and from the risk area(s) will be provided by their respective organizations. Should additional transportation be required, requests will be made through the activated EOC or through the Incident Commander, if the EOC is not activated. 2. Overcoming unforeseen impediments is the responsibility of the Incident Commander in cooperation with officials of the affected jurisdiction(s), if the EOC is not activated. 3. If the EOC is activated, the Incident Commander will request assistance in resolving the difficulties through the EOC. 4. Vehicles having mechanical problems during an evacuation will be moved to the side of the road and sheriff / village police will provide movement control and will transport stranded evacuees. Annex E - Evacuation and Transportation 2011 -6- Coshocton County Emergency Operations Plan EVACUATION and TRANSPORTATION VIII. PLAN DEVELOPMENT AND MAINTENANCE Refer to Basic Plan, Development and Maintenance Section. IX. AUTHORITIES AND REFERENCES Authorities Ohio Pubic Transportation and Safety Rules, Rule #301-83-16. As amended. Non-Routine Use of School Buses effective October 22, 1984. References Ohio Revised Code 733.03, 733.23 (General Powers of Mayors). 737.11 (Duties for Municipal Police and Fire Departments), 311 .07 (General Powers and Duties of the Sheriff), and the Ohio Attorney General’s Opinion #1 532. X. ADDENDUM Tab 1 - Evacuation in Response to Threat of CBRN Attack Tab 2 - Evacuation of Coshocton 2nd Street to the Muskingum River Area Tab 3 - Emergency Transportation Providers XI. AUTHENTICATION ___________________________________________ James T. Van Horn, Director Coshocton County Emergency Management Agency Annex E - Evacuation and Transportation 2011 _______________________ Dated -7- Coshocton County Emergency Operations Plan EVACUATION and TRANSPORTATION Tab 1 I. Evacuation in Response to Threat of CBRN Attack PURPOSE This appendix provides procedures for an evacuation due to an attack or attack threat using nuclear, biological or chemical weapons. II. SITUATION and ASSUMPTIONS SITUATION 1. Potential enemies of the United States have the capability to launch an attack on the United States with sufficient weapons to strike a high proportion of our industrial, military, and population areas. 2. Two options are available for protecting the population from the effects of attack: a. If a period of increasing tension and deteriorating relations precedes an attack, population relocation may be initiated to remove the population from a target or risk area and relocate it in a safer host area. This will prevent the population from receiving the direct effects from the attack and it will allow for essential services and production capabilities to be maintained. It is anticipated an attack on the United States would most likely be preceded by such a crisis period allowing sufficient time for crisis relocation to take place. b. If an attack appears imminent or has already occurred, another option is in-place sheltering. Immediate shielding from the direct effects of the attack offers some protection. This may occur in private homes or other buildings or in designated community fallout shelters. 3. If the entire area of Coshocton County is considered a low risk area, in-place sheltering should be employed in the entire county. 4. Certain vital facilities and activities must be continued to preserve the county, to assist in relocating essential goods and services to the relocated population, and/or continue industrial production important to the economy. 5. Coshocton County has been designated as a host county should a crisis occur and relocation is implemented. Most likely, these evacuees will be arriving from metropolitan areas of the state. See Tab 4 for details (under development) III. CONCEPT OF OPERATION 1. Pre-Crisis Phase - normal readiness during peacetime. 2. Crisis Phase - includes increased readiness and mobilization of emergency services, if and when ordered by the Governor. 3. Movement Phase - begins when the Governor of Ohio orders evacuation of high-hazards areas. Phase 1 - Public with vehicles Phase 2 - Public needing transportation special needs population Phase 3 - Movement of resources and essential workers Annex E - Evacuation and Transportation 2011 -8- Coshocton County Emergency Operations Plan EVACUATION and TRANSPORTATION 4. Sustaining Period - begins with arrival of evacuees in reception areas and involves support and care of evacuees. This phase includes maintenance and support of critical production and service activities by essential personnel commuting to and from high-hazard area. Relocatees will self-manage in host areas. 5. Return Phase - begins when ordered by the Governor and covers the time necessary to safely move the population back to their homes. B. Notification and Mobilization Notice of an enemy attack and consequent emergency response mobilization is initiated nationally. State government will forward this notification to local government utilizing a system, which determines appropriate actions that must be taken. The county EMA will activate the EOC. C. In-Place Sheltering In-place sheltering may be the necessary option to be implemented even if crisis relocation has been previously implemented. In-place sheltering will allow for protection from radioactive fallout. In-place sheltering will be implemented through a combination of improved or expedient shelters, and assigned community fallout shelters. D. Key Workers Each jurisdiction will be responsible for designating key workers to ensure continuity of government and for preservation of records. Each industry within the township will be responsible for designating key workers to ensure industrial productivity, and the relocation of essential goods and services needed in the safe areas. Key workers will commute from a safe-area to their place of employment. Key workers will be identified by an identification card supplied by their employers. Once all residents have been evacuated from risk areas, buses will be available to transport key workers if necessary. Risk and close-in host areas should assure that any non-essential key workers from the risk area return to their close-in host area. Ensure that essential workers are knowledgeable of their shelter assignments in the risk area. E. Evacuation Information The residents will receive information concerning evacuation routes, essential items to take with them, and the destination shelter. F. Resources Extra resources will be requested / provided from the risk area to support accelerated host area operations. If crisis relocation is ordered, resources left in the risk area for protection of life and property will be transferred to the host areas for preservation if an attack occurs and to assist the host areas’ expanded populations. Annex E - Evacuation and Transportation 2011 -9- Coshocton County Emergency Operations Plan EVACUATION and TRANSPORTATION IV. ORGANIZATION AND ASSIGNMENT OF RESPONSIBILITIES In the event of a national security emergency, all emergency response groups within each jurisdiction will be activated. Responsibilities of each agency, department, and organization in this region will be as shown in the Evacuation Annex or other parts of this plan. V. DIRECTION AND CONTROL Direction and Control will follow those procedures outlined in Annex A (Direction and Control). VI. CONTINUITY OF GOVERNMENT When it becomes necessary to evacuate, the seat of government will not relocate until all residents have been evacuated, all essential resources and equipment have been relocated, and all key workers in government and industry have been established their operations. VII. ADMINISTRATION AND LOGISTICS See Section VII of the Evacuation section of the Mass Care/Sheltering and Evacuation Annex. VIII. PLAN DEVELOPMENT AND MAINTENANCE Refer to Basic Plan, Plan Development and Maintenance. IX. AUTHORITIES AND REFERENCES Refer to Basic Plan, Authorities and Reference Section. X. ADDENDUM Attachment 1 Evacuation Planning Checklist Annex E - Evacuation and Transportation 2011 - 10 - Coshocton County Emergency Operations Plan EVACUATION and TRANSPORTATION Attachment 1 Evacuation Planning Checklist 1. Have you identified your political boundaries and risk population? (.5 psi and above - plan for 100% evacuation of 2 psi areas)??. 2. Have you selected in-place sheltering within the county or will you be forced to evacuate to surrounding jurisdictions? 3. How will you group your evacuees? a. How do they know where to go? b. Group by geographic or zip codes or what? 4. Critical worker force (10% of your risk area residents - this includes their families). a. I.D.? b. Shelters? c. Instructions? d. Feeding? e. Reentry? 5. Identification of special needs population (handicapped, elderly and institutionalized, nonspeaking English, transients, jail inmates)? 6. Specific allocation to host counties? (1:1 desired - consider host availability of fallout shelter space). 7. What is your stay-behind policy (5% - 20%)? 8. Transportation? a. Autos b. Buses: school, tour c. Identify requirements d. Assembly areas e. Resources 9. Traffic Control Considerations a. Capacity planning factor b. Traffic control points c. Movement d. Access control e. Use of staging areas f. Rest areas 10. Redistribution of Resources a. Food and Water b. Medical c. Equipment d. Fire, emergency medical, sheriff / police, public works, e. Fuel 11. CPG 2-15 is to be used for the development of this attachment. Annex E - Evacuation and Transportation 2011 - 11 - Coshocton County Emergency Operations Plan EVACUATION and TRANSPORTATION Tab 2 Evacuation of Coshocton 2nd Street to the Muskingum River Area A. INTRODUCTION This Tab addresses the specific procedures and actions required to effect a successful evacuation of the area covered. This plan is to reduce to a minimum, the personnel loss due to injury or death to residents in the affected area. B. AREA ADDRESSED The specific area addressed in this Tab is that area between the Muskingum River and South 2nd Street in the City of Coshocton. C. EVENT ADDRESSED The event addressed is rising water in the Muskingum River that is projected to or does overflow the river bank in this area. This is expected to occur at a river level, at the Coshocton river gauge, between 19.3 and 19.5 feet.. D. MONITORING OF CONDITIONS Monitoring of the river level and weather conditions will be accomplished by the following steps and for the following parameters: 1. Muskingum River at the Coshocton gauging station. The web site should be monitored when the river is at 18 feet and is expected to rise. This is best accomplished by monitoring the following web site: 2. When the Muskingum is at 19 feet and is expected to rise and reach above flood stage for thissection of the river, additional monitoring of the following inflows to Muskingum River drainage area will begin: Killbuck Creek Walhonding River Tuscarawas River 3. When conditions are identified that indicates the Muskingum River will continue to rise and is projected to reach the level of 19 feet or higher, flood watch / warning will be provided to the public. E. PUBLIC NOTICE There are three (3) levels of public notice that will be used: 1. Warning Warnings will be posted to the public, when the Muskingum River as measured at the Coshocton gauge station, indicates that the river level is increasing and there is a possibility that within 12 to 24 hours water will reach the flood level for this area. 2. Voluntary Evacuation Evacuation notices will be posted when the Muskingum River, as measured at the Coshocton gauge station, indicates that the river level is increasing and within 2 to 4 hours will overflow into the area. 3. Required Evacuation Required Evacuation notices will be posted when the Muskingum River as measured at the Coshocton gauge station indicates that the river level is increasing and will overflow into the Annex E - Evacuation and Transportation 2011 - 12 - Coshocton County Emergency Operations Plan EVACUATION and TRANSPORTATION area with enough force to cause damage to buildings and later evacuations will require special equipment and place responders in harms way. F. TRANSPORTATION There are specific requirements for each of the three (3) notice phases in E above: 1. Warning At this stage of warning, a count will be made to determine approximately how many people will need to be evacuated and where they will be moved to for initial safety. With this data, transportation sources will be contacted and placed on notice of potential need and to stand by. 2. Voluntary Evacuation At this stage of warning, the transportation units placed on stand-by will be directed to report to a location just outside the danger zone. From the staging area, they will be sent to specific pickup points that were identified in the public notice for evacuation. 3. Required Evacuation Transportation needs for this stage of evacuation should not require additional equipment as the number of people requiring forced evacuation should be less due to voluntary evacuation by many. G. SHELTERING Sheltering requirements will also follow the three (3) warning phases: 1. Warning At this stage, an estimate of the number requiring evacuation has been determined and the Coshocton Chapter of American Red Cross will be notified of this number and a joint determination will be made of how many will take advantage of shelters. The Red Cross should identify the location of shelters that could be opened and place the shelter staffs on standby notice. 2. Voluntary Evacuation At this stage the Red Cross decides the location of shelters that will open and media will announce the shelters are available and describe the best routes to the shelters. 3. Required Evacuation At this stage there should be few additional people in addition to the ones already evacuated and would not plan to open additional shelters until the current open shelters have reached their capacity. H. RESPONSIBILITIES and DUTIES The following people or agencies have the specific duties and responsibilities that they are to accomplish for a successful evacuation for this area. 1. Emergency Management Agency ○ Monitor the Weather ○ Monitor the river levels ○ Maintain contact with the COE (Mohawk Dam) ○ Evaluate and project, short term (12 hours) and long term (length of event), the river activity Annex E - Evacuation and Transportation 2011 - 13 - Coshocton County Emergency Operations Plan EVACUATION and TRANSPORTATION ○ ○ ○ ○ Activate the EOC as necessary or requested Contact transportation resources as needed Contact the animal shelter and specify what pet sheltering is required Make special needs information available to evacuation personnel 2. Coshocton County Sheriff ○ Monitor the Weather ○ Monitor the river levels ○ Secure the evacuated area ○ Initiate evacuation announcement 3. Coshocton City Fire Department ○ Upon being notified of a possible need for an evacuation, activate their emergency plan for evacuations ○ Initiate door to door check for residents ○ Advise boat rescue teams to stand by for call 4. Coshocton Chapter American Red Cross ○ Upon being notified of a possible need for an evacuation, alert staff to stand by for opening shelters ○ On notification of an evacuation, open shelters as needed ○ Provide evacuee registration service 5. Coshocton County Emergency Medical Service ○ Upon being notified of a possible need of evacuation, alert crews to stand by ○ Advise additional teams to standby for a call ○ Notify Coshocton County Memorial Hospital of preparations for evacuation 6. City of Coshocton Mayor ○ After being notified of the possibility of a needed evacuation, remain in contact with the EMA ○ Notify Coshocton City services that they could be needed 7. REACT ○ ○ 8. ARES ○ ○ Establish traffic control as directed by the sheriff's department Control access to flooded streets or roads Upon notification of a possible evacuation, alert ARES members to standby. Dispatch ARES members with radios and the ARES Communication van to locations as requested, establish radio frequencies and radio network 9. PIO ○ ○ Upon notification of a possible evacuation, standby Upon notification of an evacuation prepare and release a media release for: Voluntary evacuation Advice for resident to turn off utilities, i.e., gas, water, and electric service Advice for items to take along with them (See the Evacuation Checklist.) EVACUATION CHECKLIST Annex E - Evacuation and Transportation 2011 - 14 - Coshocton County Emergency Operations Plan EVACUATION and TRANSPORTATION This checklist can be used when it is necessary to leave a residence and go to another location for temporary shelter that provides basic living conditions. Traveling Supplies See Car Kit Checklist Equipment NOAA weather radio hand–operated or extra batteries Cell phone and charger Flashlight and batteries Whistle First Aid, Medications and Hygiene Car First Aid Kit Personal prescriptions for three (3) days Toothbrush and toothpaste Soap and towels Disposable hand wipes Clothing Extra change of clothing, warm coat, hat, gloves Warm clothes (If appropriate) Sturdy shoes Rain gear (If appropriate) Food Water: 2 gallon / per day / per person, fruit juices, soft drinks Snacks (high energy): granola bars, trail mix, peanut butter, crackers Important Papers and Documents Keep records in plastic resealable bags. Cash and credit cards Driver’s license, will, bank account numbers Phone numbers for family and friends who need to be notified of relocation Passports, social security cards, immunization records Insurance policies, contracts, deeds, stock and bonds Credit card account numbers and companies Family records (birth, marriage, death certificates) Store these materials in a convenient location known to all family members. Survey to Determine Number of Residents in the South Second Street Area This survey was taken by a City Water Department employee in February 2007 to determine the population base for planning purposes. 620 S. Water St. 116 Ivy St. vacant / water off vacant / water off Annex E - Evacuation and Transportation 2011 - 15 - Coshocton County Emergency Operations Plan EVACUATION and TRANSPORTATION 120 Ivy St. 101 Walnut Street 105 Walnut Street 113 Walnut Street 123 Walnut Street 125 Walnut Street 127 Walnut Street 138 Walnut Street 132 Walnut Street 122 Walnut Street 114 Walnut Street 110 Walnut Street 104 Walnut Street 76 Walnut Street 105 Main Street 107 Main Street vacant / water off 3 2 1 1 2 vacant / no water (rental) (rental) 2 2 2 3 3 1 3 (rental) (rental) (rental) (rental) 2 3 (rental) 359 S. 2nd Street 365 S. 2nd Street 623 S. 2nd Street 2 vacant / no water vacant / for rent Minn-Lynn Trailer Courts 80 Zero Street 158 777 1/2 S. 2nd St. 72 825 S. 2nd St. 56 Sadler Trailer Court 66 W. Pine St. 64 W. Pine St. 503 River Rd. 501 River Rd. 151 Vine St. 118 Mulberry St. 122 Mulberry St. 111 Mulberry St. 102 Mulberry St. 220 S. Water Street 218 S. Water Street 214 S. Water Street 144 S. Water Street 138 S. Water Street 131 S. Water Street 141 S. Water Street 143 S. Water Street 149 S. Water Street 10 2 2 4 4 4 4 2 8 1 4 3 4 (6 trailers — 5 occupied) (trailer) (trailer) (rental) (rental) (rental) (rental) (rental) (vacant) (apartment bldg) vacant 1 3 2 4 TOTAL RESIDENTS 380 Annex E - Evacuation and Transportation 2011 - 16 - Coshocton County Emergency Operations Plan EVACUATION and TRANSPORTATION Tab 3 Emergency Transportation Providers EMS Squads City of Coshocton Village of Warsaw Village of West Lafayette 24 hour Service 1 1 1 Number of EMS Squads Service in Total EMS 30 Minutes Squads Available 1 2 1 2 1 School Buses Name Riverview School Ridgewood School Coshocton City School Hopewell Public Transportation Name Muskingum Coach Numbers / Availability 1 Hr 3 Hr Handicap Fleet 10 25 1 36 11 11 1 23 4 7 11 6 2 8 8 1 van 1 van 1 2 Fuel Diesel Diesel Diesel Diesel Gas Phone 24 x 7 740-622-2545 Fuel Diesel Fleet 24 Radio Frequency See “Controlled and Sensitive Information” Radio Frequency Use CB radios Air Ambulances Name Medflight Critical Care units MICU - Ground Units Rotary Wing 24 x 7 6 2 Vans Agency Name Contact Senior Center Rhonda Haas Coshocton Co Deb Laney Coord Transportation Additional available in 2 hrs 0 2 Phone 740-622-4852 740-622-7139 Total Rotary Wing Ambulances 6 4 Number / Capacity 3 - 6 passenger vans Private auto and vans contracted to the county Note: See the Emergency Resource Catalog for additional contact information. Annex E - Evacuation and Transportation 2011 - 17 - Coshocton County Emergency Operations Plan EVACUATION and TRANSPORTATION USE THIS OUTLINE FOR REWRITE OF THIS SECTION May 07 Evaluate and project, short term (12 hours) and long term (length of event), What the river level is likely to do Activate the EOC as necessary or requested partial activation Contact transportation resources as needed 1. Coshocton County Sheriff ○ Monitor the Weather ○ Monitor the river levels ○ Notify REACT to stand by for activation ○ Make decision to evacuate, activate services 2. Coshocton City Fire Department ○ Notify to standby to activate their service for possible an evacuation 3. Coshocton Chapter Red Cross ○ Notify to standby to activate plans for shelter(s) ○ When notified of the need for an evacuation, open shelters ○ 4. Coshocton County Emergency Medical Service ○ Notify EMS Service that they could be needed 5. City of Coshocton Mayor o After being notified of the possibility of a needed evacuation to remain in contact with the EMA ○ Notify City resources that they could be needed 6. Coshocton County EOC ○ Notify for possible partial activation of the EOC ○ Notify: WTNS Radio Annex E - Evacuation and Transportation 2011 - 18 -