Could Your Sofa or Jacket Be Made from Toxic Material? autor: Anna Hovořáková vedoucí práce: Mgr. Hana Boucná Nowadays, in this modern time, we are constantly surrounded by new materials and technologies, which help our life to be more comfortable–sports clothes, indoor textiles, fire fighting foams, photographic industry, … But what about their chemical treatment? Fluorinated surfactants (PFCs) are compounds, which are very often applied to the surfaces in numerous industrial and consumer products. PFCs have been classified as a persistent organic pollutant and they are exceptional because of their special chemical properties, for example, the ability to the repel water and oil. We are talking about relatively new and yet not so much monitored compounds. Despite the positive contribution to the ordinary life, these substances are more or less toxic, thus bringing forth some ecosystems out of balance. They have the potential to accumulate in the environment and organisms, and because of that, one of their representativeperfluorooctanesulphonate (PFOS) and its precursors were added to the list of substances of Stockholm Convention at conference in Geneva in 2009. But the fact remains that essentially there is currently no effective legislation of perfluorinated compounds, which would limit the use of these substances. Due to their massive use after the 50sof the 20th century there has been a significant contamination of the environment. One of the main sources of human contamination is primarily applications of these substances to products, which we use in ordinary life (materials for outdoor activity, upholstery, carpets, packaging materials used in food industry, etc.). It is very difficult to find chemical additives of PFCs to these materials from their manufacturers, so one of the possibilities is their analytical determination. Perfluorinated compounds are a current topic and nowadays there are numbers of studies, which are interested in the effects of these compounds on human and also their occurrence in nature and among us. We can find a lot of researches on diseases and complications caused by PFCs, because upon the entering into the body they move primarily into the liver and body fluids. Then, they bind to the protein component of tissue, so, for example, there is a possibility of a bladder cancer. But very often the researches are just theoretical and we cannotfully rely on them. Very oftena method called HPLC (High Performance Liquid Chromatography) - it is flexible and useful for the substances, for which it is very difficult to be detected by another method. The entire analysis process involves extracting a sample from a particular material and then the extract is analysed by HPLC. By this methodcomplex mixtures of the individual substances are separated and then they are recognized by a suitable detector and all information is processed by computer. In this way the quantity of perfuorinated substances in each material is established and the results can be compared. In Brno there exists only one centre that is authorized to use the method HPLC. The centre is called Research Centre for Toxic Compounds in the Environment and it is located at the Masaryk University. This centre, in cooperation with other similar centres in Europe, is trying to gather a sufficient number of results that would confirm the high occurrence of PFCs among us. Big problem is that through our home, these substances can impair many ecosystems, so the European Union is going to use these results for new and stricter legislation for application of perfluorinated compounds. One of the researches conducted last year worked with 52 samples that were selected from the groups of outdoor clothes, luxury upholstery, curtains, packaging materials from fast-food restaurant, etc. The materials were cut and weighted from a number of 3, 6 g to 6, 4 g. First, there is a need to analysefour so-called blind samples for detection of background contamination and then the 52 materials in small glass vials.The results were surprising. The sums of concentration ranged from absence of PFCs to hundreds of µg/kg. The most of perfluorinated compound was detected in group of luxury upholstery and in the greatest amount in the sample called as FUOCO, where mostoccurred perfluoralcylcarboxylic acids with important representative PFOA (perfluooroctane acid)that the human body well receives largely both orally and by breathing, and also but less by our skin. It is classified as a weak carcinogen, a half-life of elimination from the body is about 1-3.5 years and also there is no metabolism of these substances. We have Ongoing extraction evidence that this acid together with the above mentioned PFOS (perfluorooctanesulfonane) is able to pass through the placenta. Also in upholstery called TRIBE a large amountsof PFCsand even PFOA were found. In outdoor clothes there were recognized mainly Extracts of selected materials in vials less known perfluoralcylcarboxylic acids but even then is their amount considerable. It is necessary to be aware of the fact that there is a greater threat of pollution of nature by these substances that are not possible to degrade in nature, and there is a need to develop the research on physical and chemical properties of PFCs. When you think about the possibilities of environmental contamination, it may not be just some release from their producing factories, bad treatment with solid waste or release of wastewater treatment plants. Pollution may also happen by using commercial products. So how can we know that when we wash a soft-shell jacket it does not cause flow of a certain quantity of PFCs into a nature which then is not able to degrade in the environment? Already the fact that our skin can partially absorb PFOA is disturbing. So when we use waterproof clothes do we get into our body weak carcinogen substance? Or does a family with modern sofa risk the children’s health, because thechild can lick the surface? Moreover, we know that perfluorinated compounds are able of long-range transport so they are found, for example, in the Arctic regions. It is important to pay more attention to these mostly publicly unknown substances and make more researches that would clarify these issues. But first, there must be restriction on the use as it was done with PFOS a few years ago, because when it is proved that we are talking about something that is able to get into the human body and there is a suspicion that it is toxic…we must realize that in such quantity PFCs have nothing to do on a market. Sources: 1. Hekster, F.M., R. Laane, and P. de Voogt, Environmental and toxicity effectsofPerfluoroalkylatedsubstances, in ReviewsofEnvironmentalContamination and Toxicology, Vol 179. 2003. p. 99-121. 2. Hekster, F.M., Perfluoroalkylatedsubstances: aquaticenvironmentalassessment. Vol. 99. 2002, Den Haag: RijksinstituutvoorKust en Zee/RIKZ. 3. 3M, SulfonatedPerfluorochemicals in theEnvironment: Sources, Dispersion, Fate and Ef-fects. 2000. p. 51. 4. Busch, J., et al., Polyfluoroalkylcompounds in landfillleachates. EnvironmentalPollution, 2010. 158(5): p. 1467-1471. 5. Young, C.J., et al., PerfluorinatedAcids in ArcticSnow:  New Evidence forAtmosphericFormation doi:10.1021/es0626234. Environmental Science & Technology, 2007. 41(10): p. 3455-3461. 6. Giesy, J.P. and K. Kannan, GlobalDistributionofPerfluorooctaneSulfonate in Wildlife. Environmental Science & Technology, 2001. 35(7): p. 1339-1342. 7. Ellis, D.A., et al., DegradationofFluorotelomerAlcohols: A LikelyAtmospheric Source ofPerfluorinatedCarboxylicAcids. Environmental Science & Technology, 2004. 38(12): p. 3316-3321. 8. Butt, C.M., et al., Rapid Response ofArcticRingedSeals to Changes in PerfluoroalkylProduction doi:10.1021/es061267m. Environmental Science & Technology, 2007.41(1): p. 42-49. 9. Genuis, S.J., et al., Humandetoxificationofperfluorinatedcompounds. Public Health, 2010. 124(7): p. 367-375. 10. Midasch, O., et al., Transplacentalexposureofneonates to perfluorooctanesulfonate and perfluorooctanoate: a pilot study. International ArchivesofOccupational and EnvironmentalHealth, 2007. 80(7): p. 643-648. 11. Štulík, K. a kol., Analytické separační metody, Praha: Univerzita Karlova v Praze – Nakladatelství KAROLINUM, 2004 – 264 s. ISBN 80-246-0852-9