The Canterbury Tales Re

The Canterbury Tales Re-Mix Project
Geoffrey Chaucer’s Canterbury Tales is about a group of 14th century
pilgrims from all walks of life who travel together for several days on their
way to a shrine in Canterbury. They entertain each other on this journey by
telling stories. The person who tells the most entertaining story wins dinner
at the local tavern, courtesy of the other story-telling pilgrims.
YOUR TASK: Your task for this project is to create as a group a
contemporary version of The Canterbury Tales. This means thinking of a
fictional scenario in which a group of diverse people find themselves
traveling together for several days toward a common destination. It also
means deciding on a theme for the competitive story telling element, and
creating your own character and rhyming story. Unlike the original contest,
whoever tells the most entertaining story gets a free “Homework Pass!”
Things to Consider: destination, mode of transport, narrator, story-telling
theme, choosing a judge (one per group).
 As a group, you will all write the theme portion of the Prologue. Each
person will create a character and provide a Character Prologue and
write a tale to tell. You must use rhyming couplets.
 Each group will choose a judge for the panel. The judges need to be
St. Francis Prep. Teachers who are 1) familiar with The Canterbury
Tales, and 2) free your period. We will provide the judges with typed
anonymous copies of each project ahead of time and will attend the
recital on the agreed upon date. (after Christmas)
Points, Due Dates, Etc.
Nominate Judges:
Decide on Recital Day: TODAY
Confirm Judges:
Rough Draft due:
Final Draft due(75 points):
Dress Rehearsal
Recital (25 points):
Total Points: 100 points