Revised Study Guide

Study guide
Chapter 1- Introduction
 Layers of the earth by physical properties – e.g. lithosphere, asthenosphere
 Difference between ocean crust and continental crust
 The rock cycle
Chapter 2 - Minerals
 The 5 naturally defining characteristic of minerals: naturally occurring, inorganic, solid, definite
chemical structure, orderly crystalline structure
 Important Properties of Minerals esp. hardness, luster, cleavage
 Silicate Minerals and the Silicate ion (SiO-4 ), their common building block
o ferromagnesian minerals (olivine, pyroxene, amphibole, biotite mica)
o nonferromagnesian minerals (feldspar, muscovite mica, quartz)
 Non-silicate Minerals
o calcite (carbonate mineral group) - fizzes when in contact with acid
o gypsum (sulfate mineral group) – scratches with fingernail
 identification of the common igneous-rock-forming silicate minerals
Chapter 3 - Igneous Rocks
 Difference between magma and lava
 Origin of Igneous Rocks:
o Plutonic, or Intrusive (remember Pluto, Lord of the Underworld!) - slow cooling
o Volcanic, or Extrusive - fast cooling above ground
 Classification by texture: Dependent on origin
o phaneritic - large crystals - plutonic
o aphanitic - small crystals - volcanic
o porphyritic - large crystals embedded in a fine-grained matrix - usually volcanic
o glassy - cooled too fast to form crystals - volcanic
o pyroclastic - formed from volcanic ash or pieces of lava- volcanic
o vesicular – filled with voids from escaping gas bubbles
 Classification by mineral content: dependent on mineral content of magma
o ultramafic (composed of ferromagnesian minerals)
o mafic or basaltic (composed of ferromagnesian minerals and Ca plagioclase)
o intermediate or andesitic (composed of ferromagnesian minerals, Ca-Na plagioclase and
non-ferromagnesian minerals
o felsic or granitic (composed primarily of non-ferromagnesian minerals; less than 15%
 Igneous rocks identification
 Generating magma from solid rock
o Increase in temperature
o Decompression melting
o Addition of water
 Partial Melting - production of a magma with a higher silica content than the parent rock
o Silica-rich (felsic) magma starts to melt at about 750deg C in a near-surface environment
o Basaltic (mafic) magma starts to melt at about 1000 deg C in a near-surface environment
Chapter 4 - Igneous Activity
 Viscosity – determines the nature of volcanic activity and what influences it:
o temperature (increase in temp. decreases viscosity)
presence of dissolved gas, usually decreases viscosity, although expansion of water vapor
causes a more pyroclastic, explosive eruption)
o (most important) - increasing silica content of magma increases viscosity
 Volcanic structures
o Shield volcano - composed primarily of fluid basaltic lava flows-large in area, elevation,
very gentle slope. Ex: Hawaii
o Cinder cones - composed primarily of volcanic ash and /or other pyroclastic material,
usually granitic in composition, example Sunset Crater, Arizona
o Composite cones or stratovolcanoes - composed of alternating layers of lava flows and
pyroclastics, usually andesitic in composition. Example: Ring of Fire volcanoes (Mt. St.
o Fissure eruptions - volcanic activity that does not come from a central vent. Example:
Columbia Plateau Basalt Flows
o Calderas
 Lava types: aa, pahoehoe
 Hawaiian-type volcanoes vs Ring of Fire volcanoes: difference in eruption style and volcanic
 Intrusive IgneousActivity: Pluton – structure that results from emplacement of igneous materials at
o Exposed by uplift and subsequent erosion of overlying rocks.
o Classified by orientation to host rock, either concordant (parallel, sill) or discordant (cuts
across, dike)
o Batholith - a large intrusive igneous body with an exposure of more than 100 sq. km
 Igneous Activity distribution
o Igneous activity at subduction zones: Ring of Fire volcanos
o Igneous activity at Spreading Centers: Iceland, East Africa
o Intraplate Igneous Activity (hot spots): Hawaii, Yellowstone
Chapter 6- Sedimentary Rocks
 Detrital - formed from the solid products of physical and chemical weathering.
Classified by grain size: gravels (conglomerate), sand (sandstone), silt (siltstone), clay (shale, mudstone)
Above categories subclassified by mineral composition
 Chemical - formed from chemical sediments, from dissolved products of chemical weathering,
and classified by mineral composition:
o Biochemical: formed from minerals that have a biochemical origin (e.g most limestone)
o plant remains (coal)
 Lithification – set of processes that turn unconsolidated sediment into sedimentary rock
o Compaction
o Cementation – iron oxide, silica, calcite
 Environments of Deposition – determines the type of sediment, and therefore sedimentary rock
 Sedimentary Rock identification
Metamorphic Rocks - Chapter 7
 Metamorphic Rocks - formed by high amounts of heat and pressure that occur at depth due to
tectonic activity
 Agents of Metamorphism: heat, pressure, chemically active groundwater
 Metamorphic environments (in order of importance)
o Regional (mountain-building)
o Contact or Thermal
o Hydrothermal
Changes in Rocks due to Metamorphism
o Recrystallization of existing minerals, especially into larger crystals;
o Mineralogical Change as of new minerals develop some of the old ones disappear; and
o Foliation – Reorientation of existing mineral crystals and growth of new ones in parallel
or nearly parallel planes, due to differential pressure.
 Foliation (from least to most intense)
o slaty cleavage: mica crystals, not visible to the naked eye, become aligned so they are
parallel (applies to slates and phyllites)
o schistosity: mica or hornblende crystals grow big enough to give the rock a platy or
“glittery appearance”
o gneissic banding: Mineral migration occurs and dark and light silicate minerals separate,
giving the rock a banded appearance
 Common metamorphic rocks: slate, phyllite,schist, gneiss, quartzite, marble
Chapter 14 - Earthquakes
 Mechanism of earthquake
o why they tend to occur at plate boundaries
o focus, epicenter and how related to faults
o elastic deformation, elastic rebound
 Earthquake Magnitude:
o measures energy released
o the same value for a particular earthquake, regardless of where measure
o logarithmic : Richter Scale, Moment Magnitude Scale
Seismology - study of earthquake waves
p-waves, compressional - particle motion parallel to direction of wave travel
s-waves, shear - particle motion perpendicular to direction of wave travel
Epicenter location using p-waves and s-waves
Chapter 15, Plate Tectonics
 Alfred Wegener and Continental Drift
o fit of the continents
o similarities in rock type and structure
o fossil evidence
o paleoclimatic (glacial) evidence
o Wegener’s inability to propose a mechanism for continental drift
 tectonic plate boundaries and geographic examples of each
o divergent - sea floor spreading
o convergent – subduction oceanic-continental, oceanic-oceanic
o convergent – continental collision
o features associated with each of the above (trenches, volcanoes , earthquakes etc.)
o geographic example of each
Chapter 17 – Mountain Building
 Rock deformation
 Brittle deformation (fractures, faulting)
 Elastic deformation
 Ductile (plastic) deformation (folding)
 Folds - mostly caused by compressional stress
 Anticlines – oldest strata found in center after erosion
 Synclines – youngest strata found in center after erosion
 plunging folds – compressed at an angle relative to horizontal plane.
Faults-fractures in the crust along which movement has occurred.
 Dip-slip- Primarily vertical movement.
 Normal fault (Tensional) - hanging wall drops down relative to foot wall
 Reverse fault (Compressional) - foot wall drops relative to hanging wall
 Thrust fault (Compressional) - low angle reverse fault
 Strike-slip- Primarily horizontal movement. San Andreas Fault System (Box 17.1)
 Mountain Types
 Volcanic (studied in Chapter 4)
 Fault-Block mountains- associated with tensional stress on the crust. Horst and Graben
 Folded (complex) mountains - major mountain chains, such as Alps, Himalayas, Urals, etc.,
caused by folding from convergence.
 Types of (mountain belts)
 Andean-type convergence (continental-oceanic or oceanic-oceanic subduction)
 Volcanic Mountains (which may erode to expose intrusive core)
 Accretionary Wedge
 California’s Sierras and Coastal Ranges as examples
 Himalayan-type convergence (continental collision): Urals, Appalachians, Alps and (or
course) Himalayas are examples
Chapter 18 Geologic Time
Relative Dating - Key Principles
Law of Superposition
Principle of Original Horizontality
Principle of Cross-Cutting Relationships
Correlation: Using relative dating techniques to date a sequence of sedimentary strata and
Use of relative dating techniques to date a cross-section
Absolute Dating with Radioactivity
Radioactivity – an unstable element decays, by gaining or losing nuclear particles, and becomes
another, more stable element
Half life
Carbon-14 dating
 how it forms, what it decays into
 how we use it to measure absolute ages
 why it is not useful for inorganic materials
 why it is not as useful in dating material older than 50,000 years
 how we correct for variations in C-14 levels in the atmosphere
Other materials used for Radioactive Dating, e.g. uranium, Potassium and their use in dating
older materials.
Uranium and its use in establishing the age of the Earth.
Geologic Time Scale
 Paleozoic, Mesozoic, Cenozoic Eras
 Eras subdivided into periods, and (in later periods) epochs.
 The time boundaries between the eras represent times of mass extinctions and the evolution of
new species