The founding of Jamestown, Virginia and John Smith


Chapter 2: Sec. 2: An English Settlement at Jamestown Essential Questions

The founding of Jamestown, Virginia and John Smith

1. What is a joint-stock company?

2. What was the name of the company that founded Jamestown, Virginia?

3. According to John Smith, the first Jamestown colonists did not work; instead they dug and searched for _______________.

4. What was first English colony that disappeared in America?

5. In order to save the colony from extinction, John Smith proclaimed that all colonists have to _____________________.

6. What factors contributed to the near failure of Jamestown?

7. Identify the cash crop that allowed Jamestown to survive and become a profitable colonial investment.

Headright System, Indentured Servant, Slavery

8. Define the headright system and indentured servants and why both were needed?

9. What was the primary difference between an indentured servant and slave?

10. Why did the English not intermarry with Native Americans like the Spaniards?

Native American Conflict and Frontier Farmers Revolt

11. Why were the colonists in conflict with Powhatan?

12. What is a royal colony and why was it needed in Virginia?

13. List the social classes in Jamestown, Virginia?

14. Explain what factors brought about the Bacon Rebellion?

Chapter 2: Sec. 3: Puritans New England Essential questions

Religious Persecution and violence in Europe

Causes influx of Immigration to America

1. Define Puritan.

2. Who was the leader of the Puritans?

3. What were the major problems with the Church of England according to the Puritans?

4. What are separatists and they were also called what?

5. Who founded Plymouth and where?

Puritans and Religious Government

In Massachusetts

6. Why was the Massachusetts Bay colony established? Who founded it?

7. Why is religion a basis of the government in the Massachusetts Bay Colony? Who can vote in this government?

8. What sins were punishable in the puritan government?

9. Why were family values important in the Puritan government compared to the

Jamestown colony?

Dissent in the Massachusetts Bay Colony

10. Explain two controversial views expressed by Roger Willams.

11. Why was Anne Hutchinson vanished from the Massachusetts Bay colony?

King Philip’s War

12. How did Native Americans view land treaties by Europeans? Who did it differ from the European view?

13. What were the conflicts between the Wampanog and Puritians?

14. Why did Metacom, also known as King Philip to the English, ultimately lost the war between the Puritans? Likewise, at what expense did the Puritans sacrifice to win the war?

Chapter 2: Sec. 4: Settlement of the Middle Colonies Essential Questions

Dutch and New Netherland

1. Who was the explorer that sailed up the Hudson River in 1609 under the Dutch?

2. In 1621, which company did the Dutch government granted the right to colonize New


3. New Amsterdam will eventually become know as ___________________.

4. What were the characteristics of the colony of New Netherland?

5. Why and how did the English take New Netherland from the Dutch government in


William Penn, Quakers and Pennsylvania

6. Describe the characteristics of the Quakers.

7. What rights and government did William Penn give his colonists in Pennsylvania also known as his “holy experiment?”

8. How did Penn’s attitudes and actions toward the Native Americans differ from those of the Puritans?

9. Why did Penn needed to attract new settlers of farmers, builders, and traders from

Western Europe? Which group of Europeans particularly settled in Penn’s colony?

10. What principle of Penn did the minority of Quakers broke?

11. Describe the principles that William Penn had in colonizing Pennsylvanian and that would eventually become fundamental values of the new American nation.

The Colonies of Maryland, North and South Carolina, and Georgia

12. Explain how Maryland, North and South Carolina, and Georgia were colonized.
