WRCETLE Curriculum Development Funding

WRCETLE Curriculum Development Funding
Invitation to bid for Enterprise Curriculum Development Project Funds.
The White Rose Centre for Excellence in Teaching and Learning in Enterprise (WRCETLE ) is
offering funding of up to £10,000 to support the development of enterprise activities in modules
and programmes, and to develop full modules, at undergraduate and postgraduate level.
Typically the funding will cover the development of course material and some teaching support
including staff training. The objective is to establish enterprise oriented learning with students that
is made sustainable through embedding in programmes at all levels. Support is not available for
one off, independent events, for example bringing in external speakers. Projects are especially
invited from Social Sciences, Arts and Humanities departments, although proposals from all parts
of the University will be considered.
The emphasis of all proposals must be on the introduction of aspects of enterprise or
entrepreneurship into module(s) that will be taught annually. Joint proposals from more than one
department or between departments of the same discipline within the White Rose Consortium are
particularly welcome.
Please contact David Bulmer, d.bulmer@leeds.ac.uk for advice on developing project proposals.
Application deadline dates are 30 September, 30 January and 30 May. The Director can advise
on bids at anytime, and may seek approval from the Steering Group at other times if this is
Applications are considered by the WRCETLE Steering Group.
Funding Guidelines – the following is offered to help applicants to cost a bid:
Generally 10k funds a 10 credit module, parts of modules are funded pro rata, but each aspect
must be costed transparently
Academic day rates £200. Generally used for training, conference attendance, and to pay post
grads to cover teaching duties.
Independent consultant day rates £200-£300 per day. Postgraduates / Research Fellows at their
grade rate.
It is preferable to specify a rate for the task rather than to offer a per diem.
Room hire charges at cost. Please note that Enterprise Zone rooms should be used free of
charge where possible. Project officers working on material development may be offered a desk
in the Enterprise Zone.
Publication / printing at cost.
Travel at cost.
Training events for staff to develop their skills to deliver curriculum innovations (workshops and
conferences) at cost.
Dissemination at conferences in UK and Leeds Enternet come from the day rate, or may be
separately specified.
No overheads.
No equipment purchase. The Enterprise Zone has some items that can be loaned to specific
projects, e.g. laptops.
WRCETLE Curriculum Development Funding Bid
1. Project Title:
2. Project management:
Project Leader:
Contact details:
Additional people:
Total Bid £……………….………….
Date ……………………….
3. Context
3.1 Applicant’s previous experience with enterprise and related learning
3.2 Current relevant departmental activity
3.3 Project summary
3.4 Nature of learning materials to be created – (tutorial, project based, whole or part module,
case study. Please include module codes and module credits where relevant)
4. Specific competences or learning outcomes addressed by the project. Following
participation in the proposed project activities, students will have:
5 Project plan and work programme, please provide a Gant chart with milestones.
Scope project
Develop materials
Trial with students
Revise and finalise
Upload curriculum docs to
CETLE website and submit
final report
Dissemination at conference
June 09
JanMarch 09
Oct – Dec
(Example Gant chart format, please adapt to fit your project.)
June –
Sept 08
6. Resources required. Please be specific about the costs (staff costs, materials,
dissemination events, etc …) in relation to each of the activities that will be delivered. This needs
to be detailed and transparent.
7 Evaluation and Dissemination strategy. How will your project results and outcomes be
evaluated with students and shared with the wider community? Copies of teaching materials
and activities must be lodged with the WRCETLE where they will become part of the White Rose
archive and accessible from other Universities. Presentations at Leeds and national workshops,
conferences, Subject Centre and HE Academy events, and journal publications are expected to
contribute to dissemination.
8 Supporting Statement from School or Institute where materials will be delivered. Normally
from the Director Learning and Teaching, or Head of School. This should indicate: that the
School is prepared to support the applicant and the process; that the learning materials to be
developed will be used as described in the modules and/or programmes proposed; and that the
time scales involved are acceptable. Please note that funding is paid 50% in advance and 50%
on completion of the project. Completion is the point where copies of the teaching and learning
materials are accepted for uploading to the website together with the final report.
Head of School …………………………………………………………… Date………………….
Applicant …………………………………………………………………… Date………………….
Please return this form electronically to p.e.kneale@leeds.ac.uk, and send a signed
version to Professor Pauline Kneale, Director, White Rose CETL Enterprise Zone,
University of Leeds, 4 Springfield Mount, Leeds LS2 9ND