NZQA Approved Internal assessment resource Latin 2.5A v2 for Achievement Standard 91198 PAGE FOR TEACHER USE Internal Assessment Resource Latin Level 2 This resource supports assessment against: Achievement Standard 91198 version 2 Interpret Latin in current use Resource title: Ludistatio Latina — A Latin Playstation: Latin in the modern world 3 credits This resource: Clarifies the requirements of the standard Supports good assessment practice Should be subjected to the school’s usual assessment quality assurance process Should be modified to make the context relevant to students in their school environment and ensure that submitted evidence is authentic Date version published by Ministry of Education February 2015 Version 2 Quality assurance status These materials have been quality assured by NZQA. To support internal assessment from 2015 NZQA Approved number: A-A-02-2015-91198-02-5565 Authenticity of evidence Teachers must manage authenticity for any assessment from a public source, because students may have access to the assessment schedule or student exemplar material. Using this assessment resource without modification may mean that students’ work is not authentic. The teacher may need to change figures, measurements or data sources or set a different context or topic to be investigated or a different text to read or perform. This resource is copyright © Crown 2015 Page 1 of 7 Internal assessment resource Latin 2.5A v2 for Achievement Standard 91198 PAGE FOR TEACHER USE Internal Assessment Resource Achievement Standard Latin 91198: Interpret Latin in current use Resource reference: Latin 2.5A v2 Resource title: Ludistatio Latina — A Latin Playstation: Latin in the modern world Credits: 3 Teacher guidelines The following guidelines are designed to ensure that teachers can carry out valid and consistent assessment using this internal assessment resource. Teachers need to be very familiar with the outcome being assessed by the Achievement Standard Latin 91198. The achievement criteria and the explanatory notes contain information, definitions, and requirements that are crucial when interpreting the standard and assessing students against it. Context/setting This assessment activity requires students to thoroughly interpret Latin in current use. Students will read an appropriate text of modern Latin. The text must include names of places, verbs, concepts or nouns that were not in use in the ancient world. Appropriate sources include: websites in modern Latin, such as – YLE Radio 1 – Ephemeris books in modern Latin, such as – Harrius Potter et Philosphi Lapis / et Camera Secretorum / et Captivus Azkabani – Winnie Ille Pu / Domus Anguli Puensis – Alicia in Terra Mirabili / Transitus per Speculum – Tintin, Insula Nigra / Sigaris Pharaonis – Tela Charlottae. Assign students a particular text, and working collaboratively as a class, translate an initial extract of the text together during a preparatory lesson. Identify a selection of words or phrases from the extract, of either invented Latin or Latin words whose usage differs from its classical meaning. Analyse and discuss how the author has used classical Latin word(s) or invented Latin words to interpret a modern word, name or concept, and evaluate the appropriateness and effectiveness of each interpretation. Students will then work individually, either continuing with the text you have initially analysed in class or choosing a suitable text of their own. They should collate a list of ten modern Latin words or phrases from their chosen text, but they must not include This resource is copyright © Crown 2015 Page 2 of 7 Internal assessment resource Latin 2.5A v2 for Achievement Standard 91198 PAGE FOR TEACHER USE any examples already analysed and discussed in the preparatory lesson. Students should reflect upon how and why the meaning of the classical Latin word has changed, or identify how the author has combined classical Latin words to invent a new word, phrase or concept. They should also evaluate the suitability and effectiveness of each of their selected words or phrases. You may advise students whose work is in progress on whether a chosen name or word will allow sufficient analysis to gain full credit (e.g. a simple Latinised form of a proper name is unlikely to allow much opportunity for analysis and evaluation). Conditions This assessment task will take place over two weeks of in- and out-of-class time. Students should work initially in their full class, with teacher assistance, when analysing the initial extract. However, their written assessment should be completed individually. Refer to the Conditions for Assessment for Level 2 NCEA Latin Standards. Resource requirements Resources may include classroom notes, grammar references, word lists, dictionaries, and material from libraries, the media, and the Internet. Additional Information None. This resource is copyright © Crown 2015 Page 3 of 7 Internal assessment resource Latin 2.5A v2 for Achievement Standard 91198 PAGE FOR STUDENT USE Internal Assessment Resource Achievement Standard Latin 91198: Interpret Latin in current use Resource reference: Latin 2.5A v2 Resource title: Ludistatio Latina — A Latin Playstation: Latin in the modern world Credits: 3 Achievement Interpret Latin in current use. Achievement with Merit Interpret Latin in current use clearly. Achievement with Excellence Interpret Latin in current use thoroughly. Student instructions Introduction This assessment activity requires you to interpret Latin in current use. You will use your linguistic and cultural knowledge to extract and explain the meaning and significance of Latin words found in a modern text. The assessment task is to be completed over two weeks in- and out-of-class time. Preparatory Activity: Translate and discuss an extract from a modern Latin text Read an extract of a modern Latin text chosen by your teacher together as a class. Translate as much of the text as you can. Use your knowledge of classical Latin to make “educated guesses” about the meanings of modern Latin words. Your teacher will help you with words which are post-classical. Discuss how the author / translator has changed the meaning of classical Latin words or combined classical words to form invented words, in order to successfully translate modern names, words or concepts. Task: Interpret, analyse and evaluate modern Latin words and phrases Work individually to select a list of ten modern Latin words or phrases from your chosen text. You may continue from the extract you have translated and analysed together in class or you may choose a different text. The words and phrases you choose must not include any words or phrases analysed and discussed together as a class. For each modern Latin word or phrase you have selected, complete the following: Use a Latin dictionary to write down the full principal parts and classical meaning(s) of the word or (or words if it is a phrase or a compound of more than one word). Provide an extensive range of English derivatives that come from the Latin word(s). This resource is copyright © Crown 2015 Page 4 of 7 Internal assessment resource Latin 2.5A v2 for Achievement Standard 91198 PAGE FOR STUDENT USE Contrast the classical meaning of each word or words with the changed or adapted meaning in the modern Latin text. Write a short paragraph which evaluates the modern use of the word or words, reflecting upon any changes of meaning, and suggesting how the modern use/invention is a fair/just/appropriate change or adaptation of the original Latin words. Link the word(s) in its modern context to the word(s) in its classical context. Support your explanation with examples from classical Latin texts of the word(s) used in its classical context. Translate these examples. You may use a suitably detailed Latin dictionary to source this information. All Latin evidence and translations should be appropriate and unambiguous. Resources You may refer to your classroom notes, grammar references, word lists, dictionaries, and material from libraries, the media, and the Internet. This resource is copyright © Crown 2015 Page 5 of 7 Internal assessment resource Latin 2.5A v2 for Achievement Standard 91198 PAGE FOR TEACHER USE Assessment schedule: Latin 91198 Ludistatio Latina — A Latin Playstation: Latin in the modern world Evidence/Judgements for Achievement Evidence/Judgements for Achievement with Merit The student has interpreted Latin in current use. The student has used knowledge of language and of linguistic and socio-cultural contexts to extract and explain the meaning and significance of Latin words, phrases, images, and ideas and how they link from the past to today. The student has interpreted clearly, Latin in current use. The student has: The student has interpreted thoroughly, Latin in current use. The student has: used knowledge of language and of linguistic and socio-cultural contexts to extract and explain the meaning and significance of Latin words, phrases, images, and ideas and how they link from the past to today. used knowledge of language and of linguistic and socio-cultural contexts to extract and explain the meaning and significance of Latin words, phrases, images, and ideas and how they link from the past to today expanded on particular points. fully expanded on particular points The student has: included some principal parts of Latin words and relevant meanings provided some English derivatives where possible explained how the modern Latin word has changed in meaning from its classical meaning. aeriportibus > aeriportus, –us M., airport aer, air + portus, port derivatives: air, aerial; port, airport. included most principal parts of Latin words and relevant meanings supported answers with evidence using Latin references/quotations from resources provided a wide range of English derivatives where possible provided an English explanation for Latin references/quotations used appropriate and unambiguous Latin evidence. The student has: An extract from possible student response: When combined, they form a new noun that was an unknown concept in the classical world. Evidence/Judgements for Achievement with Excellence clearly explained how the modern Latin word has changed in meaning from its classical meaning The student has: clearly justified whether the new meaning is fair/just/appropriate, linking each word in its modern context to the word in its classical context. included full principal parts of Latin words and relevant meanings provided an extensive range of English derivatives where possible thoroughly explained how the modern Latin word has changed in meaning from its classical meaning thoroughly justified whether the new meaning is fair/just/appropriate, linking each word in its modern context to the word in its classical context supported explanations and justifications with evidence using Latin references/quotations from resources. An extract from a possible student response: aeriportibus > aeriportus, –us M., airport aer, aeris M., air + portus, –us M., harbour, port derivatives: air, aerate, aerial, aerobatic, aerodynamic; port, seaport, airport. The meanings of the two classical Latin words which make up the modern word have not changed, but when combined, they form a new This resource is copyright © Crown 2015 Page 6 of 7 Internal assessment resource Latin 2.5A v2 for Achievement Standard 91198 PAGE FOR TEACHER USE noun that was an unknown concept in the classical world. The modern Latin word is an appropriate adaptation of the classical Latin words, because when combined with aer it extends the meaning of portus, being a haven or harbour for ships of the oceans, to being a haven or harbour for ships of the air, i.e. airplanes. An extract from a possible student response: aeriportibus > aeriportus, –us M., airport aer, aeris M., air, sky + portus, –us M., harbour, port, haven derivatives: air, aerate, aerial, aerobatic, aerodrome, aerodynamic, aerosol; port, seaport, airport, spaceport. The meanings of the two classical Latin words which make up the modern word have not changed, but when combined, they form a new noun that was an unknown concept in the classical world. The modern Latin word is an appropriate adaptation of the classical Latin words, because when combined with aer it extends the meaning of portus, being originally a haven or harbour for ships of the oceans, to being a haven or harbour for ships of the air, i.e. airplanes. Using such compounds (combinations of two or more words) was common even in Roman times, following the Greek tendency to run words together to formulate a new word. Portus was not exclusively used in classical Latin to refer to naval harbours and was used metaphorically e.g. portus corporis (Cicero) – “harbour of the body” or in its earlier meaning of just an entrance of any kind. Final grades will be decided using professional judgement based on a holistic examination of the evidence provided against the criteria in the Achievement Standard. This resource is copyright © Crown 2015 Page 7 of 7