1 Advanced Grammar and Composition FREN 3313 T-Th 10.00-11.30 am PGH 313 Marylise Caussinus, Ph.D. Office hours: T-Th 11.30 am- 2.30 pm AH 424 marylisecaussinus@yahoo.com 713-743-3034 (leave a message on Dr. Brady’s voicemail) Class policy Contents and objectives of the course: The objective of this course is for the students to become familiar with descriptive and analytic French grammar and fully understand its structures and mechanisms. Students will be expected to be prepared for each class, using the theoretical sections of the book as a starting point. Frequent exercises will be given so that the students can put the theory into practice. Remember, do not get discouraged by the -sometimes unexpectedgrammatical rules: practice makes perfect! Comprehensive tests will be administered every 3 chapters. Everyone is expected to take the final exam. Materials used : Textbook: La Grammaire á l’oeuvre. John Barson. Thomson & Heinle (5e édition). Attendance and other classroom instructions: Considering the fact that the class only meets twice a week, it is recommended that the students attend every session. Any absence has to be justified and please be considerate enough to give me a fair warning if you plan on being absent. You can contact me at any time via email or leave a message on my voice mail. Students are expected to be on time and only justified absences will be accepted throughout the semester. After 5 absences, points will be taken off of the participation grade. Also, all assignments must be turned in on time. No late assignments will be accepted. The classroom is a place where respect is expected from everyone, so students are encouraged to behave accordingly. No lack of respect towards the professor or one’s classmates will be accepted. Cell phones in class and talking during class will NOT be tolerated. Also, it is very rude in France to keep one’s hat on in an office or in a classroom. Chewing gum and eating food are disruptive to any educational setting. Evaluation : Participation Preparation Tests Final 25% 25% 25% 25% 2 Grading scale : 100-90 89-80 79-70 69-60 Below 60 A B C D F Academic honesty: Cheating, plagiarism and overall academic dishonesty will not be tolerated and will be sanctioned by a final grade of F. Special instructions: Any student with a disability preventing the fullest expression of abilities should contact the instructor as soon as possible so as to discuss appropriate accommodations to complete the course requirements. 3 Tentative calendar Janvier 2006 Mardi 17 présentation du cours Jeudi 19 révision des modes et des temps Mardi 24 chapitre 1 : présent et impératif Jeudi 26 chapitre 1 (suite) Mardi 31 chapitre 2 : narration au passé Février Jeudi 2 suite du chapitre 2 Mardi 7 suite et fin du chapitre 2 Jeudi 9 chapitre 3 : interrogation Mardi 14 EXAMEN 1 (CHAPITRES 1, 2 ET 3) Jeudi 16 chapitre 4 : futur et conditionnel Mardi 21 suite du chapitre 4 Jeudi 23 suite et fin du chapitre 4 Mardi 28 chapitre 5 : déterminants Mars Jeudi 2 chapitre 6 : pronoms Mardi 7 chapitre 6 (suite et fin) Jeudi 9 EXAMEN 2 (CHAPITRES 4, 5 ET 6) Mardi 14 et jeudi 16 vacances Mardi 21 chapitre 7 : verbes pronominaux Jeudi 23 chapitre 7 (suite et fin) 4 Mardi 28 chapitre 8 : négation Jeudi 30 chapitre 10 : subjonctif Avril Mardi 4 chapitre 10 (suite et fin) Jeudi 6 EXAMEN 3 (CHAPITRES 7, 8 ET 10) Mardi 11 chapitre 11 Jeudi 13 chapitre 11 (suite et fin) Mardi 18 chapitre 12 : discours indirect Jeudi 20 chapitre 12 (suite et fin) Mardi 25 EXAMEN 4 (chapitres 11 et 12) Jeudi 27 dernier jour de classe