Kansas Sunflower Application Last Revision: October 2003 To be considered for the Kansas Sunflower Award, this application must be postmarked no later than May 15th. Return to: Your State President OBJECTIVE To develop more effective DMA chapter organizations and to recognize the districts which have met the necessary requirements. SCOPE The scope of the program includes recognition of the district’s efforts to effectively network among members, promote professional development of members and conduct its affairs in a sound business manner. ELIGIBILITY The period covered shall be the association’s program year, which is September 1 through May 31. The application is sent every spring to the president-elect who will have several months to review the application before his/her term begins. When the president-elect is installed as president for the district in the fall, he/she will be responsible for submitting the award application to the state president the following June. If the president-elect is not assuming the office of president, he/she must make sure that the president has all the necessary materials and documents to complete the submission of the award application. INSTRUCTIONS 1. You must return this application with the proper documentation, labeled to ensure accuracy in judging. Omission of any required information will be calculated as zero points earned. Please send the original copy of your application in a neatly complied report cover to your state president. Entries must be postmarked no later than May 15th. 2. Follow the order of the application checklist, which will ensure an accurate evaluation of your entry. Utilize the checklist to help eliminate omitting crucial documentation. Keep it simple and concise. 3. If any information does not fit in the space allotted, please attach a separate sheet of paper noting which checklist item you are referring to. Please be sure to note which question is being answered. If answers do not correspond to questions in the application, no points will be awarded for that answer. 4. Contact the appropriate officers to obtain specific information (i.e. budgets, bylaw revisions, etc.). 5. Recognition of districts earning the fall DMA conference. A plaque will be presented to the district president or a representative appointed by the president of the winning district. 6. After evaluation, the materials will be returned to the submitting officer, along with the notification of successful completion. 7. Any discrepancy appeals shall be reviewed by the State President (or his/her designee). -2- District DMA _______________________________________________ President____________________ Date Submitted ________________ Period beginning September 1st and ending May 15th. DISTRICT MEMBERSHIP DATA Beginning September 1 Total DMA Including student Members for your district Ending May 15th ____________ ____________ Please print the name of the individual to contact with questions on this application and for notification purposes. You may use either the facility or home address. Name _____________________________________________________________ Title ______________________________________________________________ Facility Name _______________________________________________________ Facility Address _____________________________________________________ City __________________________ State ________________ Zip ___________ Home Address ______________________________________________________ City _________________________ State __________________ Zip __________ Telephone ____/__________________(Business) _____/____________________ Telephone ____/__________________ (Home) ______/_____________________ E-mail address ______________________________________________________ (If your address is a PO Box, please include a street address so the award can be shipped back via UPS.) - 3 - CHECKLIST OF REQUIRED DOCUMENTATION For Kansas Sunflower Award Provide The Following Documents or Answers For Each Section By May 15th Section A – Administration 10 pts. 1. District goals due to President by October 1 10 pts. 2. Documentation of goal achievement. 10 pts. 3. A copy of the current district policy and procedure manual and bylaws are submitted to state. These items must be reviewed annually. If revisions are made, submit new documents with this application. State will use them as master copies for the file. 10 pts. 4. A copy of your district budget due to President by November 1. 10 pts. 5. A completed officer reporting form listing the officers, committee chairs for the current year due to President by July 1. 5 pts. 6. A list of fund raising programs and the purpose of each program. 5 pts. 7. Include the newsletter that published the report of your financial status. 20 pts. 8. Is your treasurer bonded? Yes ______ No _________ 3 pts. 9. If not, does your bank account require two signatures? Yes ____ No ____ (For questions 8 & 9, you will receive 20 points if you are bonded OR 3 points if you are not bonded but do require two signatures OR no points if you do neither.) 10 pts. 10. When was your professional audit completed? ________ Please submit paperwork from your professional audit. 10 pts. 11. Do you promote/participate in national surveys, including chapter surveys, salary survey and other surveys throughout the year (if you have participated, you do not need to send another copy of surveys that were completed during the year)? Yes __ No __ TOTAL POINTS POSSIBLE: - 83/100 TOTAL POINTS EARNED: ________ 4 - Section – B – Communication/Public Relations 10 pts. 1. How many newsletters does your district publish during the year? _______ (Please submit at least one with this application.) 10 pts. 2. What is your district doing to encourage attendance at the national meeting and state chapter meetings? * (attach another sheet if necessary; attach and mark accordingly any appropriate samples.) ________________________ ____________________________________________ 10 pts. 3. In what ways do you promote certification within your district and/or encourage members to take the credentialing examination?*(attach another sheet if necessary; attach and mark according nay appropriate samples)______________________________________ _____________________________________________ 10 pts. 4. In what ways has your district tried to improve administrator awareness of DMA and influence participation or support?*(attach another sheet if necessary; attach and mark accordingly any appropriate samples)______________________________________ _____________________________________________ 10 pts. 5. What projects have been organized to promote DMA to the public, including Pride in Food Service Week and other activities?*(attach another sheet if necessary; attach and mark accordingly any appropriate samples)________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ 10 pts. 6. How do you communicate within your board of directors (check all the apply)? (Include samples of board meeting agendas, minutes, and announcements of board meetings attach and mark accordingly any appropriate samples) Phone ____ Fax ____ Mail ____ E-Mail ____ 5 pts. 7. Does your district have a banner? Yes ____ No ____ If so, how is it used?*____________________________ _____________________________________________ TOTAL POSSIBLE POINTS: 75 TOTAL POINTS EARNED ______ - 5 Section C – Education 10 pts. 1. How do you promote your district meetings? ________________ Note: Send a copy of your promotional materials to your state president at the same time you mail it to your members. 10 pts. (five points for each meeting) 2. When did you mail your promotional material to your members? Fall _________________ Spring __________________ When was your meeting? Fall __________ Spring ___________ 5 pts. 3. What criteria are used to determine meeting sites?* ___________ ___________________________________________________ 10 pts. 4. How are the results of the meeting evaluation forms used?* (Include the evaluation form with this application; attach and Mark accordingly any appropriate samples) ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ 10 pts. 5. What guidelines do you follow when you are selecting speakers?* ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ 20 pts. 6. How do you recognize new members and first timers at your Meetings? * _________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ 5 pts. 7. Identify one program topic for your spring or fall conference that was selected and how it benefited your membership.__________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ 20 pts. 8. Are your newly elected officers/new volunteers participating in a Training/orientation program offered by the state? Yes ______ No _______ 10 pts. 9. What steps have you taken to gather vendor support?* (attach and Mark accordingly any appropriate samples) _________________ ___________________________________________________ TOTAL POSSIBLE POINTS: 100 TOTAL POINTS EARNED: ______ - 6 Section D – Membership 25 pts. 1. Indicate which of the following methods you have used to contact students. Include any methods that are not listed that you do use. a. Send invitations to attend meetings ______ b. Add students to the newsletter mailing list. ______ c. Offer special student rates at meetings. ______ d. Promote student membership and benefits. ______ e. Recognize students attending a meeting. ______ (To receive points, you must submit samples for a-e, including letters sent to student members-mark accordingly any appropriate samples) 25 pts. 2. Indicate which of the following methods you have used to contact new or prospective members. Include any methods that are not listed that you do use. a. Send an invitation to join DMA. _________ b. Six month follow up contact for those who have not yet joined ____ c. Invite to meetings ____ d. Recognize those who attend the meeting _____ (To receive points, you must submit samples for a-e, including letters to prospective members-mark accordingly any appropriate samples.) 20 pts. 3. Summarize the results of your contact with former members who have dropped their membership.* (To receive points, you must submit samples, mark accordingly any appropriate samples.) 10 pts. 4. How many volunteers did you have serving in your district this year? ________ 20 pts. 5. Develop a means for members to supply input or ideas to the executive board (president, president-elect, secretary and treasurer) Submit a sample and mark accordingly. TOTAL POINTS POSSIBLE: 100 TOTAL POINTS EARNED: ____ - 7 Section E – Government Affairs 10 pts. 1. Does your District spokesperson attend State Impact Team meetings? Yes _____ No _____ The duties of the Impact Team are to carry out the government affairs goals of the district. ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ 10 pts. 2. Has the Spokesperson, with his/her Impact Team, developed issues and/or goals for the team? (Submit goals and mark accordingly) Yes _____ No _____ 10 pts. 3. Have these issues been approved by the district board? Yes _____ No _____ TOTAL POSSIBLE POINTS: 30 TOTAL POINTS EARNED: _________ MINIMUM REQUIRED POINTS: 200 TOTAL POINTS EARNED: _________ COMMENTS BY JUDGE: __________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ Sunflower Award - 8 - Coincides with State Achievement Award to offer the President opportunity to earn the SAA for our State. Section A-Administration 100 points possible 6, 7, 8, 10 and 11 53 points minimum Section B-Communication 75 points possible 1 and 4 55 points minimum Section C-Education 100 points possible 2 and 8 70 points minimum Section D-Membership 100 points possible 1 and 2 50 points minimum Section E-Government Affairs 30 points possible 2 and 3 10 points minimum 405 points possible 238 excluding the above mentioned requirements 200 should be minimum required to earn the Sunflower Award