Faculty Guidelines for Grading Clinical Year Students

Faculty Guidelines for Grading Clinical Year Students
Grades assigned of first submission of write-ups only
Week 1
Logon to the LHUP PA Program Portal and select the faculty Tab
On left hand navigation bar select Advisees and review the students you are responsible for
Send them an email indicating that you are their advisor and describe your expectations for
them during the clinical year.
Make sure they have connectivity and can get to the various sites (eCampus at
http://www.lhup.net, and the Students -> Clinical Year tab at http://gradprograms.lhup.edu/pa)
By Thursday or Friday check their postcards and make sure they are complete online (if you have
not received them via email by then send them a reminder and make a mental note)
Check the fax for their goals and objectives sheet
By Sunday Night you should have received an email with a link to their online journals…review
Review online journals
Review write-ups and case reports by going either to the Student Uploads page or the Advisees
page and select folders
Select clinical folder then the appropriate rotation folder
Students have been instructed to name their documents as follows: (snameR1H&P4_28_08)
Download their assignments to your machine, grade in track changes mode, then use Save-As to
rename the document by adding “graded” to the end of the original file name (so it would be:
snameR1H&P4_28_08graded ). Then upload the document back to the student’s upload folder
on the website.
All Assignments are due Sunday at the end of week 4
Week 5
Week 6
Finish grading assignments (grades should be assigned on first submission)
Notify students of re-submits
Upload copies of the re-submitted best H&P, Long Term Care, Pre-Natal, Pediatric Notes
into the Portfolio folder when you are satisfied with their work
Send student advisees a reminder to :
o Bring their grading cover sheets and write-ups from clinic with them on PA days
o Bring Their preceptor evaluation with them on PA days
o Complete their preceptor evaluation forms online
Collect Student materials
Complete grade assignment sheet
Check with Anna Mae or Walt for quiz and rotation exam grades
Dr. O’Hara-Mayes will send out points for EBM to be entered
Assign Rotation Grade using the sheet attached…Use the following grade adjustment guidelines
to adjust point values for professionalism and behavioral issues:
o Assign factor of 1.1- Truly outstanding, always professional, prompt, courteous, timely
with assignments, and high quality work
o Assign factor of 1.0- Solid Student, Prompt and courteous, needs no reminders for
assignments, routinely gets back to email
o Assign Factor of .90- Occasional late assignments, sometimes tardy on responding to
emails or requests by faculty supervisor
o Assign Factor of .85-routinely late for assignments does not respond promptly to emails,
absences noted without notifying faculty advisor/program
Effect on Grades
If a student is assigned 440 points (A) the following represents the factoring affect
1.1=484 points- remains an A
1.0 =400 point-remains an A
.90=396 points-grade is now B
.85=352 grade is now a C+
Complete the rotation/preceptorship grading sheet located at
Submit Grades to CARS Using web portal entry (requires CARS ID/Password)
If the student is registered for a course other than what is listed assign an incomplete and
notify Academic Coordinator
Please send a copy of all rotation grades to Academic and Clinical Coordinator