Assignments and Grading The Effect of Grades Before Grades After Grades The Grading Problem • No Standards You have to set the standards You are responsible for your own grading Assignments and Exams • Should link to course objectives Should allow you to see whether students are meeting goals • Make a Course Calendar Check exams and assignments against objectives • Offer assignment variety • Have writing assignments Exam test questions Two column – problem solution in column 1, explanation in column 2 • Be Creative – maybe give a taste of professional life May need to break large assignments into chunks • Include precise instructions Example of Creative Assignments • • • • • • • • • • • • • Advertisement Briefing paper or “white paper” Budget with rationale Client report for an agency Court brief Diary of a fictional or real historical character Executive summary Instructional manual Letter to the editor Regulations, laws, rules Research proposal addressed to a granting agency Review of book, play, exhibit Taxonomy of set of categories Make sure you give precise instructions Late Work • Penalties o Give them a taste of professional life • No Penalties o Assignments should be learning experiences, not performances • Year 1 – establish a policy and stick to it • Year 2 – revisit your policy Evaluating Assignments • Save the pen o Announce common errors in class and not on each students paper o You may be able to simply give a number or letter on the paper • Make a rubric o o o o o Establishes priorities – might even help your teaching Tends to make grading consistent Saves time Share the rubric with the students Let experience guide rubric revisions Assigning Grades • DON’T CURVE o Traditionally a curve is to establish the numbers of A’s, B’s, etc. by some standard, like the normal curve • What is all students deserve an A? o Today many students mean “give me points I haven’t earned” Letter Grades • How many divisions are there? o Here we use A, B, C, D, F o Assign each division a point value (F = 0, D = 1, C= 2, B = 3, A = 4) • Next assign weights to the assignments o Tests (Three) o Papers (Two) o Presentation 50% (15%, 15%, 20%) 40% (20%, 20%) 10% • Sarah gets the following grades o Tests: B, C, B o Papers: C, C o Presentations: B Letter Grades (cont’d) • Convert to numerical value o Tests: 3, 2, 3 o Papers: 2, 2 o Presentation: 3 • Apply weights o o o o o Tests: .15*3; .15*2; .20*3 .45; .30; .60 Sum = 1.35 Papers: .20*2; .20*2 .40; .40 Sum .80 Presentation: .10*3 .30 Net sum is 2.45 Convert back into a letter grade (round down to C or round up to B) Total Points • Generate a scale (say we assign a total of 1000 pts) o o o o o A B C D F 900 – 1000 800 – 890 700 – 790 600 – 690 < 600 • Assign points/assignment o Tests: 150, 150, 200 o Papers: 200, 200 o Presentation: 100 • Just add up total points and consult the conversion table. • Having so many points allows for fine divisions Norm’s System Lecture % of Lecture % of Course Exams (equally weighted) 75 52.5 D2L Review Quizzes 10 7.5 MA Homework 10 7.5 Participation 10 7.5 Lab Exercises % of Lab % of Course 75 18.75 25 6.25 (11 labs + Obs.) Lab Final A 90 – 105 B 80 – 89 C 70 – 79 D 60 – 69 F < 60 Summary Total value Letters/ Percentages Points earned (Raw) Grade earned Test l 15% Test 2 15% Final exam 20% Paper 1 20% Paper 2 20% Presentation 10% 6 7 3 9 8 6 .9 B 1.05 B+ .6 C 1.8 A 1.6 A- .6 B Final grade 6.55 B to B+ Total value Total Points: Amount 1000 earned Grade earned 150 150 200 200 200 100 127 132 148 190 182 85 = 864 B B+ C A A B B to B+ Total value Total Points: Amount 100 earned Grade earned 15 15 20 20 20 10 13 13 15 19 18 8.5 = 86.5 B/B+ B/B+ C A A- B B to B+ Notes • Grading should support learning not justifying your grade • Make grading transparent • Comments on paper should be constructive • Return work promptly